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I couldn't breathe
     The scent of flowers
  Without your presence
          In my mind
      A rose by any other name
             Is still just fine
    But the aroma is lost to me
        It's no longer sweet
             Like your face
     Has drifted away
          Awaiting the sunshine
   And new blossoms
            On a rainy day
I'm a passerby
     On this road of life
    Sleeping all day
        Zombie by night
  No purpose
      No reason
           No rhyme
   In this winter season
       The only thing
     I want to find
          Is a quiet
  Lonely place
To slowly waste away
To be the reason you breathe

Your every thought
Your every dream
Your purpose in life
Would be the reason I breathe

To be what makes you believe

Your reason for living
Your reason for smiling
Your motivation for existing
Would be what makes me believe

To be the one you depend on

Your rock when you need to lean
Your shoulder when you need to cry
Your soft place to land, when life's too hard
Would be the only thing I could depend on

To be the one who helps you feel strong

Your innocence when it doesn't belong
Your heart when yours breaks in two
Your soul when it's shattered too
Would be what makes me feel strong

**and of all these things
To breathe and believe
To depend on, to feel strong
I only need you
To feel that I belong
and in place of the love
        that once filled my heart
there is now only glass shards
        tearing my insides apart

and in place of the good
         that once was seen in my eyes
there is now only hatred
          fueling my demise

and in place of the innocence
          that once filled my soul
there is now only memories
         capturing me like a black hole

and in place of the happiness
         that once filled my core
there is now only sadness
        stealing my life forevermore

**brokenness can't be fixed,  
     it's not like it was
 Feb 2015 David W Clare
Just Melz
It can only be stitched together
          with understanding
   The holes filled
               with trust
        And the missing pieces replaced
                    with love
             But a Broken Heart will always
                         remain *broken
I love you
             The way
       the sun
          the moon

Never together

       At a distance

              Always and
For a moment in time
we heard the same song

Magic and music
dancing in the air

For one magical moment
we shared a beautiful song
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