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 Oct 2018
Sylvia Plath
Not easy to state the change you made.
If I'm alive now, then I was dead,
Though, like a stone, unbothered by it,
Staying put according to habit.
You didn't just tow me an inch, no--
Nor leave me to set my small bald eye
Skyward again, without hope, of course,
Of apprehending blueness, or stars.

That wasn't it. I slept, say: a snake
Masked among black rocks as a black rock
In the white hiatus of winter--
Like my neighbors, taking no pleasure
In the million perfectly-chisled
Cheeks alighting each moment to melt
My cheeks of basalt. They turned to tears,
Angels weeping over dull natures,
But didn't convince me. Those tears froze.
Each dead head had a visor of ice.

And I slept on like a bent finger.
The first thing I was was sheer air
And the locked drops rising in dew
Limpid as spirits. Many stones lay
Dense and expressionless round about.
I didn't know what to make of it.
I shone, mice-scaled, and unfolded
To pour myself out like a fluid
Among bird feet and the stems of plants.
I wasn't fooled. I knew you at once.

Tree and stone glittered, without shadows.
My finger-length grew lucent as glass.
I started to bud like a March twig:
An arm and a leg, and arm, a leg.
From stone to cloud, so I ascended.
Now I resemble a sort of god
Floating through the air in my soul-shift
Pure as a pane of ice. It's a gift.
 Oct 2018
Taylor Cuomo
Say what you mean,
but say it without being mean.
Who am I kidding? I am always so terribly mean. Oops!
 Oct 2018
Ajit Saigal
I want to hold my head up high
I want to fly till I touch the sky
I want to make my angel smile.

Days will be hard and nights cooler
Life won’t draw your card any more
The storm outside would rage on & on
Yet your music would raise me strong.

The wounds keep bleeding
The tears keep falling
I may not matter any longer
But I promise to not let them monger.

Nothing can glimmer your dazzling light
Believe me, you can scale pristine heights
You are the brightest star ever
Just let it shine sharp and clear.

Keep smiling
Remain happy
Brighten up my Angel of Joy
You will always be my Phantom of Delight.
This was written for my little daughter whom I hadn't met for 6 long years.
My last memory of her flashed & paused,
at me kissing her tiny forehead,
she was just 1 month old then, sleeping peacefully on her mom's lap,
cuddled within caring silken arms.
 Oct 2018
Rachael Stainthorpe
I would remember half dunk, half remorseful
that you would hold my hand a certain way
it would stain my heart
that knack you had for holding me so far from you
and then i would have died just for that
touch like a man seeking glory

I would regret in those twilight hours the
times i told you how beautiful you looked
with your ugly heart
and faceless brow and forced smile
and the knack you had for me to willingly
unwind myself
for you to ravel back to-get-her

I would like to think my lips made an
indelible print on your forehead
and tore through your broken mind
thoughts borne and torn through deadly
actions you learnt from other
demented from the ache of the heart

I would pray to sleep alone without
the imprint of you echoing around the house
your words like compliments
spat at me like posion darts of deceit
which lay at my door
for it was my fault
you couldn't let it all go

I would take back my sorry's
and my fighters stance
my bulletproof face
that stood in front of your glass house
and watched your life implodel
and i scraped my fingers through the wreckage
in the hope you weren't hurt

I would
I could
I should
I had
I did
I came
I left
I remember
 Oct 2018
George Herbert
Sweetest of sweets, I thank you: when displeasure
Did through my body wound my mind,
You took me thence, and in your house of pleasure
A dainty lodging me assigned.

Now I in you without a body move,
Rising and falling with your wings:
We both together sweetly live and love,
Yet say sometimes, “God help poor Kings”.

