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Aug 2015 · 683
Fon Aug 2015
Every hour
I wait

Staring at the phone
I wait

You said "tomorrow"
I wait

Go to sleep
With hope
For "tomorrow"
I wait

We all know
That "tomorrow"
Never comes
Jun 2015 · 4.2k
Fon Jun 2015
You're everywhere in my mind
And I have to distract myself
From repeating your existence
With all the music
That, sadly, also reminds me of you

Even the lyrics isn't related
My mind finds a way
To slip you in
And urge the heart
To crave you more
May 2015 · 1.6k
Fon May 2015
Knowing you is like playing with fire
Yet alluring

For your presence

A piece of me crushed

Sometimes I want to stop
Yet I keep going back to you
Dec 2014 · 470
Make Me Feel
Fon Dec 2014
I'm dreaming of your hands on my body
Feeling me gently


Racing fast
And getting

Don't stop now

Make us closer
Than ever

Make me feel
How much you love me
With your touch

Make me feel
How it's like to be loved
How it's like to be in love
And receive love
In return

Aug 2014 · 2.8k
Fon Aug 2014
Maybe my body wants to be awake
Waiting for you
And when you finally text me
I can just rush to my phone
Be happy
And sigh to the end of the hours
That I've been
For you
Maybe you are
The answer
To my sleepless nights
Aug 2014 · 422
Fon Aug 2014
There was once a wild flower
Grew in the meadow
Among other beautiful flowers
The wild flower wondered
If anyone could recognize her

She stood among others
Yet she felt lonely
Hoped to be recognized

One day
There was a cloud
Passed by the area
Where she lived
The cloud dropped a single rain to her

Said he

She turned to him

She replied

And that was when their story began

He recognized her among other thousand flowers
He watered her
Brought her back to her freshness
And to her own beauty

She lived her life more alive than she ever thought she could be

But one day
Here came the storm
Blocked them away

She tried to reach him
But he was too far

He tried to reach her
But he couldn’t understand how could he get pass the storm

And that’s when she started to feel small
More than ever

As if a part of her had been stolen
As if a part of her had died

"Will I see you again"
She thought, looked down at her palm which was now…
Her petals loose
She tried to hold on
Yet it was hard to remember
How it was like
To live alone
Since moments were created
And shared
Between her
And him

It was hard
To sleep
At night
When your mind kept trying to remind you of someone
Who was a part
Of your
Jun 2014 · 16.4k
Fon Jun 2014
The worst fight
Is the one
Against feeling
The more you keep resisting
The more it grows deeper
Jun 2014 · 2.2k
Fon Jun 2014
Right in front of me
All I ever wanted
So close
Yet so far
As if I am
Jun 2014 · 746
Fon Jun 2014
Nothing stays the same
I know that's a fact
But it would be easier
If people just come into your life
Leaving nothing
And gone

But it's the opposite

They give you memories
Ones that you spent together
They leave you footprints
They leave you scars
They leave you million stars
And one day
Everything has changed
All you do is keep missing
Those good old time

What you have left is the memory
And that's enough
To be a trigger
For countless hours of tears
May 2014 · 539
Fon May 2014
Out of sight
Out of mind

Maybe not

Whenever I close my eyes
I always find you there
In every corners of my mind
You're everywhere
You have left your mark on me
May 2014 · 293
Fon May 2014
You are out of love
While I'm still
In the universe
Full of stars
That remind me of you
May 2014 · 11.2k
Fon May 2014
Have you seen the moon
I wish you can see it too
Probably look at it the same time
As I do
Then somehow
We could be together
Even we're miles away
May 2014 · 495
Fon May 2014
When fireworks light up your sky
Remember how I'd like to lie-
there next to you
Watching flowers of fire
Under the sky
Full of stars
May 2014 · 2.4k
Fon May 2014
A star is missing
On my sky
It has become
A meteor
Heading somewhere else
Away from me
While all I can do
Is just
Watching it
Leaving me
May 2014 · 757
Fon May 2014
I wish your departure be like the moon
Then I'll know you will come back soon
But as of the situation now
My sky is full of dark cloud
Blind the universe away
Leave me in disarray

Distance is noticed
Shattered heart
can't cure it back
Apr 2014 · 325
Fon Apr 2014
Too much
Too less
I can't seem to find
My own place

Like I am stuck
In between
With no destination
To be seen
I open
           and got crushed
                                       how can I
Apr 2014 · 316
Fon Apr 2014
Your morning text
Shows me
That dreams come true
Apr 2014 · 22.8k
Fon Apr 2014
Early Sunday morning
I woke up
To see your message
Barely open my eyes
I read
Your text
And smile
Not the morning person
But I would love
To see sunrise
With you
By my side
Apr 2014 · 632
Sleep now
Fon Apr 2014
I wish
To sing you lullaby
Let you lay your head
On my lap
Slowly sinking
Into darkness
While I remind you
How lovely you are
How I appreciate
Your presence
How I see you in everything
And how you bring
To my sky
Apr 2014 · 631
Fon Apr 2014
I felt bad
It felt so right
But I seem to enjoy
Darkness of the night
Cannot see
Trapped somewhere
However I long
To be there
Apr 2014 · 423
Fon Apr 2014
I want to
As much
As I don't
I don't know
What I want
Sometimes I want
What seems to be
Devil, as I see
But who knows
It could match
The devil
In me
Apr 2014 · 4.4k
Fon Apr 2014
Picking up the phone
To see none notification
Put it back down
Wondering what you might be doing

