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 Dec 2016 Zhanara
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
As the sun is setting
Another day has been endured
Another day has been "lived"
Another day becomes a past

The sunset, it tells us to rest
and tomorrow, let's do our best

As the sun is rising*
A new page will unfold
A new flicker of hope
A new life will begin

The sunrise, it brings a ray of hope
promises a beautiful kaleidoscope
Stay positive.. Have a good day everyone ;)
roses are red
violets are blue,
but none more brighter
than my love for you
If i told you i needed help
would you listen?
Or would your silence
Echo off the walls.
See my life is like a car,
Sometimes moving fast
And other times so **** slow.
If i told you i feel hurt inside
would you not just hear
but listen
to what i said
I need someone to care.
Im tired of trying to fight alone.
Im tired of trying to survive at a table for one.
If i told you
I cry all over my body
And each tear is a knife
And they are leaving scars on my flesh,
Would you cut me a bandage,
Sop up my blood,
Or leave me to bleed out.
If i told you
I was alone and my demons are taunting me
would you get me out
Or would you keep walking
or keep scrolling...
Im not begging for attention,
But one cannot be expected to be alone and silent like a life long detention.
If i told you
I was ready to confess everything
Come clean from my secrets,
Strip myself naked so you could see my imperfections
would you care even the slightest bit
Or are you so selfish
And so ignorant
To walk on
And leave this person to die.
If i told you i was ready to die
would you blame it in cliche,
Or believe it and save me from damnation

Its time to think.
It could be up to you
This isnt just my world,
Its yours, too
and dont you want to be
To someone?
I need you.
Because all of these "if i told you's
Are becoming
**im telling you
Help people. Dont leave them alone. Provide help. Depression is very real, and it is all around us. Repost if this means something to YOU
it makes me
feel ... more filled
than there is room
like when the
moon outshines
itself and throws
a halo of shimmer
around to the
night sky
Did you know that I
lay awake at night
looking through the curtains
that you opened
as the moonlight spills in
and amplifies
the sounds of our home
settling around us
as you snore
and warm me with
your body heat?

Did you know that I
have a scratchy throat
when we wake up
early and that
I drink my morning coffee
because it soothes
the ache and not
because I have to
have it?

Did you know that I
love you so much that
I leave the curtain open
even on the mornings
when the sunlight
wakes me up and
burns my throat and
I know we don't have
any coffee cream?
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
I love her most
When the dawn glow
makes shadows on her face.
When the fog of unconsciousness
has relaxed limbs
and warmed her soft skin.
When her waking woes
have played out in dreams.
When her hold tightens
and I let go of
everything but her.
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
I wish to enter your mind;
to scrub clean its walls
of frenzied brush strokes
and scribbled words.
I will not stop
until my hands blister;
until I make of you
a blank, echo-filled room.
Only then, will I
leave for you my art;
A single flame,
glowing bright
to fill and warm.
You will only feel it.
But all will see it
in your eyes.

**Let me in...
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
Keith Wilson
 Dec 2016 Zhanara
Keith Wilson
I dreamed
I was
At Birthwaite
I awoke
I was

Keith Wilson, Windermere, UK, Oct 2016
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