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  Dec 2014 Candy Noire
She lit the past with a match.
Watched the flames lick the
walls as they danced slowly
then all at once. We'll never be
the same again that's all he said.
Collecting the ash of what was left
and taking my hand to walk over to
the river side in the dead of night. Shut
your eyes and blow the pain away in
the wild winds. This is your chance to
live again and feel your heart beat from
within. Because a beauty like you deserves
to be loved and unbroken. I'll mend your
chest stitch up that precious heart of yours.
And fill the cracks of your bones with
nothing but the purest kind of love. We'll
never be the same again he said as he leaned
down and kissed her forehead. I'll make sure
you never experience anything bad or sad like
you did before we met. Now come on darling it's
almost time for bed. Let me wrap you with my
arms of dazzling gold to keep you warm instead
of the blanket that you just burned and claimed
it dead.* ~
Candy Noire Nov 2014
You told me you were "addicted to me"
Who need's drugs, when I had a stronger affect
Your lips are ecstasy
Your heart is LSD
And I crave you like morphine
You numb me
When your gone I have withdrawals
The effect is so strong
You're not perfect
But you feel too right to be wrong
You hit me so fast
And I'm high for the night
But the rush never lasts
I need you here tonight.
For M
Candy Noire Nov 2014
You should have listened
When I said I wanted out
When I told you about the things in my head
When I said I was better off dead
You should have listened
When I said I needed someone
But I'm not blaming you for this
Don't get me wrong
You should have listened
At 3am when I was sobbing in my room
And you were sleeping peacefully
You should have listened
When I said that I loved you
The humble crack in my voice
Like it's the last chance for me to be true
But will you listen?
When I'm lonely and it's cold
And I need someone to protect me
This life is growing old
And if you listen
And give me a reason to stay
Then I promise you you won't regret this
I'm here when you feel this way.
Candy Noire Nov 2014
I’m Pluto.
I’m a forgotten planet
In my galaxy isolated
Although others radiate around me
Over the stratosphere but I can’t penetrate my light
I look to find the solace; I feel safe when it is night.
  Oct 2014 Candy Noire
Harley Hucof
By the end of this trace
                I'll forget your name
That's what i say each time
           I get down to take the line

Words Of Harfouchism
Candy Noire Oct 2014
Night time on my mind
Graffitied to the walls on my train ride
To where you live
You give anything to feel real
To feel alive
So you get drunk, get ******
To drown out the pain
But after you're done you still feel the same.
I cried to him in a drunken state
And he told me not to hurt myself
I told him to slap me round the face
He did, but I still didn't feel a thing.
We slept together, skin on skin
I felt my heart opening which worried me
Then quickly closing down
Metal bars, can't let you see
What you do to me.
The next day you called me a taxi
Asked me why I looked sad
And kissed goodbye to me
Your love bites don't mean a thing
You won't know this but I'm sinking.
For G
  Oct 2014 Candy Noire
Harley Hucof
She held the dark apple in her hand
He ate it but felt so sole
He offered her his heart
Instead she took his soul.

She dragged him to her dark land
but he couldn't call it a home
He felt so used, it was love he thought
instead in an endless sorrow he dove.

The time passed she consumed his spirit
the evil in her has no limit.

Once he became useless..

she caged him with the rest of the boys in the basement
so she could start searching for a replacement

A new man with pure essence
A man with a spiritual possesion

a man ready for the next apple
a man who will lose the battle...

Words Of Harfouchism
This is a sequel to " A dark apple " by " Mystic Angel"
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