Don't know exactly what I want
But I am sure I want to talk
To you
About nothing

Would you like
To talk
To me, too
About nothing
Or everything
I don't mind
Apr 2014 · 628
All I want
Fon Apr 2014
Wish to be where you are
Having funny convo
Laugh along
Not living this far

It hurts to see you there
And I am here
When all I want
Is to be near
Apr 2014 · 4.3k
Fon Apr 2014
Heart is wild
And selfish

It wants
What it wants
Without second thought
Of consequences

It hurts
When it gives away
Its feeling
To the void

But it never learns
About the past
It keeps going
Oh wild, wild heart
Apr 2014 · 5.1k
Fon Apr 2014
Let it go
Dig deep
Leave it behind

Not wanted

Not granted
Give it away

So that you won't
Apr 2014 · 11.4k
Worst enemy
Fon Apr 2014
One-sided feeling
One-sided thought
Feel like a tool
I'm only a fool

What could hurt most
Are those in your mind
You are your own
Worst enemy

And you are out of line
Apr 2014 · 922
Fon Apr 2014
Like a flame
Inside the chest

Can't control
Can't contain

The cause
Of the flame
Is far
Far away

And I don't think
The cause knows
What it has done

All over

No sight of ending
The cause
And pour its water
To this burning yearning heart
Apr 2014 · 2.6k
Fon Apr 2014
I am clingy
I try not to be
But how can you help yourself
Not to be
Close to the one
You love
Apr 2014 · 367
To be loved
Fon Apr 2014
I never knew
How it's like
To be loved
Until you came
And brought a zoo
Of butterflies
To my stomach
Apr 2014 · 4.6k
Miss you
Fon Apr 2014
I do not know
How many miles away
We are so far
From each other

Different time
Different place
My mind now
Is like a maze

I'm trapped
In my own thought
Can't seem to find
The way out

Missing someone
Is bitter
You long for their presence
Wish they would show up

But all you can do
Is keep missing
And hoping
They would feel
The same way, too
Apr 2014 · 671
All About You
Fon Apr 2014
Goodbye night
Quiet a while
Morning thought
Precious time

Morning dream
I have heard
May come true
And It was
About you
Mar 2014 · 37.0k
Fon Mar 2014
People eventually leave
Previously, I used to grieve
Wonder how people just
Enter and exist
Like they never cherish
The time we spent

Now I realize
It's the way of life
The moment that comes
and goes
And nothing stays
the same
Mar 2014 · 409
Think of me
Fon Mar 2014
I'm not asking much
Just once a day
Think of me
Think of how I would be
Doing in a certain moment

It doesn't cost much, right
Don't wish to be your morning thought
Or midnight dream
Just think of me
At least
Mar 2014 · 403
Another night
Fon Mar 2014
Another 3am
Another night
Can't sleep
I'm wide awake

Can't stop the thought
Can't win this fight
How can I rest
My mind tonight

It's all about you
You are everywhere
Every corners
Here and there

I want to free myself from you
But, yeah right
It's hard to do

Once people in
They won't be out
So choose carefully
Who you want to keep

You own my thought
Occupy my mind
Think I don't let you
But my heart compels
Mar 2014 · 368
Fon Mar 2014
I thought of you
I think of you
And I will be
Thinking of you

Isn't it amazing
How one can stay forever
In our mind
And memory

Only a peek
Of your photo
Can make me go
Quite like crazy

I wonder how it works
How you trigger the feeling
Or I just water
These flowers in my own garden

With your words
With your smile
With the time
We spend


Now, please unchain me
From thinking of you
It's 3 in the morning
My mind needs to rest too

After a long day
...of you in my head
Mar 2014 · 620
Look up
Fon Mar 2014
You told me you love daytime
Can you see now, the sky
Blue, cloudless, so bright
Do you know
Stars are there too
But the sun, too bright, blind them away
Do you know
My feeling is the same
Just wait
'Till the sun goes down
'Till clouds are away
'Till moon shines again
There they are
Among the stars
It starts just like crescent moon
May look tiny
But you have seen
How bright when it's full
Mar 2014 · 352
Look again
Fon Mar 2014
In the middle of the night
Looking back to old memory
Oh how sweet it used to be
Very much happy, very lovely time
Every now and then it knocks on my door
You, I thought, is the reason of it all
Oh how sweet it used to be
U**s, only, you and me
I hope you see the message
Mar 2014 · 330
There and gone
Fon Mar 2014
I don't know what went wrong
We were so strong
We laughed 'till we cried
It was pure happiness
But like shooting star across the sky
Happiness comes and goes
Mar 2014 · 402
Fon Mar 2014
to this
My heart
is aching
It calls out
your name
Whole day
I thought
of you
Whole day
I asked
about you
Whole day
you were
in my mind
and tell me
if it's not
too late
for me
to confess
that I
long for your humour
your laugh
your Hello
your presence
I think
you already
lost interest
in me
I would say it
I lo-
You always finish my sentence. I hope you can finish this one

— The End —