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 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
The most stunning of beauties
Is seen in the broken vessel;
Tis, that broken vessel
That carrie's so much pain
And is overlooked alot,
Yet so astonishing in the inside
And so underrated.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
Dreams of mountain streams
And washing trees in the wind.
Let me leave this world
And start anew again..

Off I set with not much to tote.
Getting lost among the trees,
The mind has little to quote.
But here and there it shall roam,
Looking deeply for a small forest home.

One morning I cracked my door
And let the wind come in.
It sang songs of freedom
And hope for mankind.
But all alone a small man cottage,
Chirping songs of a free bird
But no one to hear the rhyme..
 Jul 2015
sit still silent
and know
language fulfilment

And suddenly we arrived
on a road of silence
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
Gaia, The World (nee Earth)
Suddenly, at home, aged 4.5 billion years, The World Gaia (nee Earth),
surrounded by her loving nucleur family, Gaia passed away after a long
battle with humanity. She is survived by her partner of 3 billion years, Luna,  eight siblings, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and countless cosmic cousins. Predeceased by a younger brother, Pluto.
Gaia was the mother of all, and a selfless provider. She brought rain or let the sun into everyone's life.
Cremation has taken place.
In lieu of flowers there is nothing else.
Condolences at this time are fruitless.
There will be no service.
Those who sit on judgment
sit uneasy on their guilt.
 Jul 2015
Poetic T
It ran between both realms each was a track
One of darkness, One of light.
Every soul waited on the verge,
A precipice of the fallen waited
Purgatory was for those unable to wait
In to the ether, as if drowning in nothing
Then gone. They still waited as the train  
Pulled in, First class was the light, pristine
Setting classical music reverberated
With delicate tones.
Second class, dilapidated seats standing
Were most as so many to fit in.
Some rode on top, not knowing the dangers as
Reapers like crows flew above, food
For the cloak, all were game as they
picked bone teeth.
The Soul train was never on time,

"Tickets please,

The conductor bellowed out,
That feather given at last heartbeat,
But some lost in that terminal moment.
Out in to the wilds where all manner of
Super naturals waited.
Hell hounds ripping souls like tissue paper
No longer at peace, but pieces ingested a worst fate,
Feral angels, thoughts of help, absorbing there souls
More consumed the more insane they fell.

"Last stop, seats please,

Was spoken out, as each carriage dethatched,
First class was engulfed in an ether of light, gently
Stopping caressed by clouds of white.
Second class was jolted as engulfed by brimstone
Flame, screams were swallowed as the carriage
Exploded and all souls were caged in eternal flame.
The soul train will ride again, which carriage
Will you ride, depends on the toils of your life.
 Jul 2015
Tania Crocker
It's not wrong to look in the future,
But always,
live in the moment.
 Jul 2015
Ella Gwen
You miss me.

But still you throw your words
and I get caught up in a hailstorm of paper
shallow but deep cuts
as we fall or fly towards disillusion.

I see you
standing straight on high; heavy with
all the threat of the curve of the earth
and I

must not blink.

And in the darkness miss
your wondrous eruption inevitable
falling, flying

into something more than here,
something more than now,
something more than we.
 Jul 2015
Poetic T
A leaf fell on to the skin of water
Balancing between floating and
Sinking, like a second life it was
Neither here or their.

Ever in-between traveling between
The realms of life and death. For
It did not grow becoming ever more
Fragile, seeing above naked branches
Where life once gave but fell.

And below as it skimmed on this fragile
Moment, dancing to the whims of the
Winds as past hence but more delicate
Where movements than they were before.

