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675 · Jun 2022
My Sanity
Nina McNally Jun 2022
My heart belongs to
You and you are my person! My

Sanity feels normal when I’m
Around you and
No matter the days
I will always love you
Tomorrow and forever
You are my love! <3
Written in May 2022
Song title from Thriii
Inspired by a new love
It’s nice how someone you love can make your sanity feel great :)
674 · Jan 2011
The Perfect Movie
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Alice in Wonderland** --
Who is This Person?
This person who, says things like, "I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M," and "Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"
He asks Alice a lot of questions and says funny sayings.
But by doing this he helps her find her place in this Life and helps her forget the Drama and Time.
So who is it?
Someone who has a lot of Memories and very good advice.
...give up?
Why it's The Mad Hatter.
The Mad Hatter does this because simply he wants order in Underland and he needs Alice's help to uncrowned The Red Queen.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
I took the titles of the poems that I wrote so far and made 5 poems.
674 · Jun 2019
Nina McNally Jun 2019
Avicii; was/is a genius--beyond his years.
Very brilliant and talented!
I miss him as much as the world does!
Calling out to anyone who needs to talk---
In this world, we are in this together!
Copyright; 2019
McNally, Inc.
Love Avicii and sad when I heard what happened, we need to be more open with mental health. I am always available to talk. You're not alone.
672 · Jan 2011
Let's Dance Tonight
Nina McNally Jan 2011
My eyes are weary,
my time is pain.
How can I stop these tears,
that fall down like rain?
Only time knows when the road
is bright again.
Only faith knows when
we'll talk again.
So let's dance tonight
and live like there's
no tomorrow.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
This was a poem that just came to me. It's weird though because it's like a getting over a break-up poem, I'm looking back at a lot of them and I see many like I like a psychic because I wrote these well I was in the relationship?
671 · Sep 2017
Life Itself
Nina McNally Sep 2017
Life is tough, but even
In the darkest of times you can
Find some good.
Everyday you'll find some good left.

In the darkest hour, in
The middle of the night--
Sleepless and thinking--
Each day is a new chance to
Live and
F**ind the good in the world.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
I wrote this a while ago and haven't had a chance to upload.
Song title by Glass Animals
670 · Feb 2010
Who is This Person?
Nina McNally Feb 2010
Help me
Save me from this beast
It has taken me
From who I wanted to be
Help me
Save me from this monster
It has me by the throat
Not letting me break free
Help me
Save me who is this person
Who is afraid of who I really am
All I want is to be free
I wrote this 4 years ago, after my mom had yelled at  me one night
669 · Dec 2018
Nina McNally Dec 2018
Tomorrow's a new day, a new day of
Hope and wonder!
Under the stars and
Now in the clear view
Down the street
Everyone so quiet ---
Remember we're all in this together!
copyright; 2018
something I wrote one day
Title by Imagine Dragons
666 · Jan 2018
Hold Me Tight or Don't
Nina McNally Jan 2018
Holá, "I never really feel a thing, I'm just kinda too frozen"
Only you, "you were the only one that ever came close."
Loving you is the best... "And another
Day goes by, So hold

Me tight or don't. Oh no, this isn't how our story
" "I

Took too many hits off this memory,
* need to come down."
Gonna love you forever and
Hold you
Tight no matter what!

Oh na na na na na na na...."
Realized I can't not be with you Or be just your friend."

Down to be with you and
Only you! You're the love of my life
Na na na na,*" I'm never coming down from
This love!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
First poem of the new year, Happy New Year, poets!
Poem writing inspired by Fall Out Boy's "Hold Me Tight or Don't" and my fiance.
649 · Jan 2011
Counting The Days
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Come now
Only you and I can figure this out.
Under the cork tree,
Never-the-less we're done.
The good times have come and gone,
In the middle of the
Night I scream, "What am I
Gonna do!" ---Friends we shall be.

