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 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
While standing behind the espresso machine, another latte on the way, a wrinkled man walked his dog in the neighborhood nearby, shuffling across the fallen leaves, following the path that he and his love discovered all those years ago, approaching the bench, that overlooked a pond, the man whispered to the dog, what a great evening for a cup of coffee.
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
As the city continues to grow crowded, and concrete confines the mind, the birds up north begin their epic journey, breaking free, leaving their homes behind, from high above the year’s first snow, the birds must think, I bet humans wish they could fly away from it all.
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
Morning after morning, the wrinkled man rises with the sun, pours a cup of coffee, sitting—listening for the train to roar by, the same track a much younger man, is cramming his brain full of numbers by, to get where he wants to go, an engineer, who was fascinated by trains at an early age.
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
Cresting over the skin with a razor, a young woman learns the ins and outs of the society she is in, the blood and tears it takes to be seen, and for someone to love her back, all the while, a Swiss boy, age eight or nine, steals their mother’s makeup and paints on a smile, knowing just how, on the inside, the norms are becoming ever more fragile.
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
As mountains of paper continue to cover her desk, a student blurts out, “Why is my grade like this?”, the teacher knows she is behind, with grades, social life, motivation withering on the vine, but the students do not care, because Christmas is near, and when the next semester rolls around, another mountain will appear.
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
As the clock strikes 2 a.m. in San Jose, the mother of four calls it a day, counts up her earnings, and takes the bus home to her flat, where her oldest son, age fifteen, has put his siblings to bed, and just as he begins to relax, he remembers tomorrow there is a test, one he has not studied for, one he has no need for, his job is to be the man of the house, but his teacher will fail him no doubt.
 Jan 2020
You know she’s sad when you see
that she’s fallen back into her poetry.
 Jan 2020
Listen while reciting - Enjoy!!

Alchemical Butterfly
wing in the sky
eastern diamond bay
we were born this way
everyone will cry

Shhh It's all okay
Garden of God at play
megalithic dao
mirror of now
everyone is gay

I'm tired of the human race
But have love for god
I want to leave this earth
but float among space
And look back, from a pod

Im forgetting all name and form
And feeling as if I were never born
I cannot tell if it is after or before
All is now wet, I smile as it pours
Another barrier between my place and yours

But thats okay I like it inside
Closer to my heart for my soul to untie
Where there are no clocks
because people don't have the time
Life is a lie and the truth is everyone will die

So set me free from here
the land of the sun
where people are blind
the land of the gun
where humans **** their kind

My soul is a boat
Distant from shore
Bending the horizon
onward to nevermore
no body to tote

listen while reciting
 Dec 2019
Francie Lynch
The broken heart cries,
But leaves visible scars.
 Dec 2019
I dreamt it
The worst scenario life
I was alive still
Even when I should have.

It is magical
The world so darkened
every beat metal
with my surprising survival.

ferns and thorns
no roses survived long
the sun came down
The eyes are forever sullen.

every good was bad
And bad had taken a worst turn
the sweet was sour
And bitterness had different level

I wanted to end
The dream and both
I'd like to finish
Before it ever starts in real.

Smiles remained
But devoid of slightest joy
voice pained
scratchy and weak.

the steep sleep
And the restless awakening
the sun was up
but eyes remained swollen.
 Dec 2019
Every good is dying species
It is rare to find something nice.
It is too late in the living
And I have stopped believing.

There is a creep around every corner
Comes out when naive comes closer,
Changes them to face harsh facts
No one's innocence is intact.

It is lack of justice and law,
Not fast with many flaws.
Lack of security in many places,
discrimination in gender and races.

Everything to consider even,
Odd to think as human.
For a difference of opinion,
No need to show the gun.

Very easy to sit on sofa watching TV
No consequence and no liability
I say my thoughts out loud
I have lot to complain about.

Every beauty is filled with ugly
Covered up nicely
Beneath the skin, an unpleasant view
We sell the same old as brand new.
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