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MeganW Nov 2014
I do not desire to fix you.
I cannot fix you so please do not think my love is like a magic pill.
I do though have an extreme wanderlust.
Adventures are one of life's greatest pleasures and the most grand trip I will ever get to partake in is that of your body and mind.
Your body is like a map that I want to get lost on.
Your eyes are forests that I desire to explore.
Your hands are the steering wheel to my trip.
Take me to the darkest corners of your heart and mind.
I'll bring a flashlight and give you my hand in case you get scared.
I want to know the highest mountain and the deepest valley of you.
I cannot fix or save you, that is something you are doing everyday,
But every crack and crevice I find I will fill with my love
I will bring light into your most black abyss
While you save yourself I will hold your hand
To my love
MeganW Nov 2014
A week ago I didn't know your name
A week ago my lips had never known the touch of yours
A week ago I didn't know that bliss this vast was a possibility
A week ago I doubted my abilities to fall in love
Then you came
You came and changed my whole world in the time lapse of a few days
These few days have been some of the best of my life and I know I'll have you for the rest of my life
You see, they say that you know almost immediately when it's the one and I now really believe that is true because dear God have I fallen for you
I haven't just fallen, I've dove off this cliff knowing you'll be the parachute to save me
MeganW Nov 2014
I kissed you and all I felt was shame
MeganW Nov 2014
Numb adj.
The textbook definition of numb is deprived of the feeling of sensation or responsiveness.
I've learned the definition of numb is when your heart drops into the abyss of your stomach and your whole body feels limp. You try to focus but your brain has gone into hibernation. Nothing feels real, everything feels as if walking through a dream. You talk to people but you aren't really there. You can look straight into someone's eyes and see absolutely nothing. My body feels like hotel with a brightly lit vacancy sign. If that is what I've learned numb is then dear God am I more numb than ever before.
MeganW Oct 2014
Forced writing is meaningless
I have become a generic writer just typing out regurgitated words of others
My writing is worthless when it is not raw and true
I am attempting to be something I am not
This is not my heart and soul
My head is spinning but nothing is coming out
If I used to be able to write I cannot anymore for my heart is full but my pen has run dry
MeganW Oct 2014
I always end up singing you to sleep even though you'll never be mine to keep
At least I put a smile on your face even if I never get to know your embrace
You're my favorite girl in the world but I'll never be able to call you my girl
If I could fall in love it'd be with you
MeganW Oct 2014
You always wanted me to write about you.
When I finally did you broke down in tears
The words I wrote were not what you expected to hear
You see I wrote of how you ripped me to shreds, not of when you promised to love me with all you had left
Finally you understood how you desecrated my heart and any concept I believed of love
You turned my heart into a dark abyss instead of the blazing furnace it once was. And those were not the words you wanted to be remembered for
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