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Sep 2016 · 559
Who are they?
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
So many people around.
Who are they? Friends? Enemies?
No, just a cold crowd,
They are nobody to me.
Sep 2016 · 400
Don't be sad
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Don't be sad, my angel, don't weep
Wipe those tears.
The eternal happiness you seek
You'll have no more fears.

You'll find someone 
Who'll be beside you 
You'll find the faithful one.
You won't be blue.

The best of people-not fair -
The most unhappy are.
They search for support in vain
Sincere are spared by noone.

Don't be sad. Look, here
Here I stand.
I'm not just silent looker
I'll give you my hand.

No matter where will I be
Among unknown souls
Through deserts, sees
I'll run back, just call.
Sep 2016 · 347
The world of illusions
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
I don't want to hear about bad.,
About wars, illness, odds,
About the poor and the sad.
Go away thoughts!

I protest! I protest
My world of illusions to leave.
I protest! I protest
In reality live.

I built my universe here
Without people,
Where I'll live hundreds of years
Without fears.

Birds are singing here songs
About love, happiness.
Lucky, they do not know
About loneliness.

Each day the sun is shining
At night - hundreds of stars.
I lie on the silver lining.
Near the see is my house.

One and only could replace
This wonderful sight.
To transform each day
Into a bird's flight.

And flying in the sky
In my wings I felt pain.
To fly
No more I can.

And once again Hello-hello
Hello, beautiful scenes
Hello new old world
Don't beg, my soul away leaves.
Sep 2016 · 342
About a girl
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
On the street goes
A beautiful girl.
In the mouth a cigarette holds,
In her hands - a bottle of ***.

With the eyes, as the nights
Dark and hollow.
With a soul, as her eyes
Deep, full of sorrow.

There is a grey sky overhead,
Lightning, thunder.
She'd better of dead.
No god above and under.

Suddenly the rain stops,
The sun is shinning.
The heart once again hopes.
Doesn't want whining.

Once again she wants to live
To create, to fly.
She has something to give.
Doesn't want to die.
Sep 2016 · 393
Strange hobby
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
I'm a little bit strange.
When I see in the crowd
A person of the old age
I imagine them child's.

I imagine them young
And always the same picture:
How runs and sings a song
The smiling creature.

I see their first love,
How they hold the faithful hand.
I see how with time
Their fire faded away.

The child runs
So much more to go,
How short this life is
Doesn't know.

Why, why, why.
That happy expression
On the face of a child
Is now full of depression.?

Slow down, time!
Let me stay young
Who's up in the sky
I beg,  let it slow down!

As the song sounds :
Let us live forever
Or let us die young.
Sep 2016 · 478
21th century poet
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
There are millions like me.
Though so hard they try,
They will never be
The example of beautiful style.

There are milliards
With hollow hopes.
Unknown bards,
Condemned words.

Greet, people
Hello, hated, beloved
Greet, deep and simple,
The 21th century poet.
Sep 2016 · 286
Don't look
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Don't look at me like that.
I know what this sight means.
I'll burn down your flags.
Won't leave a memory.

What are you looking there?
Eyes colder than snow.
How little you know...
How little you know...
Sep 2016 · 324
Where were you?
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
I came to you
And silently begged
For help.
Away you me send.

Where were you
When I was losing hope
In everything?
Have forgotten me long ago..
Who are we now? Enemies?

Where were you?
You were not here,
My cries for help you didn't hear.
Where were you when I needed just
Just one glance...

Just one word,
Just one sound,
Just some light in the dark.
I would give the world
For the beat of your heart.
Sep 2016 · 290
War is not the answer
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
How much more men
Have to give their lives
So we could finally understand
That we should not fight?

Stop killing each other.
Enough of mothers' tears
A child, having not known a father
Will keep a rage for years.

He'll grow up and raise
Eyes, not childish, but evil
His parent's graves
He will not forgive them.

He'll go with a sword and fire
On that one
Whose son
Will take revenge for his father

So let the circle spin
****** is not the way out of it.
Thousands of men died to win.
Is that what we really wanted?

Did we want to grow older
To become a dead body,
Be buried in graves
With no names?

Isn't there enough space?
Don't we have enough place?
So, no matter what it will take us
To wage wars with our neighbors?

What's wrong with you, people?
Madmen in disguise.
Is it really so little
Dirt in this world of lies?

You raised up a white dove.
Waited for it to become strong.
Then killed it, killed love.
Instead of prayer sounds the war song.

Oh, how I dream of a place
Where peace is.
Unfortunately, human race
Casts doubt on heaven's existence.
Sep 2016 · 459
Go away
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Go away from me, away!
Away with your truth,
Away with your thoughts and your ways.
No matter what you hold in hands -
A rose or a noose.

We look at each other the same,
With despise and wreath.
Let everyone choose his own path.
Later the fate not to blame.

I put myself in your shoes -
You're dark to the bone.
Go away with your rules,
I've got my own
Sep 2016 · 281
How could you
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
How could you?
How you dared
To lower a boom?
You're brave, my friend.

How could
About sacred lie?
If I were like you
You would have died.
Sep 2016 · 325
Sooner or later
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Can't swim on nor drown,
Loving life, I'll emerge
At the deadend I frown,
A look of pain and rage.

