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Jun 2022 · 2.0k
UNiTY Jun 2022
Born into the darkest maze,
lost within the ruler's gaze-

Delivered at the peak of downward spin
no choice to speak, no chance to win

Going under arrows , went over my head
cannot tell direction , pull me out of bed

And when I reached the cliff at the end ?
I wondered just where else my eyes had been

Looking at the light I know it seems so hard to summit
If I climb this outward spiral, tell me will I plummet?

Fly right upward past denial, do I have the stomach?
Reflections Of Healing PTSD
Nov 2021 · 399
UNiTY Nov 2021
It's the millennium of majesties
And we up in this galaxy the malady
Of balancing

I been looking for a planet to transfer to
When I patch through better answer I'm speaking to the blue
Nov 2021 · 285
UNiTY Nov 2021
We love
We fight and we talk
We hug and make changes
We keep growing

We love
To me it's always enough
For you and I sometimes it's tough
But love is that way

I live
For the light that your eyes when I wake
Tends to give
And I Wouldn't trade , couldn't sell it
Wouldn't leave
I can spell it
l o v e

When I see you .
Nov 2021 · 125
UNiTY Nov 2021
Unmarked indigo
What am I looking forward to
Trying to balance
While keeping my eyes on you

Unfolding my arms to unleash
My feeling
Breathing being

I can feel you like a magnet whichever way you turn
Whether it's resistance or you can't resist the urge
Nov 2021 · 2.2k
UNiTY Nov 2021
Twists and turns
Learning to check my speed along each curve
So much about myself I come to find is -
actually another thing.

The little neurons , moving about
so hyperactively
that it drives me into half a day of rest

or otherwise

What have I done those moments I have impacted them
whether by a blow from the fist or the nostrils

So much has changed
no longer do I indulge in the dangers of drugs
only the safe ones that help my physical pain

Slowly learning- but not before I'm ruined , to keep my hands off myself
As not to damage what sanity I have left .

Which fortunately, Is more than I could have based on the past decade
but unfortunately, some pieces of this puzzle of a young woman are missing-

That is okay, I guess the colors in between and I scribble underneath

I play a guessing game until my loved ones remind me of the truth
When they know it

Will I Always be searching for the corners to complete it?
I really don't care much for whole complete pictures anyways
Always folding photos to hide the faces of those who wronged me, crumbling unfinished pieces of art before wondering what I could add, only to replace it with another one .

Guess it doesn't matter- though when I dig through old memories, there are some things I find that surprise me.

How much we change year to year, throughout a lifetime as people? Is it more or less person to person based on our experience?
I haven't been here in a long time . There shall be more. So much has happened since .
Mar 2020 · 342
UNiTY Mar 2020
Oh , to experience,
all I can remember ,
Oh, to hold the subconscious knowledge of all
that has passed through my life , I forget.

To wonder , or to just be oblivious,
to wander . or to search for home

Learning how to Learn again
how to accept all as a blessing in amends
smile upon any day
regarding how it went
Dec 2018 · 255
UNiTY Dec 2018
So many questions are asked
With the general idea that there is only one ultimatum
Truest answers masked
insisting theories factual to state em
Clueless trance for mass
Inflicting then steering all away them
From the history that really passed
It may not have gone by as fast
Textbooks built from lies no class
Dec 2018 · 212
UNiTY Dec 2018
Anywhere I walk
Not a soul notices
Everywhere I go
I seem to dwell within
Somehow I just know
In a different dimension

I can see the people
But they cannot see me
It is now clear
That my name is Nobody ....

