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 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
This is a quick little quote I thought I should post by mine queen earl Jane..  Lol it's a funny thing she said I would like to post.. She make's me laugh hard with her comments sometimes. A very funny queen and always gives me the giggles...  This quote from her comes from s
he keeps telling me she wants to work out for me to quote " look good" though in actuality I told her to hush lol because she is already very beautiful, elegant, and **** beyond mine thought process and beyond mine comprehension.. She's completely perfect to me as is. Though she keeps insisting she works out to flatten her belly to look good for me!!!! Lol she is already a doll... I told her not to work out for me since she already look's godly stunning. I told her if she want's to work out to do it for her to feel good about herself and for her to be happy doing what she wants to do..  Here's her quote. And our convo.... Enjoy lol. Sunday night fun!!! (::

Jane-I better make my tummy smaller than making my voice bigger. Loolll.... I wasnt able to do the work out this morning. Am gonna do it tonight

Me- LOL, Queen u look wonderful. Just work out to be healthy and to feel good about yourself. Don't need to for me. U are already amazing looking to me. Duhhhh....

Jane-I will feel good if tummy is smaller and if i am beautiful. Loolll... Lool so i better do it. Haha.. Its exercise too. Duuuhhhhh......

Me- lol your funny you already look amazing woman!!! Hush! Or I'll ****!!!

Jane- I am not amazing looking... Since we will meet til i become engineer, i wanna look good those times.. Coz u might RUNAWAY if i dont do anything for myself. :( :(

Me- Jane, you already look good so hush! You are the most beautiful woman I've seen in mine life, And ONLY beautiful elegant apple of mine eye queen ever!

Jane- Thank you, but i wanna be better. Its not wrong to be better right??? Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******!!! Looolll. I will just work out,be fit, toned, be better and be beautiful...Lool. Nothings wrong with that right?? Hahaha!

Me- lol silicone to **** LOL.... U are already amazingly looking! But if you wanna work out , go for it hahah!! Will make you happier hahaha!!!

Jane- Loooll am laughing alone here. Looll ....
Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic. Looll

Me- LOL craps? should make a poem about that, called walking plastic... I should post that in HP seriously, quoted by you. Lolll!!!

Jane- Yeah you copy our conversation and paste there. Haha. It will be trending. Looll...

Chat goes on. Lol just gives me a laugh her line saying... Quote
(Its better than putting CRAPS in my body right??!!! Dont wanna be a walking plastic)
Also her quote: ( Am not doing any lypo suction or adding silicone in my **** and *******)

LOL I love you so much Jane Nagley!! You make me laugh so hard baby!!! I love you more...
Don't care if anyone reads this you said to post it so I did lol oh well... I love you moreeeeeeeee queen!!! Me more!!!

©Brandon Nagley \Earl Jane conversation on November 22nd,2015.....
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Coming out of the state of anabiosis, mine form was ripped and torn, mine adorn was battered and burned, I went through Hades whilst the pit of death's kiss shattered me in agowilt;


I was dying, in Hell's kilt; once a shape, now ***** in a pit of unsatisfactory demon's; roped, doped, bleeding.


The scaled creature's bit me, the ceiling's muck dripped me, whilst at mine ending breath's, a light shined forthward, a Filipino empress.


I was nothingness: a mess, molested, infected, by the realm of raven's nest's. That's when she thundered in, in Baro’t saya wonder; twas me who on the sea, on her lip's i swirled up-with Satan down under, mine tears hadst fluttered by like butterfly's; mine ghost awoke with Jane;


Twas, she was
Heaven on
Mine side;
She took me
For a ride,
Back to

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
agowilt- is sudden fear.. Fear!!! An archaic word now gone. .
anabiosis is- life after death. Or coming back to life from death.
Forthward- means forward in archaic form...
Baro’t saya means- the main dress for Filipino women. Or traditional...
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Daughter of God
Apple of heaven;
How saccharine
Thou art; mine
Rose of leaven.


Hallow, thou art;
Glistering child.
Thine strand's
Art dark; an
Onyx stone


Haunt mine mind,
Cometh on in; forget
Past time's, soulmate;
Best friend. Anew we
Hath become: where
brook's of spirit arriveth
By the sun.


None needing, nor want's
None falsehood here;
Or clown-like stunt's,
Just the purity
Of thine tender kiss.


So wish thine wish,
And dream thy dream's;
When thou shalt wakest
Up: thou shalt be staring
Into the eye's of thy king.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
Verily, she's heaven
Verily, she's earth;
Verily I was born
In her aloe and myrrh.

Verily, she's mine
Verily, I'm her's;
Verily, O' verily
She's mine amour'.

