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 Jun 2016
I promised myself that
I’d never make anyone my world
And I didn’t

I made my own world
And spun in my axis
Days passed
Lives flashed
And flickered

I had convinced myself
That I didn’t need anyone to orbit me
That I had too much on my plate to keep me busy
The constellations needed arranging
The planets needed realigning
The stars needed shining

Yes no one was my world
And it was fine
So I spun
And I spun
And I spun
On my own

But I didn’t know
That my world was set
For the big bang course
And was bound to collide with yours

When it hit
My world shook
My world was set on fire
My world was never the same

Yet after all that
You didn’t become my world still
As I had always promised

My world was mine
And your world was yours
Though admittedly there was no part of mine
That was left untouched by yours

Your gravity worked
So strongly on me
Pulling me in so effortlessly
Though I didn’t mind really
Sticking around for an eternity
Because truthfully
To be apart from you
Is something I never want to be

So there we were
In a cosmic dance we vowed to do forever
And it was amazing
As we spun
And we spun
And we spun

Yes my world was mine
And your world was yours
Yet in the process
You somehow managed
To become my whole universe
 Jun 2016
Your Name Here
All the dreams I've had have never come true.
The blood in my heart had always been blue.
Who I am and my aspirations I never knew.
Of this all changed when I met you.
My wrongs never became right.
I saw no colors only black and white.
I always had trouble falling asleep at night.
But this all changed when you entered my life.
When oppurtunities arose I would swing and miss. Ive never experienced the feeling of bliss.
Happiness wasnt a part of me I could only wish.
Baby this changed when we shared our first kiss.
Had no sense of direction no sense of time.
So very much oblivious, numb and blind.
Black heart.
Black soul.
Empty mind.
Everything changed when you became mine.
Love enters my heart.
Joy fills my mind.
Beauty beholds my eyes.
Faith holds my hand.
Darkness has turned to light.
You are the best thing I could ever ask for in life .
I never understood what people meant when they said you could get lost in someone, but I swear
When you looked at me with those kaleidoscope eyes of yours, containing every colour with tunnel vision straight into the faultlines in my soul
I could scarcely remember my own name
And in that moment between breaths
Looking at each other with the quiet suspense
Of a lethal, lingering kiss
I don't think I would've wanted to
I've been waiting for you
Since the dawn of time
And than
You came into my life
And made me smile
You came into my life
And made me fall in love with you
The essence that is only you
With your lil smile that lights me up
The way your eyes stare into my soul
For you came into my life
And allowed me to love you
By being with you
 May 2016

    When she cries herself to sleep
    six out of seven nights a week you must
    say nothing. You must simply take
    her in your arms and kiss her gaunt,
    pale cheeks and wait for her to
    slumber at the sound of your heart.


    On the days where she wishes she
    were part of the stars, tell her
    no. Tell her that there are too many
    lights in the sky and that just one
    would be forgotten the moment you looked
    away from it. Tell her that she is perfect
    the way she is: completely human.


     Don't let her think about the scars
     that no one but her can see. If she
     says "I think I'm broken" smile like you
     know a secret and say, "No, you're mending."
     But do not be the one to fix her - no, she
     must be the one to do it herself, and you
     merely are there to quietly encourage her.


     Read her poetry (even if you are
     not a poet), the kind that uses
     flowery words and compares girls to
     the moon; the kind that you will
     rewrite for her. Make her a warrior.
     Make her a goddess with eyes like a
     wolf's and a smile like a tiger's.


     Laugh with her the first thing in
     the morning and the last thing before
     you fall asleep. Tell her cheap puns
     that you've been thinking of for weeks.
     And when she smiles - the type of smile
     that could bring you to your knees if
     you aren't careful - know that for the
     moment, she's yours. She is whole.


    Love her. Love her like a fish loves
    the sea or a bird loves the sky. Love
    her in the way that your heart feels like
    it's going to burst at any moment every
    time it beats. Love her skin and the way
    it feels against your own, soft and warm
    and utterly flawless. Love her for the way
    her voice trembles when she can't keep it
    together anymore and love her when she
    holds onto you as if you were the only
    thing that was keeping her alive.