Nobody with a capital "N"
When nobody loves me I go within
Then the hateful words have meaning
That only I intend
Praising just the opposite
Becomes a compliment ....
Jun 2018 · 337
Electric Nightmares
UNiTY Jun 2018
The prongs swept through my damp hair
As i plugged in the TV there was a light shock
and the blue flooded my room with a glare

I sank into the blankets
and into my head

I began to have a dream or so I perceived

Standing in front of a supermarket
In the hot sun
Waiting for my family to shop

I am watching the cars along the road, as my family's car speeds toward the interstate

Yellow lines moving beside me as i try and chase them
they never turned around

I wander down the sidewalk til i come to a small burgundy car
the windows are broken

I relax in the backseat for hours
until i pass out

I wake up and it is humid
the car is moving

Nobody is in the front seat

all of a sudden there is a steep drop and the car is pummeling down a hill into a forest of redwoods,
Crashed on the rocks

A man pulls me from the backseat

at first I feel a sense of comfort,

then his face shows, distorted, speaking ancient evil toungues

I try to grasp air and be free
next thing i remember I am awake.
Series of poems based off of my nightmares of being kidnapped ever since i was 5
Jun 2018 · 202
UNiTY Jun 2018
lean in
soft skin
heavy stare
dark sin

yellow sky
who am i
gently lie
don't say goodbye

twisted brain
i'm insane
waiting for the dawn to reign
dusk again

so lost
there's a cost
still as rocks
you had one shot

you blew it
threw it
you can't renew it
Apr 2018 · 240
Adventures in My Mind
UNiTY Apr 2018
The moon would rise into the sky with the wind,
and I would fly and cast shadows upon her face
where the magical tears flowed until embrace

I never knew where I belonged
Lost from all the things for which I longed
Found that lone can be brighter than alone
And a billion treasures lie in the silence of a place;

Gaia envelops me
Haya Griva
some things i cannot explain
and some things i must keep to myself
for life has brought me where i am
this is living in ITSelf

Oh and they say we walk these paths, friend.
but what if we stray away from the trails
of where others have dug up what was to be found
if we go somewhere in obsolete
we may not find anything at all but a footprint
do you see all of these footprints?

I will submerge into the ocean
I will plunge into the dark forests
i will find the things the eye would not yet beleive
and show it to the few people
who could really see
Mar 2018 · 306
UNiTY Mar 2018
I said I was going for a smoke
But little did she know
I wasn't coming back
Left the door unlocked
Ran away real fast
Now I'm in another state
Watching the time pass
Too fast
And too slow
Boredom and fear , slowly grow
But the love is growing faster
And stronger than ever
That's what matters
The point of the endeavor
Mar 2018 · 283
It's Not That Hard
UNiTY Mar 2018
It's not that hard to say goodbye
when you know its really only
see you later
But the problem with that
is though we may promise
life may not be in favor
of all of the things
we've set in stone

I must have faith
in the feet that would walk
if they had no other way

for my feet would walk the same
and i have faith in them

so why should i not have faith
in the footsteps
of someone who has tread longer trails
worn deeper shoes

i should
always have faith
that one day when those footsteps
fade into the sunset
that they shall return
a smile upon the face
of that soul
who has been near and far
and in between

If it is such a long distance
but such a short distance
for those who feel love
we should walk
side by side
until we meet again
Mar 2018 · 252
UNiTY Mar 2018
Will you always love me
Will I see you every day
Will you ever tell me
If I'm getting in your way

Will you always want me
Do you need me in your life
Like I need for only your love
Will our feelings always thrive

Will I always make you smile
I will always walk the miles
Hoping that I bring you joy
In every moment compiled
Mar 2018 · 200
UNiTY Mar 2018
Mar 2018 · 224
UNiTY Mar 2018
Take a look at yourself
What have YOU created
Take a look at all you've done
Is it suprising that YOU made it?