Verily, she's love
Verily, she's life
Verily, I telleth thee
She's mine Jane
Mine wife;

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated - Filipino rose
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Once was lost
Now am found;
She unearthed me
She birthed me
In amour's


Once was blind
Though now I seeith;
She made me her own
Into her abode,
Mine soul she freeith.


Once was deaf
With nothing left;
Though I prayed
And beseeched,
For the Lord's
Dear best.


Once was dead
Though now
Alive; tis I
Foundeth heaven,
In queen Jane's eye's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
This is a poem how God answered mine prayer for mine soulmate.... As he sent me angelic Jane (:::
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

O' how I oweth
God so much;
O' how blessed
I am so much.
O' how much
God's given me;
O' mine lord,
Mine God, king.
O' how I oweth God
So much;
For Jane mine
Mine sweet,
Thou hast
Given me.


O' Yahweh
To thee I
Bow; O'
Almighty Jehovah
To thee, thy crown.
O' Elohim
Father of
I thanketh thee,
For mine queen
And wife;
O' dear God
Mine maker;
So much to do,
More for thee,
And thy son
To; O' how I
God so much.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©earl Jane nagley-filipino rose dedication
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

I wilt plunge neath thine cocoa covered pupil's,
I seeketh to succumb, to thee;
Mine poetess minstrel;


I wilt incessantly be patient for thee
Mine queen; O' how heavily this heart weigh's;
With thou so far, so far away.


Please cometh quickly mine amour', for thee I'm engraved,
Etched into thine bone's, thy skin, thy name;


We art not other's, not the "norm", not the same: for this heart burneth in flame's, O' with thee far away;


If I dieth tonight, or the earth crisps away, please knoweth I'll still waiteth, for thee mine queen; Beyond the grave.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
 Nov 2015
Earl Jane

As time passed by,
And so the spaces between us are drawing nigh.

And in pulchritude, our love will illuminate exceedingly,
As we kiss our fears away so passionately.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

yes, my king,, time is running so fast,, and the spaces between us are drawing near,,, i am sooo excited to meet you so soon,, and we'll enfold tightly unto each other, as we'll eradicate those fears away and manifest love unto the world,,,i love you sooo much my king,,,i love you alone,,, i am waiting for you, i won't leave you,,, i love you soo much!!meeee most!! <3 <3 :*

sorry for this ****** one :(
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Mine Filipino rose beckoned me
Cometh up hither;
She bedecked her head
In oriental feather's.


She cut mine chain's
When once was tethered;
She entered mine brain
With sunshined weather.


Her countenance
Flew me on chariot letter's;
With romance open
Thus mine world turned better.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
bedecked means adorned.... In archaic terms...
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley
Soaring free;
Holding onto
The wing's of mine queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Afire is mine aura as I soar over thine spirit to get a peek.
I seeith being, living, animation, the light ive alway's sought,
The abode I shalt alway's keep, afore didst I weep, and I couldst not sleep, mine anguish once didst creep; as Poe with his raven.


Though now do I rejoice, for thee I shalt shout in conquering the celestial's, I shalt reverberate in thine mind, mine voice; leaving flashes of comforting butterfly song's moist. None need for other women, none question's for choice, for thou art mine one and only.


Amour' evident, not phony, bower me rosas ng diyos: in thine core I feeleth *****. None more brine from ourn sight's, just water of life flowing, none dismay or might's, none distress or downward flight's, just gliding together, two bird's of a feather.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( filipino rosas)
Two birds of a feather saying means... Pretty much two people same interests... Or two of the same people making them one...
Afore means before...
Didst is archaic for do also did..
Bower means- surround me or shade or enclose..
rosas ng diyos- means ( rose of God) Filipino tongue
***** means comfortable like at home.
Brine is saltwater...
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Salamat, I was abjected now uplifted
Salamat, for the gift of life thou hath gifted;
Salamat, for the lung's thou hath given
Salamat, now I'm free, not a slave, I'm living.


Salamat, for thy smile in the dark
Salamat, thy beauty is God's spark;
Salamat, once moribund, now shining
Salamat, I'm moving forward, not rewinding.


Salamat, day's ahead art full of grace
Salamat, queen of Yahweh, messenger to the human race;
Salamat, forever we wilt be
Salamat, empress of Asia, mine Reyna, mine sweet.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
Abjected means in archaic biblical terms-  casted out or abject means outcast...
Salamat means- thank you in Filipino tongue.
Moribund means at the point of death..
 Nov 2015
Earl Jane

Dazzling turquoise eyes,
Windows to heavenly love,

Your love is heaven.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you my all, my life, my happiness, my peace, my comfort, my love, my home, my refuge, my soulmate, my king!!! Meee mooosssttt!!!! <3
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