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By grace, through faith we are saved,
by the blood that Jesus has paid.

Completely God and completely man,
this Jesus was killed by human hand.

A sacrifice he was,
Jesus loves you, just because.

Resurrected from the dead,
Jesus is alive, no matter what is said.

Living and strong,
Jesus is with you, all your life long.

Jesus is building his house so big,
he wants you to come and see his Kingdom gig ;)

Your are loved.
You are blessed.

In the Kings righteousness,
you are dressed.
time doesn't heal
it covers up the wounds
long enough
for you to forget
the pain you've buried
where a flower has now bloomed. ❁
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
Funny how we speak of humanity
But consistently forget what it meant to be all human

We forget the beauty of our imperfections

We forget the real definition of individuality, far too busy pondering over competitions; a comparative analysis of class

We forget what miracle we could've made happen..

If only we could all just fothermucking ditch the dodgamned hate

Funny... hilarious...

How WE boast of humanity, hearts screaming with pride

But tis mother nature's tireless tempermental embrace..

Without fail, reminds us of our forgottens;

OUR capability to unconditional love
To create, to cultivate
Reflect and Regulate
We can cause, We ****** well can change
Test the waters
To evolve
Let's not forget our vulnerability as individuals
Our distinctive attributes

The Power we'd obtain as ONE
Integration over Segregation
  Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
Grey mirror
They say you should surround yourself
with positive people.
But everyone changes
A season to bloom,
A season of storm,
A season of harvest
A season to wither.
So are we suppose to leave
if they are not in their season of positivity?
Well I say patience is the reason
to love in all seasons.
So will you leave or stay when a friend goes through the season of change
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
Once again
Twice too many
I'm ****** by that smile
That boyish grin
Probably just meant
But I better quit this awful dance
Adoring you from afar
I'm starting to hear the soft chime
Of wedding bells
We both know it ain't gonna happen
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
Life's everything
Too vast for any pretty words to describe
Full of surprises
Full of everything
Funny even
Life goes by
Hand in hand with Time
Life grows
They grow
The little ones
They grew
Than me

But nothing
Nothing can take it all away
The joys of the past
The memories
And celebrations

They'll always be the little monsters I wage war with back in the days...

When we were kids

     A long debate everytime
I tell them to go take a shower
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