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 Mar 2017
Denise huddleston
Went to the doctor today
Should've stayed in for the day

Got really bad news Doctor see's
What no one wants to see the letter C

Had to tell my family
***** so much, to be in reality

Why did this happen to me
Lord please give me an absentee

I want to get rid of this demon
So I can have some freedom

I'm like the calico cat in the hood
Like Nick said I'll bounce back like she would

I know if I die mother f---er you better not meet me at the pearly gates cause you won't be on your feet
I'll ram you right through to the Devils cage where you need to face your own rampage

I will fight for my life
Just like I fought you with all my might

You may haunt me now
But you won't do it up there

I've done some shady s--t
I guess I deserved all of this

I'm a fighter, and I will sting you like a bee
Like the great Mohammed Ali
Written by: Denise Huddleston
I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2015 I was very fortunate that they was able to catch and remove the cancer before it spread and I've been cancer free ever since :)
 Mar 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
I'm covered in the stain of my own past regressions
I'm buried in the pain of old and new obsessions
I'm crying out in vain, can you hear my confessions
I'm smiling in the rain to hide these tears
 Mar 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
two moons dance in the light of the Sun
on a distant shore the reflection of one
bounces on waves and laps the clean rock
an oasis unseen, unknown by the flock
they step from the waters
make their way to the beach
from the old world Atlantis
to the new world they reach
removing their headgear
they breath in the night
inhale the silence
rewards of their flight
a thousand plus years from the past
they return
they are back to
who shall remain to salvage their home
that once was their garden
their Eden
their Rome
like the ancients before
it is time for rebirth
and the few that are spared
shall renew Mother Earth
 Mar 2017
Seán Mac Falls
I will not die for you
Woman fey of flesh and home,
I linger but to see you unfrock
The holy, set rogues to roam.

Why should I thus be consumed
In breath like coldest fire?
Shape of rising waterfalls
That state, I surely do not desire

The downy *******, the runny skin,
Spark of cheek, notes of hair in shower,
The gliding step, the gusty tone,
Fools have died for much less a dower.

The lancing pools, the hemlock mien,
The highland sheen, the dawn-bird voice,
The Safire eye, over step of pyramid
Merlin gave Arthur a safer choice.

I will not drown for you,
Flood of hair, red as the lye
In parted Jordan, that sea, not me,
Shall pine as ever, slowly dying.

Your healing humors, your subtle sovereignty,
Your blood, noble as seven-seas are blue,
Little mirror who paints the sky,
Though nearly, I will not die for you.
 Mar 2017
Sarah Elaine
Blanketed in darkness,
Mesmerized by natures nightlights
Finding solace in the shadows of the moon.
     Embracing her beauty,
     Comforted by her tranquility
     Envious of her courage

I feel the tug of the connection,
     P u l l i n g... P u l l i n g...
Silently grasping
Constantly at war
               with the rise of the sun.
               with the conflicting thoughts of flight

Lost in the moon's beauty,
Thoughts and feels engulf me
          Seeking answers
          Seeing peace
Whispers of worries quietly spoken
Solitude reveals truths

Do you look up at the same sky
                  and see the same moon?
She shines brightly to remind you,
      where the light can be,
Guidance, serenity, silent comfort.
Promoting freedom and peace
          Reborn each night.

Lover of the moon,
     Mysterious and bright,
            Holder of secrets and wishes
                   Under its light,
                            we love,
                            we dance,
                            we forget,
                            we remember,
                            we meet.
 Mar 2017
Sally A Bayan
It starts with a puddle or a pool
turns to a rivulet,
rainwater comes, fills.......then, over becomes a true river...

we human beings are conceived,
nurtured inside the develop
til it's time to be this earth
we grow up.....we mature,
school...experiences, make us wiser
and, as we get older
.our own waters run deeper

we....are like the river...

our actions, reactions and decisions,
all depend on the tides of life...
our moods are waves...playful on a fine day,
they lap, roll...sometimes, crash on the shore.
calm now...later, high with turbulence,
on stormy days, assailing...belligerent,
courageously moving forward.....then back,
like retreating groups of warriors,
weary....defeat-stricken.......yet, all set,
to roll back to shore.......again...

our grounds, our cores, are embedded
with grains of has a voice
in many ways, we become one with nature
we...are like the river...


Copyright February 26, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(I am afraid of the water, yet, I love writing about it...
  and when I write about rivers, a name keeps popping
     up...that of a good poet friend...Harlon Rivers!)
 Feb 2017
Hadrian Veska
In my dreams does she walk
With unparalleled beauty
And the horns of demons
Adorning her head

I know her intent
To ****** me to darkness
And though I'm aware
I do nothing to stop her

Perhaps because I pity her
And hope I can save her
More than likely though
I've already fallen

Under her dark spell
 Feb 2017
Jeff Stier
Bring me your
orphan memories
and I will stitch them
into a chapter of time

Stepping fearlessly into
empty air
walking the tightrope
of certain death

Drawing memory
into the web of this moment
Bleeding it out into meaning

While sleeping
While dreaming

These poor words
strain to tell a tale
a shout out to eternity
and it is a clarion call
from the dawning
to the setting of the sun
announcing a state of grace
that surely will ripple
through time.

The night calls sweetly to us
Bids us sleep well
and find courage in the day.
 Feb 2017
The window is shattered
The door shut close
He is all her poetry
She is his arid prose

Like the tide bounded to moon
They violently rise and fall
Two paque souls washed up in zenith
Emotions withered with uphill crawl

Dewy eyes encompassed sweet terrors
Their still warmth lingers in valley of past
Haunting the spiritual moors of fusion
In the scriptures of silence only last

He is lost in the stars of his demise
She is infuse revolving around his planet
Until his husky heart loses the war of life
Until her soul suffocates in silk blanket
Acquaintance of your silence.
Like a toothpick on a mammoth river,
I have no say in where I’ll go.
I think I know where I’ll end up.

A tiny sliver on a massive torrent-
I will not sink, though I may tangle
With another floating twig  

And find me carried in its direction
Whether that be to the salty ocean
Or washed up on a riverbank.

I’ll fetch up where the current puts me-
There’s no arguing with life
Or the mighty Columbia River.
Life too often refuses to give me the final say.
 Feb 2017
Matthew A Cain
If I could write like photographs
I'd write the sky
and all the colorful birds that fly
I'd write the night
and all the stars that twinkle and shine
I'd write your eyes
and the way they danced with life
Oh if only I could write like photographs
I'd calm my restless mind
with rose-colored words of images lost with time.
Although relationships almost always end for good reason that doesn't stop us from missing the other person no matter how bad they treated us or how bad the relationship actually was. The fact of the matter is we are dreamers and we remember the happy memories and what we wished it could have been.
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