All your choices, right and wrong
Don't trip on the past
YOU have learned
And you endured
YOUR future comes at last
Mar 2018 · 235
In The Depths : Love
UNiTY Mar 2018
We all felt love from the second we were brought into this concious life
Whether we were aware of it or not
Love will always exist in one
Even if that love is only for theselves

We all felt romance from the minute we grasped another's hand
And plunged into countless lusts and short lived feelings
Soon forgotten forever
Until we stopped searching
And found what we were so distant from

Now though I have discovered something far different
Than anything I have ever felt in this lifetime

Apon realization that any glimpse of romanceful love from my past
was utterly fakes and users and hatred and stress
fake smiles and statements of affection beautified
and that what I have now found is my defninition of true love

When you love someones toes, and the way they wiggle in their slumber,
the way they carry themselves, the positions they sit in,
the tones of their voice, all of their expressions,
their personality in all of it's aspects

Somebody could read this and call me obsessive,
really I have found my favorite piece of living art
in all of his human grace, beauty, naturalistic,
and when I find something I adore,
I intend to know every inch of that beauty,
every moment of that lifespan
because I wouldn't miss each of those
Precious, Special moments for the world

In the depths of love I venture
the water is warm and the colors are vivid
the energy is bright and sensitive to the touch
it is more amazing than anything amazing
Mar 2018 · 296
I Remember : Pt.2
UNiTY Mar 2018
The feast was grand only for those of royalty
But we sipped apon the finest ciders, wines and ales in the sky kingdom

After we watched the rich feast
We began to dance , formally.
Among the elegance
We laid our eyes apon something

Far more royal and worthy than a king himself
Three men
Not  a muskateer
No knight or servant of commons
But thrice the comedy
Thrice the song
Thrice the magic
Two jesters

Audio Alchemy! !
Mar 2018 · 215
I Remember : Pt. 1
UNiTY Mar 2018
I can still see the descent from the city in the sky where we once were long ago

Watching the children dance
Hearing the flutes and bells
Lutes and spells
The finest sounds
In spirals and circles
Round and round

Night falls slowly from dusk
As we venture to the castle
Climbed them slowly
Never to fall
Into the Jester's Ball
And I remember it all

For masquerade memories
Will never fade
But stay in my mind
Mar 2018 · 203
UNiTY Mar 2018
Who are you but the horizon
Mist in my eyes
****** at these sunset skies
When they burn crimson
And to remind me of love
Mar 2018 · 155
UNiTY Mar 2018
Every kitten is a *******

A ******* ******* I tell you

And every *******

Becomes a cat

I do say

But if you follow the cat down a rabbit hole ,

You may be the suspect of a gruesome ******.
How come I can't post this ****
Mar 2018 · 152
UNiTY Mar 2018
She is a broken record

A broken record will repeat itself,

No knowledge that you must hear this drone.

Even if you acknowledge this crack in the vinyl

It will continue to make this repetitive sound until the moment the needle is pulled away.

I mean no harm most of the time

its just hard not to place your hands upon somebody
causing you to feel so much hatred

not for themselves

but for the things they do

She is a broken typewriter

and the writer is on the last page
they will ever write

and though all of the mistakes

were only mistakes

but with keys that click and press and print

you just cant erase

that ink will always stain my skin

it wont change the way that I am a typewriter

and a record that plays on clearly

with some spots of ink

and some bumpy tracks

She is a mess

not my mess

yet sometimes

She makes her messes

then makes those messes mine

because i make my own messes

and they fit so perfectly to blame for her own

that she gets away Scot ******* free

most of the time

and i just carry these boulders
until i can drop them at the top of this mountain

only for her to push them to the base again

what a waste of my ******* time
Mar 2018 · 275
UNiTY Mar 2018
Not of religion or of supreme power
walking mortally
knowing no worship
or congregation
other than the vast sea of humans
going about their common lives
mostly ignorant
and no matter how the thousand that know the lesson preach
whatever it may be
to you or to me
there will still always be a billion for that thousand
that will never hear this prophet speak
see the prophecy
infinite philosophy
so much could be taught
waiting for the day
when to speak the word of truth
the word of kindness
and of love and faith
will be the way to a nation of these qualities
and though this day will never come to us entirely
we can work towards this
and improve that we see before us
the hate, destruction, war
all one and the same
we can.
Feb 2018 · 199
UNiTY Feb 2018
Every breath of sound is poetic
Every thought a dream
I believe in magic
but this is magic and more