Comfort, I’ll die; for if you post from me
Sure I shall do so, and much more:
But if I travel in your company,
You know the way to heaven’s door.
 Oct 2018
Michelle Greaves
you shine as bright as the moon
can't wait 'til we talk again soon
you must be busy cause I,
can see that crazy look in your eye.
your smile fills me up with love,
like you came down from up above.

a lot of people must love you
but not as much as I do
so tell me you love me so,
so that I can let you know
I can't live without you
say you cant live without me too
so don't let me move on
cause without you, im not at all strong.

just keep me very close to you
and my heart will always be true
you better hold on tight
or you just might
lose the person you've always loved.

a lot of people must love you
but not as much as I do
so tell me you love me so,
so that I can let you know
I can't live without you
say you cant live without me too
so don't let me move on
cause without you, im not at all strong.

a lot of people must love you,
but not as much as I do
woahh oh yeah yeah!

a lot of people must love you
but not as much as I do
so tell me you love me so,
so that I can let you know
I can't live without you
say you cant live without me too
so don't let me move on
cause without you, im not at all strong.

ohh hoo im not at all, strongg
a songg(:
 Oct 2018
Lady Misfortune
You'll never believe that I am the secrets and you're the words
Just like I don't want to believe I was the ball and you were the bat
What am I even saying
Why am I still writing
These words don't feel the void in my chest
Church says God bless
But then talk down about you
I can attest
I'm drowning in myself
The beast of my mind is consuming me
How much is left
I have no ambition to fight
I'm weak and you'll never know how it feels to be me
No matter how much you relate
You won't know how much I feel it's in vain
Depressing words to match feelings
Dressed in a uniform
Tears roll down my cheeks
Snot dripping nose
All, just leave me alone
Yes I'm broken hearted because the crack was never sealed
And although I act like a cold blooded murderer
I'm the one dying
I'm fading away
You'll never believe that I am the secret and you're the words
The ones I never heard
I don't know myself
Death is stuck in my head
These words you're reading don't mean a thing
Just another broken soul
Probably nothing original
Everyone feels pain
These emotions are cliche
Nothing, still got the same feeling
Drowning in my thoughts I couldn't cough up what I thought. I never did know my feelings....
 Oct 2018
It seems that there was this Small Group of Men and Women with "VERY MUCH" Knowledge.  Many of their followers were of a Like Opinion,,that THEY YES,  had much Knowledge.   So,  as they Sat around one day,  Pondering ,  AS those with Great Knowledge would do:  They came up with the IDEA to make Man and Woman with a NEW type of Body!   "Where should we start First, they Queried?"   "maybe if we changed the Elbow,  BECAUSE people are Always Hitting their Funny-Bone!"   "Maybe if we changed the Big and Little Toes,  BECAUSE People are always Stubbing their Toes!"   "Maybe if we changed their Eyes,  BECAUSE People are always getting something in their eyes!"   "Maybe if we changed their Fingers,  BECAUSE  People are always Jamming their Fingers!"   "Maybe if we changed their Noses,  BECAUSE  People are Always stickin it where it shouldn't be!"   "Maybe if we changed their Knees,  BECAUSE  People are Always Weak in the Knees!"   "Maybe if we changed their Backs,  BECAUSE  People are always down in the Back!?   "Maybe if we changed their Hearts,  BECAUSE  People always have Broken Hearts!"   "Maybe if we changed their Ears,  BECAUSE  people are always not hearing!"   "Maybe if we changed their Tongues,  BECAUSE  people are always Wagging them!"   "Maybe if we changed   their feet,  BECAUSE  People  are always putting their Feet in their Mouths!"   "Maybe if we changed their Mouths,  BECAUSE   people are always Spouting off at the Mouth!"    "Maybe if we changed their Minds,  BECAUSE  People are always changing their Minds!"   "Maybe if we changed their Smell,  BECAUSE   People are always saying ,Something Doesn't smell right !"   "Maybe if we changed their NAMES,  BECAUSE  People are always trying to make a Name for Themselves!"  "Maybe if we changed Their stomaches,  BECAUSE  People are Always saying* They Just Can't Stomach That!"   "maybe if we changed their Hair,  BECAUSE  people are always Coloring or Losing it!"    "Maybe if we changed the way  they Walk,   BECAUSE  People are Always getting out of Line!"    "Maybe if we changed the way they speak,  BECAUSE  People are Always speaking Out of Turn!"   ,,,,,,,"MAYBE IF WE CHANGED",,,,,, SO, When the Itch in the middle of our Back really needs attention,,,, we Untie  our hands from our Sides!
Copyright @2010  barnoahMike,,  Mike Ham
 Oct 2018
they asked me,
"what do you feel?"
and i swear to god,
i almost whispered your name.