Little fragile existence of what was and
Had now become, it enjoyed its dance
But knew that it was a matter of time
Before the dance ended and to pieces it
Would collectively sink one last time.
 Jul 2015
Liliana Jaworska
He was dancing between forces of light and darkness.
His eyes celebrated journey of sun in the sky
looking in it for ancient knowledge
invoking light and fire of all stars
praying to divine source of goodness
pretending to be white lunar light.
He told me' You must be light to give light,
fire to give fire in this dark world.
All living matter belongs to light.
All living matter is thought of God.'
I needed him as I need breath to live and die,
as astrology influence of stars and planets
as east west to embrace direction
as plants cosmic rays to exist
as body cells Infinite Intelligence to guide
as child womb to grow .
I guess he has good heart underneath
worthy miracles come to him
even if he appears to me like black moon
hungry for light to experience pure moments.
He called me Venus, Isthar.
I called him hidden mystery of universe.
We both spoke soul to soul
with codex of love
and sacredness of spirits.
I was Divine Godess filled
with smell of white roses
illuminating his mind.
When night came
he loved me with power of Gods
embracing my crown between stars.
Showing me constellations and moon
he became almighty Creator
giving brigtness of all of cosmic creation to me.
My mother told me
'Choose your man wisely.'
But what is wisely
doesn't come from heart.
He was first man
who didn't break my heart
and shattered my dreams.
I choosed him following my heart
and voice residing between my heart,
fate and God's inspirations.
When he looked in my eyes he told me
'Vision of God is clear to me.
Loving you I am one with His light.
You gave me eyes of God.
I am godlike, goddess like
I am His wings of Love above all
Existing only for you and our love.
I am prayer of your heart.'
Angels created intimacy and ecstasy
between our bodies and worlds.
Sacrifice, sweetness was my gift to him.
'Guiding lantern of my heart' he called me.
Holding his head in my arms close to chest
I was morning and evening star glorifying law of love .
He was guardian Angel of my day and nights
rebirth of my soul to escape death
music and poems of my longings
force of attraction between our hearts.
It was romance of souls and minds,
body to body, spirit to spirit
intimacy of clouds carrying our hearts
close to Mars,
closeness of bodies, kiss of breaths
unity of flames, memory of Eden.
My mother told me 'Choose your man wisely.'
All I know heart is wiser than mind.
Listen your inner voice
blood, veins and cells
God's whispers of intuition
and you will find the one.
This love is return to Source,
fullfilment of human emptiness
not caring for pride, humanity.
It's nakedness of souls
celebrating acts of closeness
not looking for any other lover
not knowing beginning and end
of falling in love and being in love.
'Let his fires and silence burn you.'
pure passion whispered.
I choosed wisely.
Soul to soul.
Heart to heart.
Fire to fire.
God making two one.
 Jul 2015
Stub my toe
On her stump of coal
Aesthetics still in bloom
Wrought and ****
The old man's heart
Rewind, reload, resume

Distant and removed
Like the dark of moon
Yet her presence  
Never fades
In a parallel universe
Where paradise
Is given birth
To her rays
Lights and waves

The cycle stalls
As we search for a cause
Yet her's is the shadows of night
Although existential mysteries
May never be solved
Her dream
Is a quickening light...
Traveler Tim
re to 02-18
being the topper in the class, he developed certain pride
that the envious derided, ignored flatterers on his side.

the first bench was his permanent place
from where shone his haloed face
when the teachers spoke seemed it thus
there was only him in the whole class.

all questions he took the answers he knew
solved hardest sums others had no clue
not once an intruder could invade his space
he shined in glory of his flawlessness.

from him was never unfinished homework
ruthlessly made on exams his mark
was taken for granted he would win first place
the rest of the herd would just run the race.

the teachers indulged him the pride of the class
but you know all fame are fragile like glass
it so happened a new teacher joined the school
unbiased he was not to blindly toe the rule.

he asked the first boy if he had ever flown a kite
played marbles on road picked up a fight
if ever he had walked barefooted on the grass
stole a look at sky bunked even one class.

if he had ever chosen to close the book
hid him alone in the scariest of nook
scanned the horizon to catch first moonrise
counted the stars bamboo grove's fireflies.

he looked nonplussed didn't utter a word
anything than studies he hardly bothered
had he answered it would all have been *no

to him most precious was his place at front row.

he bowed his head down with ashen face
for the first time in class he failed to impress
what happened next was no riddle to guess
that teacher was gone without a trace.
 Jul 2015
Someone once told me
Whenever I was lost
I should look to the stars
They would guide me home
But where are they tonight?
The sky is cloudy and grey
And no stars are in sight
Why aren't they here?
When I need them the most
I'm so, so lost and I need them
*I need them to guide me home
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