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 Nov 2018
You convinced me to go home with you
After a night of good fun
I knew I shouldn't have trusted you
How could I have been so dumb ?

It started out with a kiss
A little bitter from the wine
I was in a state of bliss
Everything was just fine

But then I froze in shock
Your hands were down my shirt
I couldn't even move
As your hand went up my skirt

I wanted you to stop
But I was petrified by your actions
The sweet man I knew
Became a monster needing satisfaction

You took what you wanted
I couldn't stop you
You left marks on my body
***** my mind too
 Nov 2016
Joseph Sinclair
I want to see her one more time;
One more time to say the things
I should have said before;
One more time to say I’m sorry
and how much I deplore
the ill-concealed behaviour
that she could not ignore.

I want to see her one more time;
One more time to gaze upon
that so beloved face;
One more time to visualise
that look of peace and grace
so unappreciated
while it was commonplace

If only I could see her one more time,
I’d be able to expiate my crime,
express  contrition
for that disgraceful act
unintentionally hurtful
and more a lack of tact.
If I were granted only one more time.
 Nov 2016
Megan Sherman
You are the truest rebel
Borne aloft on fluent wings
In arcane, bardic arts you dabble
Through medium of you all Creation sings
Sauntering to inner music
Guided by a soulful beat
A path of fire and passion
Spin out from ‘neath your feet
With arms akimbo to the sun
You fathom God and soar divine
Eternal life has just begun
O sweet, this path that doth unwind
With lyrics like impossible lassoos
Capturing and conjuring phantasms
That appear in the rift between magic and reality
That most mystical of cosmic chasms
You paint the world with fine fluent fire
Fixated on the hope that flies
Harping on your divine lyre
You serenade the sweet evangelists of sky
 Nov 2016
Just Rachel
Isolating myself,
confined to these four walls.
Refusing to care
Rejecting phone calls ..
And no doubt about it,it is very
safe to say
....One is a lonely number....
but that's how I stay.
Beaten,broken,betrayed ...
Life attempts to teach,,refine and ultimately birth a better me
But for now...... Being that there's a free will ,a hermit I choose to be.
But mainly I'm dying.
I lie in a half prone position
Waiting for the debate to end
The start of the road to perdition
Earlier I spoke to a friend

She told me, she'd like me to see her
When she's not feeling so low
I don't know the right things to tell her
It's cowardly of me, I know

I brought her last night to the doctor
Waiting an hour or two
The nurses were calm and so kindly
But I still don't know what I can do

I told her be brave and be honest
I touched her, the back of her neck
She flinched cause she's been violated
She whispers, a hushed, slienced wreck

Do I help her because that I love her
Or is it more selfish than that?
Do I help her because I dream of her
Alone with me inside my flat?

The nighttime is getting much colder
Autumn comes early this year
Do I help her because that I love her?
Or is it I can't stand her tears?
Written on September 17th 2.44am, 2016.
 Sep 2016
Roger Turner - Poet
A platter of black plastic
Spinning circles at a speed
That fill the air with music
The inspiration that I need

I close my eyes and listen
To every hiss and pop
I keep the arm retracted
So the music doesn't stop

The little worn out player
With the sweet distorted sound
Takes me back to being younger
It's where memories are found

It's magic made of plastic
Spinning out musical streams
That box that pops and crackles
And fills my vinyl dreams
 Jul 2016
Darren Edsel Wilson
This joy is one to have.
This joy is one to know.
This joy was once a calf,
Into ox it soon will grow.

I've made up my mind about darkness,
And made it up about the light as well,
So when the darkness wears a dress,
Although it hurts, I'll send it to jail.

My heart won't pine for lust,
Its silver sheen won't rust,
Its daggered teeth won't injure,
Its pretty mouth won't whimper,
But when it's had enough drink,
Of the nonsense in this life,
It will spread irrepressible joy,
Knowledge of God not strife.
I actually prayed before this for the power to write a good poem.
I'm glad I was given this to share, I like the rhyme and the rhythm :)
 Jul 2016
There is another option
                                 And it's still quite taboo
                              But it just might help greatly

                                    Perhaps for even you

                     Or perhaps

            You will lose your mind
         At least what lies remaining
All your thoughts and all your dreams
         Could rapidly start draining
    The memories that you've clung to
          At once flung out the door
    But it truly may not matter much
      You won't remember any more
 Jul 2016
Finley in Despair
I miss being around you all the time
A longing I couldn't even begin to describe
That holiday with you was something else
Something I do believe I've never felt
From sunrise to sunset
From kissing your shoulders
To getting our feet wet
As we walked along the beach

Hand in hand and heart in mouth
The tide's swooshing hisses
That soothing feeling; what life's about
I should mention
I don't really like the ocean
On the surface it seems barren
Yet it can swallow anything whole
But in your company, the world, the sea and all of its untold misery couldn't really bother me

It's like the warm breeze was your love, I enjoyed it in moderation and in abundance
I miss that feeling of you squeezing me
Tighter and tighter
On the back of that quad bike
As we rode down that mountain
And in to the night
I was probably a bit over zealous
What can I say, that's what I like
To live fast and die a part of you
Would be my happily ever after

Swimming pools, night clubs, bars, restaurants, shopping, walking, riding, drinking and dining
Were all just fancy ways of saying
'Spending time with you'
In thirty degree dry heat
At the hotel in our room
After an argument or two
Recovering from extreme partying
...and too much sun
I would try to lay close to you
When even the silence screamed I love you

I will never forget it gorgeous
These memories of us I cherish
Zante 2016
 May 2016
Keith Wilson
I've  always  been  a  ladies  man.
I  think  they  are  truly  great.
But  they  always  seem  to  die  on  me.
That  seems  to  be  my  fate.

Their  courage  and  bravery  is  unsurpassed.
Much  stamina  they  have  got.
They  seem . to  accept  things  more  than  men.
And  put  up  with  their  lot.

What  they  lack  in  muscle  power.
His  made  up  with  mental  strength.
To  fight  the  pain  of  childbirth.
They  will  go  to  any  length.

So  don't  knock  them  fellows.
They  will  always  be  there  for  you.
And  if  you  treat  them  properly.
They'll  remain  loving  kind  and  true.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
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