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 Jan 2015
I met her on the road
Exhausted just like me.
I asked her why she's walking
She told me she is free.

I told her I'm a pilgrim.
She warned me, don't forget,
You may be tired of walking,
But your end is 'lejos' yet.

I told her Santiago
Was now my Xanadu.
She laughed and said the Khan awaits.
I laughed and said I knew.

I've seen his horse on hills afar,
He canters while I walk
And Kublai champs his teeth and shouts
His sword spits while we talk.

He wears the forest as a cloak
And chains the wind as breath.
I see him chase me further on
He tracks me to my death.

I asked her where she's going.
To Santiago too,
But I don't seek the spires and peaks
I'm hunting one like you.

He's running as his boots get worn
And I champ my teeth and shout.
He's keeping eyes out to the hills
While my sword point seeks him out.

Her deep black eyes and strong disguise
Bled from her and she stood.
Kublai Khan afore me spoke.
I ran but 'twas no good

She spoke out strong and in a blur,
'You are not my prey.
For many men along the road
Flee demons every day.'

And she roared and drew her breath,
The wind took up her gait.
She took the time to smile before
Her horse flew fast and straight.

I watched her go, still for so long,
The road behind ignored.
I heard the wind blow on before
I turned and saw He roared.

The hill was crowned with forest
Drawn around his back.
He spurred his horse on and the steed
Cantered down the track.

I turned and walked, slow and calm
For I am used to demons.
Though on the road I keep him towed.
The Khan is still the freeman.
Demons hunt for all of us, they may be faster than we think. (Metaphorical demons)
 Dec 2014
eunsung aka Silas
awakening* to each moment
to each breath
to boundless *silence
Moonflower in the Pale Moon Light
Gently unfurling
Willingly to the Nights Delight

Cloistered under the Bright
Clear Sun.. Shutting Herself
Till the Day is Done

Secrets Revealed under the
Veil Of Darkness
Light of the Moon
The only Language
To which She Harkens

* * * *
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2014
So, as you know, I'm the kind of person
who prefers to traverse the worst news first
before dispersing with friendly pleasantries.

But, if I may speak free and honestly
I'm tired carrying around the genes
that subject me to overcome obscene

obstacles from your insecurities
as well as the fears of our ancestors.
I know there are lessons learned in character  

karma before switching out from one car
to another but sweet jesus, sometimes
it's hard to take a break or find space to breathe!

And you wonder sometimes why I cannot
ride over the same roads you built, spilling
oil, drilling mountains, supporting wars and more

systems that are killing the poor and/or
brown men and children. Well then, for my health
and well-being I need to at least find some peace

in the things I can control and support,
things and people that build a rapport with
my mind, heart and soul, so my blood flow don't fly

so high from the things I cannot control
like all the old school phobias and the
nervousness lurking in your minds before I

was even born. There's no scorn from me, but
maybe an occasional forlorn sigh,
only because I love you, and know you're trying.

But please, please... I appreciate that you
want me to succeed, but to be honest
I really, really don't need your help, your genes

are enough of an obstacle course through
hell to get to heaven, because at some
point my being is gonna get sore cause there's

no way in hell you can convince me to
take more or just accept that that's the way
it has been when I can see other paths that

have been, perhaps less traveled, if at all,
leading to happiness and freedom to
be the change you have been seeking from the start.

But we cannot do it if our hearts hurt
or lungs burn or can't find ways to work and
learn together because we are, it is
& that's it.
Inspired by two recent news/science articles:
 Dec 2014
In the deepest darkest night,
As the nightkin flock and scurry,
When the shadows spark a fright,
You can only try not to worry.

In the darkness of the night,
Reason will leave you fleeting,
You hope that you're not right,
That soon you and evil shall be meeting.

In the deepest darkest night,
The formless figures in your mind,
Have you begging for first light,
To return normal thoughts in kind.

In the bleakest blackest night,
You meet a realization so surprising,
The idea of self you had was slight,
As to you simple dark is traumatizing.

In the deepest darkest night,
Shallow sounds do spark startled reaction,
That of which would be swift flight,
Another minute of sanity detraction.

But its okay, and I'll tell you why.
To your nature I'll appeal,
You should be afraid, and so should I,
Evil is very real.

In the deepest darkest night,
As what surrounds you is in no hurry,
For evil is not something you can fight,
All you can do is worry.
 Dec 2014
there are different types of crying
each of us has at least one or two
and from my point of view
the most used is the one without tears,
when the soul cries loud and everything in the body hurts.
and there is another one that goes hand in hand with rain
you're between droplets, crying and nobody can see the tears.
We are only born to die my friend,
Find a star before it fades
Break a leg and don't be a fake
You write your own history that you make

Resist the pain that they gave
So you won't be stuck on your own grave
Stand tall my dearest friend
'Coz today is not your end

People always say that you cannot
Prove them wrong and don't be a bigot
Raise your hand and feel the sun
It says that you are alive and you always can

Today is just the beginning of an end
You must smile and do blend
Blend with the tons of fears and griefs
Make them realize things and give relief
we are all born to die
A newbie down here does not know where to go
Kept on doing crazy poems for daisies out there.
She knows that the line she made were true
True as the sun strikes her dry skin
Asks for a little guide from the older roses
Hey! Please help me and drag me from this grave.
help oh please
 Dec 2014
Hailey P
I can't remember the point when adults started cursing around me without apologizing.
I can't remember when I was allowed to get my own food.
I can't remember when I stopped crawling into my parent's bed after having a bad night.
I can't remember when my mom stopped chopping my food up at dinner.
I can't remember when my mom stopped checking on me while I was in the bath.

I don't remember things changing,
I don't remember growing up.
 Dec 2014
Babu kandula
Smile ..
Is a medicine

Sorrow ...
Is a pressure

We do need both

A pressure
To beat our heart

A medicine
To heal our heart

We should balance

For better life
And its journey
May be weird but, just a thought crossed my mind

I thank my friend Anu for her smile
Which inspired me to write this

Thank you Anu
Hundreds of smiles for you
 Dec 2014
Ahhh…you, yes You
…You know,
it’s in the motion
in the follow-through
until too
with gravity
hooks that hold me
together much better
leave me
such a tease
to have been baited from
those who rest among
the Placid Pond.

Ahhhh…you, yes You
…You must,
Trust me to breed seeds
wild and much bigger
Sprouting out
from the past
walk-about shoe's
of my grooves
& the steps that I take

Five hundred and twenty eight
hertz a lot sweeter
the more trips that you make
On Love’s circular soundtracks
Another round of aftershocks
& Gods' greatest flashbacks.

Ahhh…you know, yes You…
…You now,
Avert eyes straight
A head of You
Shift faces

Super-vision is suggested
but not yet required
of the diametrically
opposed Divina
to whom you've inspired.
all of Life will rise to surface and come full circle.

A fun free cultured itself without much purposeful direction, however I am rereading and I think I am taking a little lighthearted jab at myself for being such a silly ******...I must laugh or I would cry.
Laughing works for me....
 Dec 2014
Give me one world at a time,
I am doing the best I can
but there are still so many things
that I will never understand
and all I have is myself
yet I don't know who I am,
I'm still trying to accept the fact
that I am only human.
Inspired by the Thoreau quotation, "Give me one world at a time."
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