     Love her, because some days she just can't do it herself.
 May 2016
Camryn Alyssa
Drown me in the ocean that is your mind
And I will learn to breathe
Under pressure
Show me that
Which you desire to hide
So that I may know
Who you are inside

Burn me in the fire that is your love
And I will learn to fight
For you, for me, for what's to be
Show me that
Which you desire to feel
So that I may know
That this is real

Bury me in the ground that is your faith
And I will learn to grow
Suffocate me with your wants, hopes, and expectations
Have faith that I will reach them, above and below
Show me that which you desire to have
So that I may know
And can be your other half--I'll give you all I have

Throw me through the skies that is your life
And I will learn to soar
High altitudes, high hopes, huge dreams
Show me that
Which you desire to be
So that I may know
You're lovely, crazy you
I'm quirky, crazy me
But we could be a brilliant, crazy "we"

We are the best kind of desire.
(First stanza inspired)
 May 2016
Ariana Jones
My heart palpitates when you are near
Love flowing through my veins
Happiness is never ending
The best ever is what you are
You turn my frown upside down
Make my days better with your presence
You make me better and happier
The love you give is indescribable
And I love you for loving all of me
Never stop loving me
 May 2016
I am a star gazer, too.
I gaze at him, in all of his starry forms.
The form that is a glint in the sky,
so far up, that no one can bring him down
while he works on what gives him another form--
the super-star.
A label that is rightful to him,
given to him because of
his shiny, ethereal words.
And lastly, and more importantly,
he is a sea star.
Being thrown around in this big, stupid ocean.
He clings to his rocks but sometimes
the waves are too rough
and a piece of him is brutally torn off,
as he has told me, happened recently.
Have no fear, Star.
Because everyone knows that sea stars regenerate quickly.
You will forever be,
Star Gazer.
A poem for a great poet, that deserves some love. All my hugs to you in your time of healing.
 May 2016
oh my stars
little lightning bolts
shoot down my spine
whenever you talk.
you brighten my day
with every touch.
every embrace
brings me up
from the dark place;
the one i'm starting to visit
less and less.
i thought he had
locked me there forever
but suddenly you came
with the key
to my happiness.
and now whenever i see you
little lightning bolts
brighten up my life.
i'm a little bit in love with you btw
 May 2016
I lay here beside you
Giggles erupt from my lips
As we talk about anything and everything
Gentle movements of the hips

You ask me why I'm laughing
I tell you I don't know                            
But in reality it's because
I'm scared to show      

All these feelings and emotions
I didn't think I could ever have
This feeling of belonging
Residing in my head

I lay here beside you
Your arms hold me close
Lips pressed together
I now feel at home

I know that once it's morning
These memories will just fade away
I roll over a little closer
As my heart now runs this race

Laying upon you chest
I cling on tight
whispers now over power the night

The world alive above us  
In silence they over hear
I now lay wide awake
But I never did make my point clear

I tied to whisper something
But I didn't want you to hear
So I laid there beside you
Trying to find the words to say
When randomly I whisper

"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"

They escape my lips
And danced in the night
As I'm still laying here clinging on tight

I know it's to soon
I know it's not right
But In the end
You'll never know
Because once again I giggle
I'm to scared to show
Wish I could tell you...
 May 2016
Yeah, right now I feel alright
I feel you here tonight
Missing you, my sweet starlight
Fill my darkness darling bright
Against the roar you're my respite
Against the storm you're watertight
Despite no happy end in sight
I won't lose you without a fight
To keep you here I have no right
So until dawn I'll hold you tight
And love you dear with all my might
 May 2016
You already are perfect,
So I think you mean different.
And even if you were different?
I would still love you.
My heart does not forget so easily.
You're not clingy,
You're caring, kind, and loving.
Okay, maybe a little,
But I love that about you.
It shows me I matter,
And God knows I'm clingy too.
To summarize,
I would still want you.
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