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 Sep 2017 Christine
Mike Hauser
leaves on trees
wait for a breeze
so they can blow
where'er they please

yet patiently
not always seen
when angry red
replaces envy green

some don't dare
being yellow scared
take the leap
to go somewhere

on the ground
all find out
the short trip down
turns deadly brown

where the time spent
on falls lament
the leafs life
came and went
 Aug 2017 Christine
Diana Botelho
I know who I am
but I don't know why I feel the things that I feel
I don't wanna feel them
I want them to go away

I wanna feel okay
with myself
with people
with him
I wanna feel right
I need to feel like this is all going away
this feeling in my stomach
that something is wrong and is not getting better
that I'm not ever going to be free of this things I feel

these emotions
they drag me down and I know I shouldn't apologize but I feel so inappropriate
I know the world doesn't revolve around me
but I still feel
like everything is my fault
like I'm being a burden
even when I'm asleep
 Aug 2017 Christine
Maria Etre
paper cut
my skin
with unspoken
for my voice
failed to give
them their
proper justice
 Aug 2017 Christine
Tamera Pierce
Through all of the turmoil in life
I want you to know...
I love you.
The time that will pass
Leaves a mark on you and I
Staining us forever.
We are the mirrored image of tomorrow.
I want to be your tomorrow.
I want to be your today.
I love you.
There will come a day when
things change
When the wind blows a different way
The ground will crumble beneath our feet.
I will scream out my loyalty.
I love you
There is no other peace but in your smile  
I love you.
You are a glorious piece of my heart
The fabric of my story
I will never forget your voice
You are my endeavor
I love you.
I don't really think this is good. I just like the sentiment, I guess .
 Aug 2017 Christine
Human being
 Aug 2017 Christine
You need to grab my hand and tell me its okay
This place is so cruel And we don't have to stay
Take my worries away and make me believe
That there is beauty left in all the things That I don't see
Am trapped in a cage and you are my key
Come closer hunny, and please set me free
Stand by my side and never let me go
Teach me again how to pass every flow
I wanna feel with you the things I couldn't feel
Cause you are my savior, with you am a human being.
I want so badly to meet the guy that will rock my world upside down, that will make me feel a human again.
 Aug 2017 Christine
Apporva Arya
Its always hard to say "let's end it"
While still loving u.
When it comes to separation,
We are not good at it.
A little spark is enough,
to make us run to each other.
These hands should not touch yours,
And eyes should not meet either.
Vows will be broken,
We were never good at
love and separation.
 Aug 2017 Christine
No use to fight the bloodshot eyes
Stained from the tears I cry
And Your love that is seeming to die

I sit

I need none,  just wanna feel a buzz

Yet nobody kills the high of your lust better than you
That pedestal I put you on has sky scraped my heart raw
Yet the pain keeps me wanting fix
Fistfuls of tears and hate we ****** at each other
Burning our trust
Til the smoke exhausts us
Time stops and forgiveness is brought
I love you’s and fantasies are from silent thoughts to passionate exchanges
We seal our soon to be broken promises with a kiss
A pattern so sweet my tongue can’t seem to keep itself off of you

The rain could never drown me, for I stand beneath you
My umbrella
Beholding patches
Exposing the brisk to my lips
Cheeks would be stained red if I was a shade of pale
To be seen trapped within this thing of sorts which you call love
A poem about being emotionally trapped in a toxic relationship
 Aug 2017 Christine
charlie snow
‪your eyes remind me‬
of a toy i used to play
i don't miss it
but i remember it

deep by the blue ocean
covered with the sand
sitting with the rest
of the lost treasures

it seems as if yesterday
was the golden hour
of my time on earth
for you were there

as i try to memorize
the maps on your back
the concave of your mouth
the painting of your body

l‪eave me with the statue‬
‪the resemblance of you‬
‪for my heart feels safer‬
‪when i'm with you‬

‪the head might be mad‬
‪with your hand i must‬
‪fill the different cracks‬
‪with your everlasting love‬

-j.a.t.f (08.13.17)
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