                                                               *maybe i should've screamed it.
 Oct 2018
Philip Larkin
She kept her songs, they kept so little space,
The covers pleased her:
One bleached from lying in a sunny place,
One marked in circles by a vase of water,
One mended, when a tidy fit had seized her,
And coloured, by her daughter -
So they had waited, till, in widowhood
She found them, looking for something else, and stood

Relearning how each frank submissive chord
Had ushered in
Word after sprawling hyphenated word,
And the unfailing sense of being young
Spread out like a spring-woken tree, wherein
That hidden freshness sung,
That certainty of time laid up in store
As when she played them first. But, even more,

The glare of that much-mentionned brilliance, love,
Broke out, to show
Its bright incipience sailing above,
Still promising to solve, and satisfy,
And set unchangeably in order. So
To pile them back, to cry,
Was hard, without lamely admitting how
It had not done so then, and could not now.
 Oct 2018
Realeboga M
I never loved you...

The truth is what I felt for you was greater than love itself.
Cliche of me to say that I know but people always find a way to describe Love and I couldn't do that with you.

I couldn't sit myself down and rehearse to the walls a heart melting speech on how I love you... I couldn't get my heart to even say those words.
It didn't feel right.

It didn't feel right to the extent that my mind and heart agreed that saying these words would feel like I'm adding a faint colour on my canvas of broken dreams, lost hope, abandonment, lies and far much worse things than pain.  

It never felt right to do that because when I first met you my world never stopped neither did the universe instead they began to move as if I've been stuck on pause for a really long time and you were my play button, you began my life.

I never loved you... But I swear I was always in Love with you and that's why I could never do what they did.
I was going to confess to you that day. I had a bouquet of Lilies and three novels by Dan Brown. I wanted to be romantic in a nerdy way, I'd brought difficult mol equations for us to crack. But I was too late, You'd already left for heaven.
 Oct 2018
Zac Hill
Like a Firefly you light the darkness in my presence
Revealing my path so I won't be lost once more
Like a Firefly you are foreign to me, not recognizing your kind
You beauty is rare in these parts
Like a Firefly your actions are peaceful like the beats of your wings
The more their are the brighter your light stretches around me
Like a Firefly I want to capture you in my glass jar
To gaze and admire your unique beauty
Like a Firefly I will release you to your home
Hoping that you'll continue to light my way into your world
 Oct 2018
Mira scott
I like to think that I'm a mixture of a sunflower, a lioness, and a tortoise.
simply because a sunflower is
vibrant in color,
flows softly and carelessly with the wind,
plain and simple,
Intriguing to say the lease.

why a lioness?
because she is Queen of the Sahara desert.
she is loyal,
she is independent and does not fully need to depend on a male,
though when given the right one, she'll go through many lengths to accommodate him.
she is also full in color,  plastered with battle scars to prove that she is of worth
and can handle the meat thrown at her
with nothing but scavengers surrounding her,
tempting her.

why a tortoise?
because they are slow and steady,
live on land with feet as claws, being able to dig into troubles and come out more wise than before.
Also they can retrieve back into their cave for as long and as endless as they want,
solitude is acceptable and perfered.

one is noticeable yet, easily breakable and disposable.
one is lazy, yet keen
one is small, yet can take on the world for three hundred and thirty years.

I'll be forever, and memorable, and radiant.

— The End —