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I tried to stop  but I couldn't
I know that I shouldn't
But I still do
I love you
Check the phone for work
Check the phone for love
Check the phone for friends
Check the phone for time
Check my pulse for life
 Jun 2015 You can call me Liz
I thought we had a thing,
But it was all a fraud.
That feeling was really something
Now it just feels really odd.
I thought you were the one,
I guess I was a fool.
All this can't be undone.
Being used like a tool,
It was all my mistake.
Falling for you,
Now this pain really aches.
I've tried doing things anew.
I hope you're doing well
Cause I'm rotting in *Hell
I don't know what I'm doing. I was bored.
I don't think you know
I don't think you understand
I don't think you care
I don't actually feel like this but I wanted to write a haiku
You sat bedside me and I forgot how to breathe.
When she speaks,
She speaks the truth

When she hopes,
She hopes with all her heart
Hear her out

When she laughs,
She can brighten up any room
Laugh with her

When she cries,
Her pieces thought to be glued together come apart
Hold her

When she loves,
It's like no other feeling
Love her back

When she writes,
She writes out her story with beautiul words
Read it

Because when she writes,
She's writing the words she can't find to speak

When she loves,
She's loving like she yearns to be loved

When she cries,
She's letting out everything she's been holding inside

When she laughs,
She is reminded that in reality, happiness is still so very far away

When she hopes,
She hopes in vain;
For every 11:11 wish,
Ends in tears spilling,
And broken promises,

But when she speaks.
It is rare-
She is habitually silent
For when she speaks,
No one listens.
 May 2015 You can call me Liz
If I jump,                                                        Don't Let Me                                
.                                               Y                F                              
.                                      L                         A                        
.                            F                                  L                  ­    
     .    Just Let Me                                        L                
I don't really know why I made this. It just kinda popped into my mind.
 May 2015 You can call me Liz
"One good thing about music, when it hits you,
you feel no pain
," Said Bob Marley once.

We are a society of addicts, not in the literal sense,
but in the sense that music is controlling our lives.

We tell ourselves that we are okay, We're fine
But we can't go a day without our headphone.

It's like music has inter weaved it's fingers into our brains,
As if letting go of it, would **** us right along with it.

Music is great for making us believe in things that aren't real.
It reaches into our minds and whispers to us.

Music, to me, is manipulative, it changes us,
It shows us how our lives could be.

Now, I'm not saying that I hate music,
That's not my point at all.

I'm just saying that maybe, just maybe,
Music isn't the answer for everything.

And, I know I will probably get hate for this,
But that alright.

Because, I understand what it does,
I understand the influence it has.

And, I'm not asking anybody to give it up,
Because that's not fair.

I'm just asking that sometimes,
Take the headphones off.

And Listen,
Listen to everything around you.

Instead of focusing on the music in your ears,
Listen for the music all around you.

Because that, to me, is the true music,
The music so pure, and so true.

The music of nature, the music of people,
Everything around you that makes a sound.

Listen to that and the maybe, just maybe,
You'll understand.

But, until then, just keep going,
Keep listening to what makes you happy.

Because if that what you need to make it through the day,
Then it was worth it.

Because really,
Who am I to tell you not to.
I just want to note that this is not about me bashing on music. I love music as much as the next person. Well, maybe not, but I do like music. It's just something I thought of that I felt like writing. I'm not meaning anything by this poem. It's just my thought. So please, no hate. Thx
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