The wind blows my paper away
just like you used to ******* away
Each day, I used to look forward to seeing you
Looking like you do, with eyes that twinkle the night sky of my life
Every night spent trying to decipher how your perfection came to be
That was until I fell asleep and woke up again to see
see that you were just an illusion
The fusion of our personalities created a chemical reaction
And, so fiercely, worse than a James Bond movie
But the difference is, this isn't a movie
This was the heart underneath my tee-shirt
How it was hurt and kicked in the dirt
and you just pretended you were fine
Even though you cry yourself to sleep at night, thinking of me, and what could've been the start of something great
When you wake up, you act as though you don't have a heart,
and you don't.
because it blew up into pieces along with mine
Yet, all we do is ignore each other and tell our friends "I'm Fine"
And one day, I'll be out dining with the family you didn't have with me
Seeing you across the many tables,
I'll raise my glass and nod my head
You'll do the same
Although I said nothing to you, both of us knew
and, slowly, I felt my heart grow back in my chest