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 May 2016 Bablo
just a girl
you say you really love me
but still you call me stupid *****?
i dont think you really see
how much you make my arms itch

i do love you cuz afterall you are my mom
but we argue all the time
i dont know where this anger come from
and right now im living on a really thin line

mom i hate you go away
no i need you please, please stay!
get out of my room stupid *****
your face reminds me most of a witch

i sit here alone sad and afraid
but it wont be long back anyway...
im gonna **** myself, not today
but i will cuz i know i wont stay
so... my mom is overreacting about like... everything :'( ugh i hate her
and i'm SUPER suicidal right now... i turned anorexic at dinner today idk where it came from but just been arguing all day and now i feel fat...
 May 2016 Bablo
just a girl
a broken mirror a bleeding fist
a silver blade against a wrist
tears falling down to lips unkissed
ignore her and she wont exist
she's not hte kind you'll come to miss

 May 2016 Bablo
just a girl
roses are red
violets are blue
sugar is sweet
and so are you

but the roses have wilted
and the violets are dead
the sugarbowl is empty
and my wrists are stained

 May 2016 Bablo
just a girl
desperate and so lonely
i've looked for you
i left behind all that i
have ever longed for
cold wins scream through my ears
like a banskee
a freezing chill
a pain, that still will haunt me

yet i have made it here
running through all the fear
the sadness in my heart retains the pain
and if i fall i've learnt that i may not return
none of my love remains
yet i have made it here
make this pain dissapear
my one and only prince charming

that's when i wonder...
why cant i even dream?

 May 2016 Bablo
cannot help
the hands
that touch me
when they
could heal me
I know
its a distant
on my soul
I wasn't
but she reads me
and I feel
more than
                               My greatest wish
                               I couldn't say
                              is by her
                        ­        my greatest hope
                              is only
                              that I could
                             hold her
                               that we'll make love
                              while we're
 May 2016 Bablo
Hong Denice
Love is of God; lust is from the world

Love is selfless; lust is selfish

Love can wait; lust is got to have it now

Love is giving; lust is taking

Love is purity; lust is sin

Love develops; lust destroys

Love is peaceful
Lust is full of anxiety

-Charles Stanley
 May 2016 Bablo
Teenage Mess
As a kid your parents always tell you not to go in the deep end till you can swim.
But not mine, she threw me in, told me sink or swim.
Oh how I sank like a 90 pound rock.
Oh how I hit the bottom with bone breaking force.
Oh how I tried to scream but was welcomed with lungs full of water.
Oh how she turned her back, to busy to care.

I died that day, the thing that swam up was in fact not me, she began to welcome it with open arms...

Till she shoved it back down too,
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