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 Jul 2015
Tell me a story..?

Let me fall asleep to your voice..
And wake up to your breathing patterns on the other line.
I don't remember the ending to the story from last night..
I must've fallen asleep between lost words and insights,

Will you tell me the story, again?
 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
The universe is immeasurable,
  we are merely infinitesimal
    machinery keeping pace,
as churning cogs tick wildly
  transmitting within allotted time,
attempting heartbeats' cohesion
  clocking our own honed destinations,
accumulating illusions 'tween mass
   waiting to return as a speck of dust
      in the never-ending saga of
           inexhaustible collectives amidst
         systematically creative contrivances
 Jul 2015
Long lost
The normal
Human role
The hope of your return
Digs an even deeper
Empty hole

Where I direct
This love
I saved for you
like fallen shards
Into an endless pool...
Traveler Tim
Re to 11-17
where the night
scatters into the
leafy forests
and hides behind
the thundering rocks.
where the night dreams
of blue tides and grey skies.
 Jul 2015
Amitav Radiance
Try to understand
That’s left unsaid
Pick up subtle clues
Follow your heart
Calling of the soul
Sighs of yearning
After many eons
True heart calling
Just surrender
To be forever
 Jul 2015
There was a mad person
We all gathered round
Quite the sensation
This strange passion
We found

No ties to morality
Could flag our attention
Those of a studied mind
Also suffered this condition

I've sat there next to killers
Staring at a thief
Pointing bloodstained fingers
Those **** solutions of the elite

Mob mentality
An anomaly that blinds nations
Social conditioning
Media manipulation

No worry
It happens to the best of us
But now it's time to look within
The world will always be in need
Of any love that we can send...
 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
Violaceous twilights,
      clandestinely sated
lavished 'til morn's early blush
   midst honey suckled euphoria,
 poems hidden 'neath
         satin pillowcases,
written 'tween the dew
    of rendezvous'
       blissed arousal
forevermore eagerly breathless,
      reawakening intentions
  aloft the vast obscurity of
        a wistful sunset's surrender
 Jul 2015
always been a perpetual dreamer
  castles forever floating in air
foundations constantly shifting below
  earthly tremors shaking the heavens
…a role reversal made to disorder

sometimes i long for a clear blue sky
  without puffy white towers soaring
ofttimes i wish for a darkened slumber
  with no white noise of fanciful fanfare
…a dreamer in reverie of dreamless nights
 Jul 2015
William A Poppen
My eyes played tricks,
not moving to the monitor
but pulling toward
that sound of sipping tea

The soft whooshing captured my focus.
Mind following eyes - -
I was on my back
basking in the sun - -
gazing at the clouds

Her emanation was sapphire blue,
emerald green tinged crimson
at the edges -  -
monitor and mind together went
blank. I sat in a trance
until the emotion crept

slowly up my neck then down my back.
She gave me a glance.
She finished her tea
shuffled some paper, left the place

A dancer without music,
the glide out graceful.
Her glimmering aura disappeared
as she faded into the day
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
Follow your North Star
'Til you drop in your tracks;
Your story's ahead,
Don't turn and look back.

Your dreams, when awake,
Are dreams that you follow;
The ones in your sleep
Are misleading and hollow.

Aspire for greatness,
You'll make some mistakes;
But the distance you travel
Will make your ground quake.

If you reach for the stars,
And pull back too soon,
You won't have regrets
When you land on your moon.
sing, magic sea horse!
          about marine depths
         about vivid day dreams     
                                   the song of the waves echoes at the bottom
                    shallow waters             pearl shells            rainbow ears

                  someone should tell the colorful depths:

                                 about my sighs
                                located                    ­  on the edge of the horizon
                                   resting in the arms
                                    of a hundred salty flowers
                                           swaying and dancing as
                       golden midsummer breeze
              runs through scented branches    

marine shrimps are running
               toward tanned ankles
            silver bracelets
               toward brown feet
                             bronze *******

       young boys catching their first fish

sailing boats gliding
    sea gulls
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