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i used to be in love once
with someone
i thought only i
could love the way i did

i used to be in love
or at least what i thought love was
because i held her smile
with both of my arms spread wide
like my wrists were nailed
to the corners of her lips

whenever we said our goodbye's
i felt like a part of me
was taken away
and the hole that was left in my chest
was, as i convinced myself, one only she could fill again

i gave her everything
but i rubbed my eyes with salt
to mask the truth that she didn't care to do the same

i used to be in love once
with someone
i thought only i could love the way i did
but no matter how much i studied her
studied her every move
i never learned that to be in love
is not the same
as to just

because you never asked me
to be your saviour
i don't need to hold up your smile with my wrists
because yours would appear
whenever mine would light up your world

we'd say goodbye
and you'd carry a part of me
as i carry a part of you
and from then on
it became something we both shared
that encompasses any distance between us

i felt like i gave you nothing
but you tell me
that all you need
is me

they say i'm foolish
to rush a love like this
but i didn't seek it
the complete opposite rather
i pushed you away
and you pushed me away
but here we are

they say
you're not what i think you are
it may or may not be true
nevertheless, the response is
"shut the **** up. to hell with you"
because for once
i think this love is good for me
I often wonder whether you were a catalyst in the situation involving me and you
You were never really involved
But you sped up the amount of time needed for me to fall in love,
Which is quite unfair because then, in reality,
I'm the one that gets hurt
I'm the one that has sleepless nights and restless days
I'm the one with red, raw eyes and a broken heart
I'm the one wondering if we were even real
And you just walk away, brushing your hands off and casually thinking,
"All in a day's work."
go to hell
You keep telling me to be glad
For what we have while we had it.
That the brightest flame burns quickest

which means you saw us as a candle
and I saw us as the *sun.
(C) anonymous
Normal and I dated for a while,
Normal was a little high-maintenance,
Normal asks you not to laugh too loud, that's not very lady-like you know,
Normal tells you to always wear lipstick when you go out,
Normal demanded perfection.
Normal doesn't like it when your hair is messy or your nails aren't done,
Normal gets fussy when there are creases on your shirt,
Normal says, straighten that wrinkle, scrub that spot and align your smile,
Normal means business, there's no time to be sad,
Normal won't let you show your weaknesses, you must be perfect,
Perfect posture, perfect smile, oh! and don't forget that lipstick.
Normal unfortunately, wasn't for me.
So, we called it quits a while ago.
Last I heard, normal was seen trying to adjust the smile of his current love,
As for me, I fell in love with wanderlust and he's been good to me so far.
how do i
in the life
of a boy
who claims
the stars,
and the
caverns of
the universe,
are overrated?
our song had just ended
no more rhythm
no more lyric
no more tone
I swallowed my pride
and play it all over

I heard the tune
that bizarre tone
that once we used to sing
It’s just that...
I sing it all...


right now.
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
Whisper to me
your deepest passions,
Scatter away your envies.

Please hold me close because no one has ever even bothered to dust me off before.

Look into my eyes like you're about to discover every word left unsaid and every feeling i have tried to deny.

Trace your way on my skin
Make yourself at home in my heart.
Sorry it's pretty messy, just had to pour out words somehow.
Changing the world may be almost impossible
Changing the nation may take a lifetime
Changing your community may take a long time
Changing yourself won't happen over night
But changing anything for the better is worthwhile
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