Together doing stuff that two friends do,
Having fun, hanging, or seeing horror movies.
Everyday is a new

Day-- a new chance to meet a new guy
And someday I will find that special guy.
Young love will find me
S**omeday! I hope. <3
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
--relationships are hard.--
-title and main inspiration from Good Charlotte-
644 · Feb 2011
Need You Now
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Nothing can come between us; just give us a chance.
Every day, I wonder did I make the right choice? And
Every day I will win some and lose some.
Don't give up when you lose, take it with

You and use it as fuel to fight back and win.
Others will lose and win some, as well; it's a part of life. To
Understand the true meaning is impossible, but I say

Nothing's impossible when you put your mind to it.
Others will say to you, you can't, but you can,
W**hen you put your mind to it--it's Mind Over Matter.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title from a Lady Antebellum song.
and I just write this as it came to me.
642 · Jan 2011
Abby's Song
Nina McNally Jan 2011
As the rain falls on my head
Below the bridge, I think
Back to the days when
You and I were so young and
So in love and happy.

So now, older, wiser, and the days long gone, I just have
Our memories and our song.
Now I'm out on my own once again--
G**one looking for that someone to complete Abby's Song.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
everyone has that special someone who will complete their song, you just got to find them.
-So I came to the conclusion that this is one of my favorite poems I have written. Every time I read this I get this feeling, that feeling you get, when you get over that horrible break up and you're ready to move on and you know that "someone special" is still out there.
That's the feeling I get every time I read it. I never grow tired of it.
Thanks for reading my poetry and commenting. I appreciate it.
-idea came from a Good Charlotte song, "Harlow's Song"-- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
638 · Jan 2011
Feels Like Today
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Forever feels this way and
Everyday I wake up, I wouldn't change a thing.
Each day I spend with you is worth a million dollars.
Love is so powerful and is worth
So much more than money.

Love is what should make the world go around.
I** love you more and more each day.
Kind words go a long way in life and
Each day I get with you I

Take to heart and wouldn't trade it for the world.
On my way to work, I think about you,
Down by the river, I think about you, and
As I lay trying to fall asleep, I think about
You. I love you so much! You're amazing!
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-what can I say...I'm a romantic. :)
-title from a Rascal Faltts song-
634 · Apr 2011
my SOUL to take
Nina McNally Apr 2011
May I begin to say, "Now I lay me down to sleep,"                     as
You just stand there staring blankly, "I pray the Lord my

Soul to keep,"                      and as I chant these words
Out of these painful lips.                      You begin to
Understand this silence, and pain.                   And
Longing to find any truth left in this trouble world.         You join me with

Trying to figure
Out why people are always running. Running to nowhere-land.            STOP!

Take a breath.             Take a moment for yourself.
And "if I die before I wake"...                I will
Keep this positive mind, because In. The.
End; Positive thoughts will conquer all! And ..."I pray the Lord my SOUL to take."


Now I lay me down to sleep,
                                                 I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
                                                           ­                                         if I die before I wake
                                   I pray the Lord MY. SOUL. TO. TAKE.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title/inspiration from
Wes Craven's movie, the well-known bedtime prayer, and Metallica's song.
631 · Feb 2011
Nina McNally Feb 2011
People hate,
Only time will tell---
Everything will be alright.
M**emories, please come back to me.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
-a short poem.
630 · Jun 2019
Nina McNally Jun 2019
Send signals in the air in the middle
Of the night; this is a message;
Someone save me, please!
Copyright; 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title by Avicii
A quick write, and is this everyone's SOS cry?
621 · Jan 2011
The Time of Our Lives
Nina McNally Jan 2011
"How can a young person stay pure?
By obeying your word and following its rules.

I have tried my best to find you--
don't let me wander from your commands.

I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you."