Something indescribable
So I paint you a thousand pictures
while you sing me a thousand songs

The heavens have blessed me

I lost you long ago
I was so distraught
I thought the spirit I'd seen
That dusk in the valley village
Dancing to a melody of bells

Smiling so I could never forget

once had walked away
was forever gone

now this time
I've searched far and wide

I've found you again

Still smiling , and dancing

I hear the bells so loud this time

I can feel them
Oct 2017 · 217
UNiTY Oct 2017
beep beep buzz
i got just enough time to go fill my drink
while this tape rewinds
hear it click while i'm still at the sink
spacing out at the window
or so i think
it's the tape in the living room
little did i know it was the likes of you
Oct 2017 · 190
The Summer
UNiTY Oct 2017
I would lay on the porch, tapping my foot on the screen door
staring at the scorching sun,
until I couldn't take it anymore

Seek shade inside , cold as I could be on the cool cement floor of the living room
Until I would hear the rumble and wonder who was bringing dust down the road
through the line of willow trees

Might've been the most exciting part of my day , some of the time

I peeked out the lace curtains , then I knew that soon the day would change either way

Though when I saw the shiny red of the side of a car ,
running along the trees
It must have been something other than somebody returning home

The dust trails to the front of the house
I close the curtains as a man hops out of a Ferrari 308 ,
placing two brown paper bags, deep in our mailbox.

I watch him get back in his car and drive away,
stepping out onto the porch to watch the red run through the trees again.

I am so curious to know what is in there
But deep down I could take a strong guess.

I decide not to check the mail that day -
you never come home....

Two days later, the red is running through the trees again, back to the mailbox , but this time , he is taking one of the brown paper bags back.
I feel like I have been watching out the window the whole time , waiting for your car, instead of the red again, wondering who this red vehicle is.

I still don't check the mail.
You still don't come home.
You still don't call .
That's typical of you.
Two months ago,
You told me that's just how you are , if I don't like it

So I pack my bags , I leave them on the porch.
I go to the windows, open all of the curtains,
I walk out the door, and I close it for a last time.

I walk past the mailbox , and away.
Oct 2017 · 182
UNiTY Oct 2017
Enter the dollhouse
Eat the sweets
Then finally maybe
The pain you will beat

Down to the basement
Drowning in the strobe
Let's be high forever
I'm never going home

Nicotine filled mornings
Waiting for the night
I'll stay for another day
Get my head set right

Crying on the Staircase
I might have lost my mind
Lost my heart this morning
Now my life's behind
Oct 2017 · 186
UNiTY Oct 2017
It's becoming early
Not quite sunrise
But the stars will fade
With her high
Into a long drag
From a cheap cigarette
Back into sober
When she will realize
That her sadness
And her problems
Never went away , but were only masked
By the nonexistent taste of acid
The sour taste of molly
And the sting of whiskey
Running down her throat
Then back up with the coughs of blood
Mar 2017 · 403
UNiTY Mar 2017
Light is now
i have found my way
away from California sun
and insults
now i lay
in the snow of new england
charmed by the chill
Feb 2017 · 399
UNiTY Feb 2017
I slowly open my eyes
The fan whirring
The sun behind the gray curtains
then opened
to the sun behind the gray clouds
still luminescent upon my face
stretching into hugging myself
light caught dust particles
filtering around me
I close my eyes
wishing to wake in a different place
but only opening them again
to wishful thinking
hop out of bed
not much sun for a sunday
raindrops threaten
and then brandish their damp breeze
rainbows absent
i fall back into bed
maybe i will awaken tomorrow
to find that this place
was all in my head
Feb 2017 · 284
UNiTY Feb 2017
Im used to it
nobody is here
i felt feelings
but nobody comes near
death is all
i have in this moment
darkness and crying
im kinda broken
seeing the light
is what ive chosen
but its hard to stay chill
when your heart is cut open
Feb 2017 · 355
UNiTY Feb 2017
She spun up from her cave of dreams
Flying with her magic
She tossed the herbs and oils
Tantalizing, her fingers along the smooth wooden surface
Muttering words
only her mother would understand
similar blood
in it was magic
The bloodline was powerful
women survived
without men for ages
witches in the forests
using the ancient ways to better the survival
to transform
and to birth a new
each soul a part of the earth
with a bit of stardust too
unveiling the mystery
taught their own history
running with the wolves
not caring about the outside world
only bringing more magic
all around
but the one mage
she dares to ****** this man
really a boy
as she is a woman
but really just a girl
is she breaking tradition?
But could it be alright if the boy she loves
is also full of magic?
Feb 2017 · 348
UNiTY Feb 2017
Boxes and boxes
Pull out The Doors
Ray Charles
The Grateful Dead
Fleetwood Mac
Sly and the Family Stone
The Rolling Stones

