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 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Even I hear the sounds of silence in your bedroom.
I hear the ever noisy silence ringing outside the cracks of the window.
I am tearing up inside, losing control.
I clenched my fists and buried myself in my moutain of comfort on the fabrics of your bed.
I am trying to stay happy, to talk to you.
But I was afraid to shout, afraid to let the monster in the cage out.
Do you hear me?
As I stand in silence like the wind?
Do you hear me through the Spears and knives of your hurt words?
Do you....?
Please hear me out...
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R

Did I smile?
Did i laugh without tears, did I shout, and screamed with no fear,
Did I dance? Did I pretend I am okay?
I am forgetful sometimes, so please remind me of my pain....

Did you miss me?
Did you see me in the stars,
Did you see me, as  I looked on the other side of the road, past the cars.
Did you see me, smiling from the moon, did you see me, warming you up at noon?
Did you see me, in between the leaves, did you see me as I danced while you're asleep....
Did you see me, as I shut your eyes.
Did you see me, as I kissed you from up I sang a lullaby...
Maybe I haven't been noticing you God....
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Clings of metal, pots and kettles.

Trumpets of laughter, drumming of tables,
planting of cables.

Sounds of games, clashing of swords, narrator's voice saying "game on!"

Quiet dim lights. Sounds in sound played in rooms, as people bring dishes out at noon.

Walls of cold separated speakers, waves of warmth shook the walls.
Crying in Midnight's, cats at 3, pens clicking at half past two.

Computers locked open.
Music of this neighborhood rang in my ears, as I stand by the door, paper wrapped in hand. Looking to the lights of another home...
Such a lively yet quiet neighborhood....
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
as if in(              )different stages, i act.
my costumes ready.
it sat quietly by the curtains.
i changed quickly.
from costume to costume.
i dont really know which one is real.
could have won an Oscar, for best acting and film,
directing the film-------co-directing the film.
i wasn't meant to be the one handling my (         )stages.
I wasn't meant to have so many.
i continue changing, stopping to realise i lost something, half between stage to stage i delay.
i felt it coming.
my feelings reaching out.
telling me real in this next act.
be real yall. I literally have different personas at any particular environment and that, to me, isnt really com had some problems, some is in italics i dont know why haha anyways, God bless yall. (fill in the blanks yall haha)
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Charlie Black
Don't worry I'm ok
It's all in my head
I'm not depressed
I'm not living life
On the verge of an attack
It's all in my head
It's all make believe
That's what my
Father says to me
It's all for attention
I look miserable
But inside I'm laughing
I'm doing this
To upset my mother
And my sister
And my brother
Bc I'm selfish and concieted
So don't worry
About my scars
And my thoughts
It's all make-believe
And so will be
My suicide
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Charlie Black
If you put a frog
In a *** of boiling water
It will jump out
Right away

But if you put the frog
In cool water
And slowly
Turn up the heat
It will stay there
Until it dies

That's an abusive relationship
Abusive relationships are different. They can be mental or physical. I hope I explained it ok and that this helps someone understand. I guess it's not rly a poem but more of a message, sorry.
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Paul Butters
Life clings on
In deserts, ice sheets and hot acid pools.
Those selfish genes persist:
Batons in a Marathon relay race.
Generation follows generation.
Clone adds to clone.

So life spreads:
The mightiest empire,
Covering all the globe.
A world full of living wonders.
All manner of plants, insects and animals.
Oceans teeming with fish.
From tropical paradise
To awesome glaciers.

We must be mindful
Of this glorious beauty.
Mother Nature reigns supreme.
Sing and rejoice,
Party hard
And put aside
The awful truth -
That in the end
Everyone dies.

Paul Butters

© PB 26\7\2018.
A thought I cannot escape.
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
I pop a pomegranate seed.
It bleeds,
Delicate fuchsia delight,
Mineral scented, warm, bright,
Full of nectar and promise
(now wasted)

I pop another one,
In a soft cove on my arm-
A slight dip between two veins -
And watch the blushing drop
Edge closer to my elbow. Stop.

A third time,
With the fury of fear
Tiptoeing listlessly in my mind,
Like raindrops on a rooftop.  
It is sweet, and ******,
A waste of time but an act of god

I crave the sound and texture of it,
So a fourth time comes around.
By now, the citrus is overpowering
But I keep going,
For the sake of purity,
For the sake of the shock of vibrance
On deathly pale skin.
When my arm is covered in juice,
I give up.
There's no sense in envying the wasted.

Scarlet sticks.
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