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MeganW Oct 2014
It has been a year since my best friend has come into my life.
Scratch that, it's been a year since my sister has come into my life.
For the first time I believe I have found someone who will be here all my existence and will continue to love me.
You have taught me to be brave, to be strong, to keep going on. You've protected me, fought for me, loved and sometimes hated me.
Our friendship isn't perfect because they never are but you are the perfect person to be a friend to me.
So I stand here today thankful that the girl who usually goes away stayed.
Here's to having one of my friendship soul mates coming into my life and for the many years we have ahead.
I love you
MeganW Oct 2014
What I have learned in school is that society places your education at a higher value than your physical and mental health
MeganW Oct 2014
With each person who comes in and out of my life and makes the same promises of "I love you" and always staying, I lose faith that love exists
People never stay
MeganW Oct 2014
I left the person who loved me for the person who lusted after me.
Sometimes the distance is too much
MeganW Oct 2014
I'm heartless. But only because you stole mine from my chest.
MeganW Oct 2014
A lump began to grow and my stomach began to churn
The girl who promised to always stay tiptoed slowly away
Tears start to well up in my eyes but I swore this time I wouldn't cry
There's always someone better, life is full of the feeling of inadequacy
I'm sorry I could not be what you need. I'm sorry that weeds have grown in this heart of mine instead of the flowers you deserved
You never were going to stay
MeganW Oct 2014
You are different from the rest.
I was warned of those who would break my heart but never of those who would steal it from the very cage which it was entrapped in
I never gave you a key, just visiting hours
That alone was enough for you to swing wide the door open and allow my heart to go free
You kidnapped my heart but the key to yours belonged to another
You gave my heart its freedom but free it cannot be for it now lies in the palm of your hand
They never tell you that you don't get choice of your liberator or if you get the joy of holding their heart too
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