the scratch
the scent
the old fashion of the sound
the sound
Feb 2017 · 353
UNiTY Feb 2017
Open my soul
show me real
I need to know
what it is to feel
I feel hidden
when I could be flying
I'm in this cage
he thinks I'm
like a butterfly
that needs to spread my wings
i only he
could open the door
i would fly
into the spring
Feb 2017 · 350
UNiTY Feb 2017
Woke up
Laundry pile bed
stepped on a tack
messy floor
spilled milk
don't cry
made coffee
spilled sugar
well ****
got dressed
backwards and inside out
brushed my teeth
not pearly quite
close though
messy bun
not quite  cat eye
shoes on the wrong feet
no I'm not that dumb
skate down the street
comfortably numb
not listening or watching
fell on a rock
scraped my knee

I'm an imperfectionist
Feb 2017 · 241
UNiTY Feb 2017
She stands
she's been waiting
she falls
in her mind
picturing her family
standing above a hole
in which she lies
she backs up
hot tears
falls to the ground
she is fine
she wishes
she was back home
in her mother's arms
but her pain is hidden
comes home from
I love you
I love you too
I'm not dying
Feb 2017 · 312
UNiTY Feb 2017
nobody knows
i hurt
nobody knows
I stare in the mirror
nobody knows
I think I'm hot
nobody knows
I love Zelda
nobody knows
I'm a ******* nerd
nobody knows
I watch ****** doo
and I'm a sophomore
in high school
nobody knows
while I seem happy
that I am depressed
nobody knows
I lie awake
til 3 crying
nobody knows
I wanna die
even though I love life
nobody knew but
now you do
Feb 2017 · 256
UNiTY Feb 2017
I sat
****** diner
I burst into tears
they smiled
I arose and pushed
the gentle ceramic
shattering to the floor
tea spilled about
i prefer my flask
I don't care
they can clean it up
walked across the floor
my feet now bleed
I shove on my shoes
they'll be fine without me
they don't exist
at that booth I was alone
I will not pay
my car is a beater
I slam the door
I shove the engine
I can't take this no more
I drive to the coast
it's a clear night
the moon is just rising
I wish I was happy
the people that smile are in my head
they make fun of me
for my insecurity
I'm shaking
tears soak my shirt and my face
eyes stinging
mascara running
what is it for
there is no beauty
I reach the ocean
I leave my car
I scale the dunes
I sit by the waves
I don't wanna go back
Feb 2017 · 259
UNiTY Feb 2017
She is sweet
she is hurting
we all love her
she feels hate
she is a friend
she sings
she smiles
she is beautiful
she is depressed
i know
I can see it in her eyes
which she rarely shows
because she is crying
spitting to the smoke
of her camels
pack after wasted pack
I feel her pain
if I am mistaken
she may shoot me in the head
**** haters
id rather be dead
Feb 2017 · 182
UNiTY Feb 2017
Light headed
Smoke rising
Gazing grey
tobacco poison

