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 May 2015 allie
 May 2015 allie
Once they were unleashed
The brutal truth appeared

Scars formed on my body
As it was scratched and cut
Blood trickled out slowly
Mocking me

My eyes are misty
They followed the liquid
It continued as if it was a mere river

I am but human
Nothing more
Nothing less

You can hurt me
You can save me
It's all up to you

As your mind swirls
Remember what you did to me
 Apr 2015 allie
cloud suicide.
 Apr 2015 allie
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
I at least for once wanted to realize
That I was in a perfect order.
Not any kind of specific order,
An "Unknown Order"
That was some so called answer to all my problems.
That nothing was wrong and all in a perfect shape.
But I found it hard to face reality,
There are many holes and gaps in my "Order"
I found it hard to be me when everyone else around me is judging.
Its not easy to fit in when you have some "Unknown Order"
When everyone judges the quality of your "Order"
Whether it is poor, lacking glee, or just needs renew.
I found it best to embrace the "Unknown Order" you have.
To just be yourself and never change the way you are
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
Beyond a kingdom of mysterious lands.
A young brave knight gave forth his own hand.
The ladies had all fell in love at first sight
They had many dreams about the young knight.
Came the next day, late at noon,
A very hot day in the middle of June.
The knight noticed one lady timid and shy.
Though she thought the knight wasnt that great of a guy.
The knight being brave he said hi to the lady,
but the timid shy lady found the knight quite shady.
The knight had no clue
what should he do?
Try to impress?
Buy her a nice dress?
In order to impress he must defend the dragon.
Although it was the worst time of season for any type of dragon.
The other young ladies were extremely mad.
But the one other lady felt bad for the lad.
Although she did not like the young brave knight,
she had to tell him the true reason why.
The lady walked up to the guy.
The knight was heart broken and embarrassed
But he kept in mind he was best and bravest.
So thats the end of this love story fail,
But the other young ladies wanted to wear the veil.
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
I understand people
tell you this all of the
time, but I will say it
once again:

Stop putting pressure on innocent minds.
All they were trying to do was open the blinds.
Not just everything is about yourself being
Not just everyone has a hard time seeing
The truth behind the curtains, just push it away
Just put on the pressure and clear your pathway.
You don't realize that you are actually pushing
The one determined soul with the same type of feeling.
Stop putting pressure and let it all go.
Stop frowning because I want you to know
Stop trying your hardest to bring someone down
Stop trying to find 1,000 reasons to frown
Stop wasting your time trying to put pressure
Stop ignoring this message because you think it's off measure
Stop telling them they're not all that
Stop telling them they're being a brat
Just stop, move on, carry a happy soul in that beautiful being.
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
In which my day of birth is laid
In which the bees all prance around
with a summer tune stuck in their
little heads.
In which all people dress in bright yellow
In which tiny droplets of water splash around the pool
In which just the smallest bit of cold water could
soothe a parched throat
In which smiles spread across childrens' faces
as they jump around
In which flowers bloom one by one creating
the most beautiful mural on the face of the Earth
Keep in mind that you should keep a
smile on you beautiful faces
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
I sit down in the
Room of silence and none else.
I imagine me
In genial groups of same
Friendly organisms
I stay in my chair
With awkward feelings in me
Should I introduce?
Should I remain silent and sit?
 Jun 2014 allie
Lucy Bryant
I was born in Lynchburg, Virginia
My family had lived in Virginia for about 10 years before I was born
We moved exactly 1 month later
I was extremely rambunctious due to my own father's genes
When I was 3 years old I had gotten this old antique piano
out of our new house's closet and began to play O' Christmas tree
with out any help
I was enrolled in ballet classes at about 4 years old
I had then gone to school for the first time at 6 years old
Nobody liked me in kindergarten. In fact I brought in a sign language book and all the teachers laughed at me. (I just thought it would be something cool to bring)
In 2007, my father had been diagnosed with a liver disease and the doctors had told him that they couldn't do anything about it. He was going to die
But, he went to a different doctor and they told him he would survive
He just wouldn't be able to do a lot of things like go to work or family vacations
In 6th grade I realized that I wanted to be an actress and get more in to singing.
I also wanted to be a singer. And a dancer. And an interior designer. And a youtuber. And a poet. And a musician.
So I decided to try out for show choir. Where I belong.
 May 2014 allie
Again, I saw you standing there today
Still i cant find the words to say
Cant let out a "hi" or "hey"
Not even sure if it's okay

All along i've been following you
But when you look back I dont know what to do
Will you ever know this love is true?
Or will i remain forever feeling blue?

If only courage is something you can buy
Then maybe I dont have reasons to lie
About the words that came out as a sigh
Dont want to keep this until i die.
Made this tonight just to have something to post. Cant remember where i put the old ones i wrote.
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