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 Sep 2014
happily anonymous
big beautiful brown eyes that have seen too many tears to remember
her heart scarred from broken friendships and ruined relationships
everything has simply been broken
cuts lie on her wrists and thighs as she tried to let the pain escape her innocent , no longer pure body
as she sits and thinks why is this happening to me...
please speak up before its too late for someone else or yourself
There are no pictures of the forgotten child
just second hand memories
of a police station handmedown
and too many mothers.

There are no echoes of my smile to be found in family albums

No book to lovingly hold the dates of firsts unwitnessed by love.

Yellowed paper bears witness to my existence, a name given, typed above that of an unknown Father and a mother too new to bear my needs.

There are no tales of first days and birthdays, no tears of joy at my arrival, nor at my loss.
Just me, a girl with no past and a stolen future, screaming at shadows while clutching at straws, hoping that someday my face will be reflected by that which I did not create.
 Sep 2014
DaSH the Hopeful
The room floated away
     Careening through street lamps and parked cars
    Flying through neighborhoods and dirt roads and green pastures
     It shot upward
A carpeted rocketship among dying stars

        I moved to touch you but you turned and left
     You opened the door and pushed yourself down
Hurtling toward Earth with reckless abandon and an annihilative smile
       I felt the shock of you hitting pay dirt way up here in my heart
You found peace in the rubble of the comfort of others
     And though it hurts my thoughts to know you're gone
   My soul knows I'm the same.

Way up here in this room shaped rocket I know we're both the same.
Boom. We all explode in the end.
 Sep 2014
Bored poets write ennui
Sad poets psalms
Bad poets penning's
Are made into songs

Silly poets write limericks
And limericks they read
Drunk poets write scribbles
Drenched in their mead

Angry young men
Write rants by the hour
While wide-eyed young women
Of bunnies and flowers

Idiots write nonsense
Off the seat of their pants,
Got news for you!
So do savants!

Gays write of rainbows
Some write sonnets of old,
Storytellers write
Of pirate plunder and gold.

Broken poets write humbly
Strong writes unadorned,
Godly poets write of Roses

  mean spirits of thorns.

Soul Survivor
But what makes a true poet
Is simply when
They type on a keyboard
or hold a PEN.
 Sep 2014
suspended vertical defying       human limitations
bound in heaven's threads they perform
an aerial arabesque        costumes torn, scattering
sequins and halos on their ethereal descent
as the crowd watches         breath harmonized,
almost willing them to fall

if air had been my mistress, I could have chosen
to soar        the allure of existing only
in this angels' abode where letting go
relies on faith and testament of art
evanescent         as we all prepare
for this our final show
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
I need to take a break from Hello Poetry to get caught up with my study.
I was experiencing technical difficulties, technically the computer and software was being difficult,
I am now swamped with homework and need to catch up.

I wish miss all of you and your wonderful poetry.
If there is a poem you don't want me to miss message me and I will add it to my list of poems to read upon my turn, I yearn to read the wonderful poems of yours my friends.
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
I think I have Restless Mind Syndrome.
I have not had it diagnosed but it should be, I might need to suggest to my doctors to add it to the medical books.
I think on second thought if I made that suggestion, I might get a strange look.
I wonder if the doctor would think I was a hypochondriac.
The condition gets worse when I hit the pillow and try to sleep, and sometimes troubles me to the point were I become an Insomniac.
I think and think and think and my thoughts seem to swim;  so much so that it is hard to keep track of were my thoughts end or begin.
If I was a drinker I might reach for some gin.
In cases like this it seems like my train of thought seemed to have derailed long ago.
The symptoms of my condition seem to be getting worse each year, one example is that when I try to write something down such as a phone number the numbers get messed up between my mind and the paper; It would appear that I have dyslexia because some numbers get reversed.
I get so frustrated to the point of tears at times, and fear that I am on the verge of losing my mind.
I think of all the things left to do, or think of things I should have done better, and I wonder what is the matter with me, when I think to much I fear insanity; I wish that I had a more normal mind.
I hope someone can find the cure for my Restless Mind soon before I run out of time.
This poem was inspired by a poem By SoulSurvivor called RLS-20w
I thought of this after I made a comment on that poem, when I said that I think I have Restless Mind Syndrome.
 Sep 2014
Legs that didn't want to do anything
all day suddenly all ready to go...

... when your head hits the pillow.

Soul Survivor
This condition can really be
the bane of one's existence!
 Sep 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I sometimes miss what I never had
I sometimes feel what I've never been through
I sometimes think so much I feel like screaming till my lungs clasp
I sometimes don't feel things at all
I sometimes just don't care but I pretend to for others
I sometimes think I'm too extraordinary
I sometimes wish I were more normal
I sometimes can be stupid and ashamed
I sometimes can be annoying and intruding
I sometimes can be many things and nothing
I sometimes think of all the answers to the questions left unanswered
I sometimes wish I were wiser
I sometimes make mistakes because I'm ******* human
I do so much things sometimes
Wanna go out sometime?
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
If the Average Attention span is 8 seconds
How do I increase it for studying?
The statistic above regarding 8 seconds, I got from
I am taking a break from studying due to my attention span waning.
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