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Jack P Apr 2018
more than a few shattered bulbs
for the muse with the bloodied face
and broken nose.

at the end of the rope
i am merry, masochistically, asking him
"spare an original thought?"

and he can
but as soon as he agrees to let me use it
it evaporates

so i go back to punching holes through the drawing board.
why am i so middling at this oh my GOOOODDDDD hope you're all well
Jack P Apr 2018
[ground floor]

not enough to "tell the stones we're gonna make a building",
they need your assistance, your calloused brain, cratered hands,
made keeping pace with rehearsal wakes and misspelled bands
on their own they preach to that choir of dust.

[first floor]

your job, should you deign to move, is carrying them to the site,
to draw blueprints void of red flags,
to throw away the riches and make peace with the rags
to put down the pitchers and escape from the lust.

[second floor]

help should not, can not, will not, be on its way
you will twist and knot your spine until it feels okay;
a tangled web of limbs but what can i say?
the march here is long and gladly unjust.

[third floor]

but the stones have done their job,
fit together like trying to reach God in the clouds,
this is the part where you wave your baton proud,
and enter the home built from the stones that you trust.

[top floor]

here's a wide open space; many outs, many ins,
and they're armed with indifference and your steady heart -
it ends right here, back where you started,
limp on the ground, without reason or rhyme.

[ground floor]

especially not rhyme.
mewithoutyou are back babeeeeeyyyyyy
Jack P Oct 2017
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to d-...
i've got a good feeling, it doesn't happen all the time
Jack P Oct 2017
Oh, my Medusa
That piercing, seductive stare
Gets me so rock hard.

"braullw nevae falls"
That's 'braille never fails',
Spelled by a blind man.

Matsuo Basho
Turns in his grave: first, five times
then seven, then five.

The dankest of ****
Floats slowly into my lungs
Oh wait...Asbestos.

hahaha ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
yeyeyeyeye ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hehe wyd
for dbiz
Jack P Sep 2017
On that cold morning, where your breath was painted on the invisible canvas between us, it took two steps to cross our countries' borders. I imagined contact like it was a thing that only occurred between the lines of a fantasy novel, and then I stepped back, back, back, through the gate and under the neon sign.

I spoke to a drifter last night. I forget his name, but his skin was bleached and his hair was crimpy and he said: "The only thing worse than being a muse is living". Then he left, digging his toes into the floorboards on his way out. I'm not sure I'll ever hear from him again.

This morning I stood on a street corner and felt a thousand strangers' shoulders brush up against mine. I didn't move. I drank from exhaust pipes and stole expressions from faces; faceless; facing forwards, eyes cutting against the grain. I had a list of demands on a scrap of wrinkled paper. I must've lost it on the way.

I'm about to drive a shaking fist through a glass screen. You will bruise and bleed but so will I. When the glass is splayed out over the keys, we will lose all communications and our marriage will be reduced to the exposed nerves flickering behind the shattered mask. That's okay, though, I needed to move on anyway.
in memorium
Jack P Aug 2017
my excuse is that i was raised by wolves, my dear
and i had my teeth filed into pinpoints
and i had my back hunched over until my spine was a golden arc.

but did you ever run with a pack, my dear?
your food came to you, cooked, prepared, served by a gloved hand.
and everything could be solved with a 'please' and a 'thank you'.

but our differences don't stop there, my dear
there is a distinction between school grounds and hunting grounds
between daisy chains and food chains.

or, if you please, packed lunch and slain lunch
better still: between praying and preying
between what one hears and what one herds.

yet here we are, my deer
and for all notions of civilized behaviour
you are the one baring animal teeth.
listen to aurora's all my demons for all your inspiration needs. cough up a hairball in the form of a poem.
Jack P Aug 2017
the devil goes doorknocking:

"hello, sir! would you like to sign up fo-.."

i shut the door in his face. which, by some freak accident or other, is red red red.

i made a mistake.
the devil breaks in.
i sharply intake.
then cornered by sin.

there's a flame in his eyes
and there's ice in his veins
there's no message to reap
but a soul to reclaim.

*"what the hell!?" i shout, i cry.
"you're quite right, though 'Devil' will do".

"oh my god!" i whisper, i sigh.
"he can't help, friend. i killed him too."
the loonies are taking over
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