sink down
alcohol poison
Feb 2017 · 303
UNiTY Feb 2017
Deep inside my body
flying in no particular direction
connection to mah native roots
feeling strong and part of a group
we stand strong
we shall always rise
holding hands in
eagle strong
and bead
and basket weaves
children dancing
elder tales
ancient wisdom
brought to mind
adult time
children rest
we fly with the eagles
minds somewhere else
drink the tea
come of age
burn the sage
Palo Santos
catch your dreams
you are awakened
carry these roots
elder speaks
circle of powerful
humans on the outside
souls inside we reach
Feb 2017 · 220
UNiTY Feb 2017
Trailhead is far
the map is ruined
where do I go
I walk straight through
the forest is thick
falling down
Feb 2017 · 267
UNiTY Feb 2017
Always crying
Been through *******
Called names
Done with this
Enough of Sadness
******* ****
Gone with the tears
Hate is filling up my ears
In a few days ill be away
Just calm down
Killing me
Monumental Emotions
No more of this
Over it
People have feelings
Questioning my existence
Real or?
Sorry for it all
Too hard to smile
Very Stressed
Why this
Xd out
Never knowing Y
Zzzzzzz forever
Feb 2017 · 279
UNiTY Feb 2017
dear past me
you're a ******* idiot
you broke the hearts
you caused the problems
you stayed too high
you spoke the wrong words
you dressed like a *****
even though you really weren't
you disobeyed
you caused hatred
you've also been through a lot
its been a  hard time
all of the *******
all of the pain
all of the sadness
caught in your brain
innocent young you
caught into problems
****, bro
its all passed
we can't solve em
I am the person I am today there's nothing I can
I love myself
so ******* thank you
(still have problems, though)
Feb 2017 · 267
UNiTY Feb 2017
The specks in my eyes
are red
the flowers I see are red
the door I closed is red
chair I wait in is red
the blood drawn is red
the ink of the results
is red
the clouds become red
I run out the door
my face is red
my tears are hot
the stoplight
is blurry
and red
the bottle I buy is red
98% proof
the pills are red
my couch is red
I close my eyes and now
I see black
I hope the roses
are red
place them above
where I rest my head
i awake
the lights are fluorescent
my bracelet is white
all I see is white

I'm better
the stop lights are green
his doorstep is shaded
my knuckles bleed
his face is red
his nose bleeds
such as the blood
they took from me
Feb 2017 · 205
UNiTY Feb 2017
I feel like I'm breaking
I'm together
but I'm down
train tracks
beat down
up, down
down down
small up
long down
one step forward
four steps back
where the ****
am I headed?
dont worry about me
Feb 2017 · 258
UNiTY Feb 2017
You are born
mother weeps
then smiles
a child
you are raised
a sister
and older brother
as well
the foreclosure
no more farm
heart attack
brain dead
4 months
near death
side of the road
three years
"we're sick of you"
forest and a tent
camp stove
go fund me
not much
new RV
uncle's driveway
months partying
ciggerette addiction
now we hit the road
as far as Utah
now stranded
broke down
attempt to die
back to
now I sit here
I miss them
and that's not even the half of the trouble
I've been through
since I was born
this is very personal and explains some of the hardships of my life.
Feb 2017 · 303
UNiTY Feb 2017
This time of night i get in the flow
Words in my mind i simply
just let go
being in this place is a lifelong mind
its evident that ive got some

Sitting on my floor
blast the tunes and
lock the door
blaze that ****
your mind
Feb 2017 · 2.0k
UNiTY Feb 2017


Space cadet

I feel the good vibes
Feb 2017 · 778
UNiTY Feb 2017
Dear diary

can't sleep
in pain
body hurts
hears the rain
head hurts
I'm gone
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