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 Jun 2014
Michael Duong
She's the type of girl who deserves it all
because she was the fragile flower
that bloomed in adversity
she would get the attention of boys
but nothing more
they use their cheap tricks and overused lines
that she has heard all before

She's the type of girl who has been through it all
through the years that changed her
and the never ending weeks
Been through the tiresome days
where there was no clear start
with each passing second
breaking her heart

She's the type of girl who shines brightest
when the stars are dim
with an inviting smile
to draw you in
she's the type who stands tall
regardless of what brings her down
she's the type of girl who deserves it all
the one and only who deserves the crown
Sometimes I wonder how you guys can write so skilfully!
 Jun 2014
Here I sit in tears
Here I live with regret
Why did I do it ?
Was it worth it ?
Maybe Yes
Maybe No
Either way **nothing can change the past
 Jun 2014
I trusted you
And you showed me off
To your friends
As they laughed at me
I told my friends despite their remarks
That you were my everything
You braged about my body as if I were
A trophy
A simple object
You played me
And I was too stupid to know
You didn't care about me
Yet I was giving you every part of me
I did things for you
I wouldn't for any other
But you took my trust and abused it
Now when you look at me
I feel ashamed
**And now you win
 Jun 2014
You left under the cloak of night, again.
To return with your excuse as to why you are late.
What once was harmless, is now unfair, unjust, heartless.
Not on me or you, but her, the one that truly loves you.
I'm the harlot, the iniquity in your life, wickedness personified.
I remove your garments, deal with your hardness and
send you back to her, the promise you made to her broken.
I listen to your moans and return you whole to her.
I'm a social worker, a lover, a comfort, a *****.
You are a client, a bore, a job, a *****.
Our consciousness of what we do is monstrous, yet we do it over again.
I don't love you, you don't love me.
I'm a night deposit banking facility.
You drop off a deposit, leave, and go home.
What lies do you tell her?
Does she believe you?
Is paying for me cheaper than a divorce?
We both are heartless under the cover of darkness
 Jun 2014
Amitav Radiance
The gray pathways
Cobbled with stone
Time has entrenched
Melancholy in every piece
It leads to desolation
Yet he walks the beaten path
Bleeding his exposed feet
Blindfolded by pain
Numbness has set in
Every day as he walks past
Shoveling him away
Like a pile of dirt
Trashed away from life
Only to heap more misery
On the trampled heart
Its feeble cry unheeded
By the city, that walks past
Avoiding the dark alley

© Amitav (Radiance)
 Jun 2014
he was
special for me
he meant so much
to me

i assumed that
serrated wrists
might be very repugnant
to him

i never let them show

one day,
he did indeed see
his face showed
signs of raw emotion

he did not see
the slashed wrists
or the drawn lines
he saw deeper

he saw the intentions
behind those straight lines
(maybe they were jagged)
and the kindness
that reeked of his heart
ached to help

or maybe it was pity at the time.

believe in yourself is
what he said
but his words seemed
like a deep dead end

he said
that those marks
did not define i was
or who i am today

it was
a mark of the past
a memory aching to be forgotten
battle scars.

he urged
me to let go
but that doesn't seem easy as it sounds

later he left
and the story remains
just another boy
i had loved and lost

pain still lives
just as it once did
except it had all just
been on my mind

if you don't understand this poem: it is not about self harm on the body but  on the mind and courage... thanks for reading.. any suggestions PLEASE COMMENT OR SEND A MESSAGE! thank you :)
 Jun 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
The Ending Of The World

I was sure the world would end today
It was the beginning of the fall
That others would tell the story
And pass it on to all

Not sure that I would hear the news
I'd  see others on their phones
As they talked about the days events
And wonder if I know

I was sure that this would happen
For the day it started wrong
Realizing as I drove to work
I almost turned to go back home

There was an emptiness inside me
And a panic not the norm
Yet I did not exit on the ramp
For my half way point was gone

So I spent my day just waiting
No connection, all alone
I know that you can feel my pain
For I left my phone at home

The world it did not end today
Was not the beginning of the fall
I realized this when I rushed home
And saw I missed no calls

I am so so not

*Carl Joseph Roberts
Don't you hate it when your more then half way to work and realize, crap I left my cellphone at home. You are just sure that today will be the day the world will end, the day you really needed
 Jun 2014
Lawrence jnr F
Today I woke psychotic
Nothing of my past symbiotic

Cracked glass can't serve an optic
Mental notes can't sustain a singular topic

Driven by new found hope within
To break on through to the other side like Jim

The rise and fall of an anxiety I can't explain
Would not wish on my worst enemy the same

Now I dream only to be sane
 Jun 2014
Luna Lynn
Laying beneath you
as I become devoured
into the night
(C) Maxwell 2014
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