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 Feb 2017 Tori Jones
 Feb 2017 Tori Jones
tears fall
your name i call

frozen in time
wasting away life

outright cry
strikes at night

always lost

acts like
gasoline , poured on me

cast a match
flip the latch
to the prison cell of lost hearts

murmur my name
before i slain
the wretched beast

whisper into
the dead alleyways
a revival unavoidable

n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ l̶o̶s̶t̶.
more deceit.

cold like a
untouched angel
away from the worst danger

i am born again.

suggestions are always appreciated!
Even if I have to, I'll never give up,
For years you keep me in this locked
Box, the rusted key hole of "luck,"
Maybe I'll be rich one day, then I'll make
My dream happen, or maybe I'll die before
I can. Either way it just depends,
Thanks, my complacent "friends!"
Dedicated to all of our "GREAT FRIENDS" in society...
The only way you could change my mind is through my ice cold heart
It's pretty true.
Having you
I love in my life
Is so special
Your incredible
Your beautiful you
Have touched
My heart I could never
Forgot your
Special heart
I truly love you
You have truly
Touched my heart.
David P Carroll
Touched my heart.
With your warm smile
You made me smile
With your warm heart
You made me feel loved
With your gentle touch
You have truly touched my heart.
David P Carroll
Touched My Heart
What makes a poet ?
That was my thought
I mulled it over and
Came up with these oughts :

Late nights with
coffee , tea or beer
Perhaps harder stuff
Whiskey , smoke or gin clear

And the struggles and pain
as the birth is exclaimed
Blood , sweat and tears
Falling as hard as ice on rain

Confessionals made
As black on white page
Love , death , fears
Even extreme rage

One who struggles
with the a's and the's
Should one even use
The apostrophe

One who's words
Gel by the witching hour
Words full of promise  
Warnings so dour

But perhaps greatest of all
Before even the start
One must have
a true poet's heart
 Oct 2016 Tori Jones
Tashea Young
Have you Ever Felt Like You aren't a success because you feel rather less than the best.
Well please Listen to my request:
For it shows that you are Making progress.
God is prepping you for A favorable outcome.
So hold on tight because he is not yet done.
These Additives are a requirement
To bringing you out of the old and into your new environment.
Out of Obedience I give to you the following Ingredients:

Add a teaspoon of hopelessness with a pinch of replusiveness
Pour a cup of Persecution, and  Mix it with neagtive thoughts invading the mind with pollution.
Next Add a spoonful of Despair.
Just a dash of feeling loneliness here and there.
Sprinkle in the feelings of failure and doubt
Because day in and day out you don't see things working out.
Stir in a pint of Suffering.
Just enough to leave you Uttering, "LORD, I NEED YOUR GOVERNORING"
Add a gallon of Sorrow with
Prayers and hopes of the pain ending tomorrow.
Mix in a few drops of Tears
As You seek Counsel from The Big Man Upstairs.
Put in a hint of Embrassment from the harassment due to impaired judgement.
Stir in the Dissapointment for You need to Go through this to get your anointing.

Then, Humbly we come to seek you in despartion
Bringing to you our circumstances and current situation.
Blend in the Senation of Humiliation
Now watch the beautification and Wonders of your transformation To His Marvelous  Mastepiece: His Beautiful Creation.
This was all a part of The Process
So his love you could gain access to and possess, dwell within you just so you could be blessed and exchange for our heavy burdens for Rest.
These are The Ingredients For Success!
If you never Experience poverty, being striken and ill health
You would never know the true meaning of  prosperity, riches and Wealth.
SO I DARE YOU to Trust Yah as he guides you on this journey to finding your true self.
Inspired By A speach From Kirk Franklin
I guess I'm what they call book smart
I can score a 102 on your straightforward bio test
An almost perfect score on the ACT
If I can read it, I will understand it
I can give it to the teacher's exactly the way they want it, plus my own spin

But though I'm AP math, I'm nowhere near the best in the class
And though I just made it into the highest choir we have, I can't find a pitch for my life

I don't wear makeup
I wake up 20 minutes before I leave, just to eat and dress and go
I have curly, crazy hair that lets me do whatever I want with it

But though I love myself, I'm short and cute, pretty at the most, nowhere near the ideal of beautiful that many would think

I don't have the body for it, but I can dance
I want to learn so Spanish and coding, but spend my hours watching Netflix
I'm a good leader because I will **** myself inside for other people

I'm not what anyone thinks I am
None of us are
What seems effortless always bears the chains of something else
You know that scene in the movie
Where they're all sitting in a circle, laughing, and even though they're outcasts
they all belong
They're singing in the hallway together
They cry a little under the lights of a football field

You know those scenes
They are a stereotype
And even as you watch, the little voice in your, the viewer's, head whispers
this isn't real
this isn't going to last

We're all living our own story
We should be characters in our own scenes, in our moments

So why have I become a viewer too?
Why does the film run alongside me in my mind,
and as I watch things unfold, line by line, the little voice keeps whispering
this isn't going to last
and I have to deal with that

And how do you deal with that?

I just want to press play on my life and be alive
Instead of analyzing each moment from the outside

I just want to *be alive
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