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 Sep 2017 Christine
There once was a young girl, shy
And pretty, but unaware of her grace.
On late summer days she gazed up to the sky,
Trying to slow down worlds enormous pace.

She understood there was more outside,
than poppy fields and hazy clouds,
while most people blindly joined life's crazy ride,
she resolved to walk without the crowd.

On her untapped path she spotted a flower,
blue and lovely as she has never seen it before.
For flowers blooming in unexpected places she swore,
are the most beautiful ones holding the greatest power.
To all who are brave enough to take the untapped paths in life and be themselves
 Sep 2017 Christine
cry it out. a lot.
until you don’t have any tears left in your body.
until the pain makes your body and your emotions numb.
until you feel empty inside,
lying on the floor, wondering why there’s a stain on the ceiling.

sleep. a lot.
you’ll reach for their body in your bed to bring them closer,
but realize there’s nothing more than the cold mattress and the lonely blanket.
it won’t feel warm after a while.
it’s alright.

go out. a lot.
feel the coldness of the night wind on your red cheeks.
feel the warmness of the shots of ***** in your throat.
being surrounded by friends has never felt so essential.
they’re the special ones, the golden ones.
keep them close.

wait. a lot.
nothing will feel right for a while.
sometimes everything will feel better.
and then it’ll all suddenly come back in waves.
it’s alright.
it takes time to become whole again.
Come with me to my nowhereland
Get to know me at this stand

I visit this place quite often
It is solitary, dark and silent

Sitting hours leaving everything
Feel nothing and be nothing

Here i meet my truer self
Sit here blank, lost in myself

Don't tell me to comeback just yet
Don't ever try to bring me back

You will get to know me better
Or maybe we will lost together

Why i am here? you'll understand
Come with me to my nowhereland
Understand people in there dark
Away from the world
In soliude...
Just be nothing ..
Let's play a game
You will count to ten
At the end of it
Find me if you can

I'll hide in a place
I think you can't find me
But peek-a-boo!
You know exactly how I think

Count once more
It's my turn
I hear your heart racing
Found you in an instant

Lets go again
One last round!
Don't you peek
Don't you cheat

*Because this time round
I'm not playing
And you are not allowed...
...To watch me leave
But I wish differently...
 Sep 2017 Christine
I don't care what you think
I never have
I never fit in
the more I try the more obvious it is I don't belong.

I'm a lone wolf in my own forest and I like it that way
I like being
there for me
and not having to worry about
stupid peoples insecurities
I like having
those 6 degrees
of separation between you and me.

I envy those who crave touch,
for I know not until I am

I envy those who can spread their wings
and become the social butterfly in the room

that's not me

not trying to keep up with these sheep

I'd rather starve in my abandoned forest
than dress in their stupid fleece
 Sep 2017 Christine
Paul Jones
To love and be loved      is to be in the
atmospheric warmth      of feeling complete.
14:30 - 01/09/17

State of mind: mellow; tired.
Perspectives: personal.

Thoughts: from feeling - mellow and tired but generally quite content and relaxed. Like an overwhelming tiredness, returning from a long but beautifully, wild adventure.

Questions: none.

Listening to: Sigur Rós - Dauðalogn
 Sep 2017 Christine
 Sep 2017 Christine
I'm left alone but it's okay

At least you kept me company

Even if you're not here;

Words few and random,

Yet words meaningful to me.

Words cut short;

Not more than beautiful lies.

Even you have to go,

Yet again I'm left alone.

Listening to laughter I wish I had as well,

Joy that I wish I grabbed when I had the chance;

If I had taken a whole different path;

A haunting thought.

Frightening, yes, but also comfortable;

Thinking I should be happy after all that happened,

Yet I'm not.

I can't think straight

But I still think of the feeling of how you hurt me with one-sided love

Without even noticing it
 Sep 2017 Christine
How can thoughts be real
They're not solid enough to touch
So how can someone manifest
A feeling such as love?
Can you
Hold it
Breathe it
Squeeze it in your hands
It's forcing us to trust
In the invisible
Once again

Because although you can't see it
  It can still disappear
Love is the sad song
That left you crying in your beer

Blind sided
It can hit you
And you best believe it's true
Love is as real
As the way I feel for you
Traveler Tim
Dedicated to:
Everyone in the known universe!
 Sep 2017 Christine
Francie Lynch
Memories aren't made to be broken,
Yet lie in shards, each piece
Refracting unframed pictures.

Promises aren't made to be broken,
But words are malleable.

Hearts are too often broken, quartered
And flung to the elements.

Spirit cannot be broken
Under any crushing worry.

And love,
Away or dwelling,
Encompassing love;
Battered, betrayed,
Exalted, praised;
Spent like money,
Treasured, yet free as air.
Most invulnerable,
Most vulnerable;
Frail and omnipotent.
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