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 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
if I never did anything until I felt like it
I would have stayed in bed
 Nov 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
I just wanted to tell you
I just wanted to say
That I miss you like hell
and happy veteran's day
I hope you sleep well
And that you're in a good place
I just wanted to tell you
but you're so far away
A short poem about my #1 veteran.
 Nov 2014 Tina Marie
Gavin Betty
I shake because there are 7 billion people on this planet,

And for some reason it feels like everyone of them,

Is watching me, waiting to see me mess up.
 Nov 2014 Tina Marie
Anna Elise
You're going to throw up
leaving. change. panic. fear.
You can't breathe
why. how. don't. please.
You're having a heart attack
alone. forever. helpless. trapped.
You're dying*
can't. stop. please. help.
You´re fine*
 Nov 2014 Tina Marie
love me
I don't care what they think
                                    your words will destroy me
I'm fine
                                    i cant take it anymore
I'm just lazy
                                    ive lost my drive to live
I'll get over it
                                    i cried myself to sleep last night
My family cares about me
                                    not even a touch
I'm an open book
                                    i have the darkest secrets known to man kind
I'll talk to you about it later
                                    *not even a whisper
An old town that escapes the reality of today. 
I'd trade anything to see it in all of its glory. 
No cell phones, everyone smiling and waving.
Everything peaceful and happy. 
The sun peeking through the pine trees.
Do you hear the mockingbird's song? 
The summers are hot and humid,
the creaks are filled with crawfish,  
The banks filled with frogs and
Us playing cowboys and Indians.
A summer love and
A Mason jar of cold sweet tea. 
"Thank you Mrs. Maybell!" 
We giggle and run to our hiding place near the oak trees.
"Tag your it!" 
We all scurry barefooted through the woods. 
Screams, shouts. 
We forgot how we are still here, 
In the same town over taken by the sounds of silence. 
You may think this story is over; 
The truth is, it’s only just begun. 
"Back when I was a child" 
maybe seem boring to some, 
but if you listen-
You may be surprised how you will want to go back 
to a time when we could play near the creaks
and pay five cents for a coke. 
Life was simpler back then,
Back when; 
This town was small and simple, 
but it was home. 
And always will be.
I wrote this listening to my grandmother tell me stories of her home town, she did not think I was listening... but i am sure glad I was.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
Your scar tissue is majestic
I love the way it glows beneath your skin
Divine designs aligned in such a way
They make me lose my mind with sin
and I wish I could possess you
just so you can touch yourself
the way I would
so you can feel that way
Whenever you need to.
I want to swim in you like an ocean
And get lost at sea for days.
I want to traverse your peaks and valleys,
Trace your hand - drawn cityscapes
leave no stone unturned,
Unearth your hidden geyser
As we both learn
new things, eternally
About your maternal Earth.
I want to burn you with the raging fire
of my infernal desire.
Like a volcano erupting a dozen miles in the sky, I will cover you
with the wreckage of my incendiary lust.
But I will forever nourish your soil
with the forest of my love.
Just a bunch of scattered emotions for one person that became a thing.
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