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  Dec 2019 Aquila
An idiot is harmless,
Until that idiot falls in love,
Then they’re willing to do anything,
For the person they’re in awe of.

Whether its building a new world,
Or burning the old one down,
They’ll stop at nothing,
To give their love a crown.

Now if that love fades,
And they are left weeping,
They could take one of two paths,
Both will leave an empty heart unsleeping.

Path one is war and rampage,
Destroy everything in their way,
Path two is depression and tears,
They may cause their own doomsday.

Either way an idiot is harmless,
Until that idiot falls in love,
And if you happen to cross that idiot,
Beware for they do not care, they are deprived of---------
i might be an idiot in love.
Aquila Dec 2019
there is something painfully romantic
about pushing a needle through fabric
for hours, upon hours
sewing a poppet.
i know i will curse it anyways-
but the thought is nice.
I jinxed it !
Aquila Dec 2019
It’s true that I’ll never forget my first kiss.
As my lips collided with pavement,
And my arms gave out,
I kissed the earth with all my love,
With all my might.
I’ll never forget the quake.
This is just comin out of my brain so I figured I’d post it
Aquila Dec 2019
our love was-
But it is true.
From toadstools upturned
To faerie jinxes,
It is true.
And I know, in my spirit,
That your hand was destined to meet mine.
One way or another.
I think I’ve found a good one. I don’t want to jinx it. But I hope I’ve found a good one. He is so lovely
Aquila Nov 2019
i'm tired of being loved
"just because".
have you nothing better to do
than break hearts on your free time?
next time,
just say no.
so i asked the guy i like on a date and he essentially said yes because "why not?" like *** is up with that
  Nov 2019 Aquila

by the fireplace
watching our ghosts
burn before our eyes.

A doomed relationship..
  Nov 2019 Aquila
I’ll never
promise you
was when
i was with
i guess a part of me still isn’t over her
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