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 Sep 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Just One Would Be Enough...LoL

If someone tries to take from me
What they don't deserve
I slap the crap out of them
And call it lesson learned

When a person does a crazy thing
And I can't believe my eyes
I can run them over
Say they deserved to die

I see a group of strangers
All doing the same dumb thing
I get to shoot them with a gun
Say it was meant to be

Slow drivers in the fast lane
Who think they own the road
I wreck their car into a ditch
And have a clear path home

Teenagers who won't listen
Who think they know it all
They get strangled with my hand
With no regrets at all

Some days I wish that I could do
All the things above
But Knowing that I really can't
Just one would be enough...LOL

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Sep 2014
Jennifer Weiss
Things are not always as they should be.
Even though I'm happy,
It's still a struggle, you see.
Whether it is: Day by day.
Night by night.
Week by week
Decade by decade,
You'll get through.

The key to any struggle, is to focus on that which works for you.
Be sure it's for real though.
 Sep 2014
Life is beautiful.
Butterflies were obviously crafted
By the hand of God
Meant to put a smile upon our faces.

Life is mysterious.
We don't quite understand
Why things happen when they do
So we're always left wondering.

Life is a gift.
I feel so lucky to have the people
In my life that I do now
And I am so thankful

Life is hard.
Sometimes I really want
To disappear, but it's not wise
To close a book in the middle of a sentence.

Life gets better.*
Though there is sometimes darkness,
There will always be light
You just wait for the sun during the night.
Not sure where I was going with this
 Sep 2014
I've never felt good, I've never felt useful.
That didn't change in the past years since I've grown as a person.
You see, after so long, you get used to it.
The problem with falling in love with someone you can't have, on the other hand.
Is much worse.
You start to feel as if you have a purpose, to make them happy.
You were made, to love them.
But... they weren't made to love you.
And then the circle begins all over again.
 Sep 2014
Mike Hauser
Four buddies growing up relying on friendship and luck
Sticking together through the thick and the thin
All that we did we did together as kids
Knowing that we always would win

Thinking it'd be cool right out of High school
To stand up for nobility
We joined in the war which added four more
Then packed our bags and readied to leave

Said goodbye to our Moms not sure how long we'd be gone
As the four of us boarded the plane
Or when we'd be back as a matter of fact
If we'd even ever come back again

They gave us boots and a camp an Uncle named Sam
With the rest being history
They made our lives hell which is just as well
Cause hell on earth is where we'd soon be

Figured for fools that would never lose
As the war around us tightened up
Billy was first to go and wouldn't you know
We all took his death pretty rough

The next day was Frank when he felt the yank
As an IED took off his legs
I still have the dreams where I hear him scream
As he sat in the sand and just bled

If we weren't here we'd be in a bar with a beer
Sitting back shooting the breeze
Instead of this endless beach with no sight of the sea
And Frank bleeding out from the knees

Now with only two left playing hopscotch with death
Knowing wars nobility was only a lie
It's down to Mikey and me wondering who's next to leave
On that one way train to the other side

We walk around these day with blank looks on our face
Wondering what we're doing here
We'd cry if we could but our tears ran out for good
With death being so good at his career

Of course death won't be mocked as he punched in the clock
And Mikey was the next to leave
Now that I'm all alone all I think of is home
And the three buddies that are no longer with me
And how this all started out as nobility...
 Sep 2014
Take the cross from

your neck

and put it on your


Soul Survivor
Would that Christian soldiers would
really do this! Salt and Light
are what are missing from this cruel world!
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
True forgiveness is not just  forgive and forget
True forgiveness is to forgive and remember
It is an act of will to let go of the hurt, whether or not the other person deserves forgiveness
The Forgiveness frees us from hate or other negative emotions that can hold us bound
Forgiveness can be like a bridge sometimes opening up an opportunity
for some relationships to be repaired, even if they are not I choose forgiveness
I heard it once said that un forgiveness is sitting down at a Banquet and than you realize what you have been feasting on is yourself.
It slowly  eats away at you draining your energy with all the negative emotions etc.
 Sep 2014
Stephen E Yocum
A dark moonless night,
Envelopes and hides the field.
The puddles upon the ground,
Have lost their crimson hue.
The twisted stiffened bodies,
Hidden in long deep shadows.

His perch atop the Bell Tower
A lofty lonely isle amid,
A sea of waste and death.
His filthy hands still griping
His instrument of war,
His eye straining at the glass
Searching for movement
In the silent depths below,
Finger on the trigger,
Sweat upon his brow

Three days have come and gone,
Since he climbed those stairs
And took his place among
The pigeons’ and the bells.
He had been a mere boy of
Seventeen three long days ago.
Now he felt a hundred sick,
And tired years old.
And even the pigeons had
Deserted him and flown,
Or been shot to pieces,
From the troops below.

His fingers took inventory,
Only sixteen rounds remained.
He had fired his weapon
Over ninety times and
Never once, had he missed.
Haunting ****** pictures,
Of their devastation continuously
Replayed in his head.

An hour ago he heard
Its treads and engine
Churning in the dark.
The tank had come for him,
Would **** him at first light.

Strangely he felt no fear,
Resigned and willing,
To make of this,
A final, fitting end.
Grown to a man and dead,
All within four days span.
It is a tragedy that any man of any age
is compelled to make that climb, to fire
a weapon, to take a life, to give up his
own. Wars are an abomination.
And sadly it seems mankind will
never understand that.
Somehow we always find a reason.

(Inspired by a dream last night.)
 Sep 2014
D Connolly
Her hands over her streaking face
She screams
Don't look at me
And good god I look at her
I look past all that and I see
Underneath scratches and ticks
My god she's as lonely as me.
 Sep 2014
Chalsey Wilder
My weaknesses are many
My mind is my strength and weakness
My every breath has me thinking, reeling
At the facts of life
My weakness is depression and oddly, it's my strength
It taught me how cruel life is
Even in its time of beauty there's something ugly behind it, and you see it eventually
My weakness is my mind because, it tricked me into thinking I'm ok, that I'm fine and dandy
Then when my focus slips, when it's quiet, or when I'm alone it torments me with imaginary images that never seem to go away and I fall deeper into darkness, into abyss and it makes me think it's home, it makes me think it's what I deserve
In a hollow shell of a home
And the funny thing is, is that it's making me learn to accept it
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