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 Feb 2016
I just want
existence to thrive.

Breathing is affected by
my lack of left-handedness
my inability
to experience emotion in any pragmatic method.

Drown me
in the sea
of instability
and broken
I hate me, so much.
 Feb 2016
Ann M Johnson
The Vessel
A wounded vessel tossed about in the storms of life
The vessel was once strong unshaken by the wind sure and secure in itself and about life
The once strong vessel is wounded again feeling hurt angry insecure ashamed lonely
Overwhelming blows of feelings hitting the vessel the pain is intense the memories of abuse are
Strong a blow to the heart and emotions
A cry out for assistance I cry out for the captain’s help in facing the crisis I look at the holes in the vessel
I ask for support from friends and groups etc. to help me repair the vessel to make it strong again
The vessel is not the same as it once was but there is hope that one day it can be better than it is now
The vessel is being mended and is getting stronger for the first time it's experiencing sunrises and sunsets that it has never seen before
Maybe it can be made stronger than it ever was and sail towards peaceful shores
I wrote this some time back and recently found it on my computer.
I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment!
 Feb 2016
Christopher Black
I am aware, I need to let go
That all we once were
Has flown out the window.

I know it has been long enough
How can you look so happy
And I look so rough

It is easy to see, just not accept..
Tears swell my eyes
I draw my breath

Your smile reflects my rotting insides
I try avoiding your gaze
As you walk on by

I can pretend to be just fine
Not putting myself out
To be left to dry

To the moon and back?
Forever and a day..
How can we be friends..
When you threw it all away?
 Jan 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Lilac in the morning sun while the feelings were
Still there lingering questions through my
Cranium yet it fills a mental stadium full of
Bad brain cells of bad memories and bad
That means that everything that I went through
Was all in my head,
The posture of a levelheaded troubled soul is often
I don't negotiate with corrupted feds,
I'm just being honest,
There are quite a few regrets,
my feelings are like a bucket of glass barrettes that
Are being worn by the classiest females of our time
And our time is still hanging in the balance,


you better choose the right card,
but please don't put up your guard,
I'm the only one that knows who you are,
you've only gone so far,
You're so majestic in your ways of socializing
All of the beautiful attributes that come with
Bliss in your heart,
And if I'm hanging with the wrong crowd lately,
I'm so sorry, we could talk about our feelings
To start.
 Jan 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
You take credit for my poem
You've stolen my emotions,
my heart,my hurt and my notions
But you deny yourself the opportunity
Of being you for with my poems
It's me,whether it's your name
Underneath or above
Write your own, write something you deserve
For plagiarism is climbing a mountain from above
Try the slopes, hold to your hopes
Listen to that voice inside
One day you might become a poet
I wasn't one either
But stealing someone else's didn't get me here.
 Jan 2016
If for a moment she could escape, she would.
Even if just for a few hours.
Lost in silence or lost in a crowd.

She chose to escape in him.
And had she known that was the most dangerous thing she could have done,
I believe she still would have done it all the same.
Written October 3rd, 2015. What a crazy thing it is to read a past emotion.
 Jan 2016
You do not understand,
I have never known love
I have had many lovers
But none of whom have loved me
Nor have I ever loved in return.

You do not understand
You puzzle me
With you, I am like a child learning to walk
Learning to speak
This is all a foreign language to me.

You do not understand
I am afraid.
Oh! Kiss me in the morning
as I hunger just for you
Whisper all those things
that let me know
your heart is true
Poem for all who were madly love their beloved
 Jan 2016
Evelyn Silver
It started gentle and subtle,
a light kiss upon my soul;
euphoria's kiss.

A smile broke,
my blood shimmered,
my heart leaped.

What could this possibility be?
Euphoria's kiss, my dear, is none other's than your own.
 Jan 2016
Sam Y Starlight
..She tried to find herself
in places that didn't exist
Aaargh! Can't believe I won the daily! Thank you to everyone who liked and shared. Lots of love.
 Jan 2016
It rains.
A truffled scent
in dead leaves,
naked trees.
into the depths
of the night.
Thank you, deeply, to all the friends that so kindly read, liked and supported this poem! Here, to you all, at Hello Poetry, cheers, the prize is yours!
I'm sorry you can't trust me
And won't ever let me in
I'm sorry you don't believe in me
And that I could not win

I'm sorry for not being perfect
And being able to break your fears
I'm sorry for messing up
And causing all your tears

I'm sorry I can't fix it
And make you want to stay
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough
And now I have to pay

I'm sorry I ever doubted it
And made you second guess
I'm sorry I was so stupid
You haven't seen my best
So let me show you
You can even give me a test
If you give me this last chance
I will show you that I'm your best match
To a special someone that I truly messed up with I'm sorry
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