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clear moment
of trance
missed step
perfect dance
missed shot
fleeting life
Hearts will stop beating
But love will never die
Thank You my dear friends for all the love and your support , I am all gratitude... I’ll be back soon..... stay blessed!
I wrote a letter to you
and you took your time responding.
but when you finally did
you sent a blank page..

one with no intentions to be written on.

Don't bother replying again.

Kind regards

A girl let down by love
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
Blessed with a sky of waterfall
I let my thoughts run amok the greedy raindrops
The beats, the trickle and the gush
  Resting on concrete sand
With nothing but thin fabrics that clung to my skin
It's a silence of pleasure
Being caressed by the cold
Surprisingly peaceful
To let the wind slowly, at a leisurely pace
Invade your body's temperature
Humming in your ear
A songful of promises
That faith never fails
And patience rewards
Tempting you to stay seated
Wait out the storm
The clash of waves a raw entertainment
And a rumble of applause
Somewhere beyond those thick clouds of uncertainties
Words unspoken
I let myself listen instead
Letting the mysteries solve themselves
Unanswered questions
Offering crystal answers
And found it rather enjoyable
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
As stereotypical as can be
I'm just a girl in every sense
His name
A new found for me
I've hunted for those two syllables like a hunteress to her prey
Starts with a 'K'
I'd find a lot of things I like that starts with a 'K'
Kindle, Kangaroos, Kisses...

Ever so curious eyes
Burning with anticipation
There it is again
A small gesture
A quite, subtle acknowledgement
An innocent greeting
The smile that's going to be
The death
of creepy lil' me
It's just a silly crush, Novemeber Fever, it'll go away...or so that's what I'd like to say
TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
With so much passion coursing through his body
a spark of the unpredictable
shot out from his fingertips
Words he couldn't form with his lips
now took shape with each stroke of the pen
Few pieces of papers tore in agony
as each pages endured the abuse he so far believed in
traumatized by a past
and saddened
by an unexpected outcome of his own doings
he aggressively wrote a song about a hellish present
an awful unforgivable treatment
from a woman he thought was hope

He felt imprisoned
Everyday she'd remind him of the harsh reality he lived in
robbed him off his freedom
soon his own identity
his future
and left him to wallow up with regret
depression and insanity

This was his TRUTH
It was everything he had ever known
Ever learned
Ever taught
It was only natural to dream
For something different
Something Better
But the unfortunate
Seemed to have attached itself onto his shoulders
He became blinded with his desire to live
So afraid to die
He'd grown desperate
to breathe an air he longed to breathe

His truth however, was a LIE
A lie that broke hearts
A lie that brought doubts into the minds of children
A lie that placed families
under hateful eyes of scrutiny
Families not of his

The Truth he wrote
The truth he convinced himself to believe in
The Truth he kept singing to another woman
was given to him by a mother
A mother he'd forever love
A mother he'd never forget
A mother he'd learn to forgive
But no longer his home
no longer where his mind may run to
for a day's rest

He left as a grown man in search
of a new start
A new home
A new love

But came here as a child
Throwing tantrums
and lost counts
of the many more baffling demands
in need of a new playground
Here he could never find happiness
For the woman who bothered to take him in
Could never be who he wanted
She was not who he dreamed of
Through his eyes
He saw no thread of beauty
No future
But just an island mother
Imprisoned by a vast ocean of isolation
Here, he could never find happiness
What man could ever?
When his heart was already set for another
But despite of his animosity towards Mother Isle
Despite his lies
Of which distressed her families
With shame
Challenging their island pride
Isolation was her peace and purity

He will come to know life as they had
her children will show him what it meant
to be part of an island family
Her children will teach him
what they were taught;
Her children will share his pain
his distress
considerate of his situation
A feeling of empathy, if not sympathy.

They'd stretch their boundaries for him
They'd bend their rules
Gave him privileges only her children
were entitled to have...
They'd do
Only what they were able
If it may ease his troubled mind

Last but not the least

Her children will
Her children will Defend
We will honor our Mother Isle
As any child would
Our own way

The Nauruan Way
All countries have their own set of problems, we (the locals of our own) learn to live with the imperfections of our homes. It just isn't fair, nor is it right, to enter a foreign land and demand your needs and wants to be met, and then curse other people's homes when they failed to meet your expectations. I wrote and posted this, feeling the need to do something for my homeland. Writing in poetry form is the best way to get these feelings out without violence. I write, longing for nothing but peace.
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