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 Jul 16
Francie Lynch
The enemy occupies a familiar battleround,
And the reduction begins,
First by attrition,
Then like waddling ducks on my lawn,
After the swirling storm.
A great desolation
Is ****** to the centre of the funnel;
And within earshot
Off the guilty,
They fall over the cliff,
In a flutter of molted feathers.
 Jun 22
After years of silence,
I realized
That my kin
No longer inhabited
My world.

I was discarded,
Mentally neglected,
Cast aside.

My tears rang
Like tinnitus,
Disturbing their peace
And pride.

The familial stench
Of shame
Slowly infected
Them all.

A broken brother,
Ravaged by life,
By fate.

Lost to the embers
Of time.

By Darren Wall

 Jun 13
Nathan Pival
In the depths of solitude, I find
A reflection of my soul's design
A space where shadows dance and play
And loneliness becomes my guide
 May 31
Love didn't end wars
It started them
 May 31
Francie Lynch
Some people can wait
     Before they die;
Hold on for a loved one
     To say Good-bye.
To have one more Spring,
     Or any Season,
For Love or Closure,
     This we reason.
Now many can leave
     This coil of doubt,
Guilty they heard,
     On all thrity-four counts.
All praise to the New York Justice System. Well-done.
 May 26
I fantasise
About you and i

Because that's the only way
I can dream happy
The only way
I wont get hurt
 May 21
I'm yet to feel my age,
All I feel is burning rage
with inflation comes reducing wage
As I figure through all my problems,
there is no permanent solution
but with every fix
there is a new mountain ready
To envelope me.
Loneliness is...

When one feels
alone in crowds
Still try to
spread fake smiles

When one starts
to think of past
without any reason
Still await for coming
the spring season

When one tries
to keep so much
busy with works
Which don't have
fruitful visions

When one becomes
so much social
media friendly
Which takes away
normal living
 May 7
Francie Lynch
Who waters dead plants?
Who pumps air into tires with holes?
Who spits into the wind?
Who swims against the current?
Who presses the walk button at intersections?
Who clicks BBQ tongs to make sure they work?
Who hits the save button more than once?
Who kills puppies?
Kristi Noem.
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