Because of the smoke
My lungs are black.
Things, which you spoke
Made my soul wreck.

Every night you
In my dreams sing.
I'll forget the bloom
Of leaving spring.

A look of the eyes
On life, not getting better
But Sooner or later
Sun breaks the ice
Sooner or later
The new spring comes.
Sep 2016 · 369
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
You know, my friend, they say:
This world the beaty'll save.
Yes, for sure, it saves,
The beauty of the soul, not face.
Sep 2016 · 284
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Oh how wrong was I, see,
To slow down at the beginning.
To run with her beside me
I defied the pleasure of winning.

But you ran forth,
Leaving me behind
So now I took an oath
To run faster than wind

And now look at me,
Look at the run of the lover!
I wonder, should someone be
Exalted by another?
Sep 2016 · 355
Let smile the sad
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
They say everything away goes,
The truth existing for ages.
Who finds knows a loss,
Best friends become strangers.

Lovers will forget each other,
Those, who are loved
Will betray, brother
The eternity died.
We don't bother.

So let the happiest cry,
And let smile the sad.
Everything will pass by,
Everything will fade.
Sep 2016 · 334
Love you no more
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
You are no longer mine.
The heart beats slower.
If see you, I'll pass by,
My head I'll lower.

What's your name again?
Your image eyes forgot.
Those, who weren't in pain
Never loved.

I don't cry, don't weep
Honestly, I never did.
The heart cannot forgive
The one who made it bleed.

Sometimes I think of...
Love...Intresting thing.
Everyone lives to love,
I loved to live.

I love you no more.
Bye, beloved, bye.
I wait no longer for...
I'll say nothing at your "Hi".

But now, see, I can't...
I'm fine, just...
No longer, my friend
I'm able to trust.

I locked myself in a chamber
Holding a bottle to whet.
All write to remember,
I write to forget
Sep 2016 · 529
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Though so well I hide,
And my life's a masquerade
Though, evеrytime I cried
And told: "That's charade"

Though many times I said:
"Don't believe my tears
My heart has never bled,
I'm cold, I have not fears"

Though acted as the happiest, see
Wore wide deceitful smile
When heard : "Go, live without me"
I thought : WIll it be worthwhile?

How easily can world colapse
When heard:"Get out of sight!"
You know, on the church steps
The atheist cried.

Though thought soul's eternal,
When heard:"Forever goodbye"
Stopped the song vernal,
Eternal soul died.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Copycat people
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
I hate you so much,
Copycat people.
How can you be such
Moral cripples?

In the world of lies,
Where hate is worshipped
I wonder, how could I
Fall in love with someone of it?

When the Mighty doesn't hear
The little boy's call,
Thinking he's a stranger here,
From the rooftop he falls.

When with a sight of believer
The father kicks out his son
From home, naming him sinner,
'Cause he loves the wrong one.

And quoting the Bible at that....
Stop the Earth, stop!
No...better not...
Better make it collapse!

I saw what our souls
Are able to do.
I hate you just 'cause
I'm the same as you.
Sep 2016 · 589
The end of the world
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Just yesterday the kid
The dream of future built.
There was a man just yesterday,
Today he's in the grave.

I hear the preachers warning word:
"Soon is the end of the world"
That's a lie. Believe or not -
Everyone his own has got.
Sep 2016 · 324
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
There are people like snow.
Beautiful but cold.
People full of love,
People spoiled by gold.

There are people-oceans,
People full of emotions
There are soldiers and captians.

There are people-robots,
There are people-moments,

There are people-edens,
There are even

There are people-alters,
There are people-dollars,
And the wallet owners
Sep 2016 · 337
The cemetery
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
For the happiest one by mistake
You'll take me if I sit before
With a smile of joy and fake
Looks the broken girl.

Do not think...I'm not in pain
Situation's old as world
Heart's not empty, it contains
The cemetery of whom I loved

Those who were beside
Like ghosts will appear
They'll look with hollow sight
And leave. I'm not in tears

To them I'm tied no more
And by the irony of fate
To life. Hear, hear me roar!
The person went, the traces left.
Cemetery, loss,
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
The eyes, you'd better be tired,
Look sadly on world, people in it.
The heart, you'd better slower a beat,
You'd better damp down a fire.

The soul, I wish you fell asleep,
But you can't be killed by anything.
If they betray, you'll smile and sing
The song of love to human breed.

The lips, be silent, dear.
Don't talk about eternal things,
Don't kiss, don't whisper into ears
Of those, who cannot hear.
Sep 2016 · 635
Antonina Dutchak Sep 2016
Few verses you tossed:
"What for the love, passion?"
Your cry of desperation
Is just the reflection of loss.

Yes, everything, for sure, will pass
Fade like rainbow, pass like rain.
The outcome known, my friend:
Each song the ending has.

But isn't it grand
To see for just one second
By what were saddened,
And beguiled the men?

Our whole life is
Just the moments of gleam,
The touch of a dream,
The bless of a kiss.

Yes, life is joke, evil mock
Maybe, from someone above
But devotion, love
Don't take as a joke.

— The End —