Children have the purist souls,
we must protect that until they are old enough to understand life more.
I may not be religious, but I love this quote in the Psalm story and
I love scanning the bible for quotes.
Psalm; 119: 9-11 The bible was given to me my freshman year of high school and the Pastor wrote that down the Psalm quote on the inside cover, at first I didn't know what it meant but slowly over 4 years when I became a senior I understood.
Also the title of this is a song by Miley Cyrus, who is religious, and study the bible.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
618 · Jan 2018
Heaven's Gate
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Honey, please come through You're the only habit I just can't kick"
Each day with you, I love you more
And more! True love
Varies, but our love is strong.
Each day that goes I know I want to be with you.
No body compares to you and I love you
So much! "Would you give me a boost over Heaven's

Gate? Cause everything is
A substitute for your love."
Together we can get through anything.
Each day, I want to be with you, only you.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by my fiance and Fall Out Boy
597 · Feb 2011
Say Anything
Nina McNally Feb 2011
You can see,

All I wanted was you, and
Now I got nothing.             And
Yet I have everything.          It's the little
Things in life that matter.
However, being with you was the greatest moment
In my life, but I will find someone who means so much more.
Now; I will just sit here and watch the sun as it
Goes down, only to wait until it raises to greet a new day*.
On This Night.....
...............Love Dies Young.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written as the sun was going down.
title from Good Charlotte
594 · Jan 2011
Here's to the kids.
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Here's to the kids who cry when they're all alone.
Here's to the kids who gives everyone a chance, but they don't give themselves a chance.
Here's to the kids who understand.
Here's to the kids who stand for what they believe in.
Here's to the kids that won't let others push them around.
Here's to the kids who are not afraid using message boards.
Here's to all the kids just like me.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this after reading someone on falloutboyrock message board who wrote something like this, so I wrote my own.
593 · Jul 2010
Top Words Used -together-
Nina McNally Jul 2010
"Life is just like the hatter. The writing desk is  a mad place  but it helps  to love," says Alice.
Write about  baby ravens. Boy do people  run when they see a raven. Just live you're life free of  everything. I  will tell you  to feel if  you grow but don't grow  over time.
words in bold got put in.
copyright, McNally, Inc. 2010
591 · Feb 2019
Nina McNally Feb 2019
Remember when we were young and
Every day we would play until it got dark?
Marching outside, playing in the dirt---
Each day was anew to
Discover and learn! Where did our
Yesterdays----yesteryears go?!!

The Good Old Days!
Title by Alesso
Just an acrostic poem I wrote quickly tonight about missing my childhood.
Nina McNally Jul 2010
Dear Alice,
I'm *writing
this letter to say, please help us. We grow mad each day. Please come back, life is not the same without you.
Please bring baby ravens with you. People forgot how to write here in Underland, it's quite sad, really. I'll be waiting at my desk drinking tea with Hare and Doormouse. Please don't tell me you're not coming... we sent White Rabbit to get you. It took him a lot of time---time, what is time?
Just like a raven we want to live and be free again. Boy, the *people
down here are crazy. But all the best people are. One of my dear friends told me that. :) I hope to see you soon, Alice. ****** Big Head is locked away!
Love, Hatter

P.S. Send some cake.
once again I used my top words, but I made it into a letter this time. so the bold words are the top words, italic are repeated used words.
copyright; McNally, Inc. 2010
579 · Feb 2011
Growing Up Can Be a Pain...
Nina McNally Feb 2011
As we grow older
time goes by faster...
it really does--
live in the moment,
live each day for what it is,
live like there's no tomorrow,
live--just live.

As you wake up just
take a breath
and say "today, you can do anything"--
be unstoppable, be yourself,
live your life with no regrets and
just remember we all feel the same
now and again--not at the same time, but
we all share the same pain
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
566 · Feb 2013
Alpha Dog
Nina McNally Feb 2013
Anyone out there tonight who feels
Lonely, I'm here. I'm listening.
People never listen to you or not there for you, well I'm
Here and you can speak you're mind,
And I will listen, I will be you're friend.

Don't worry, everything will work
Out, I know, I've been in your shoes, it
G**ets better, it truly does. Keep you head up and get out there and take on your troubles and the world! Stay Positive!
Writing for anyone who has ever felt/feels lonely. There's always someone out there to talk to. I am here.
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy
556 · Feb 2011
Rest in Peace
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Ready to live---
Every day's a new beginning, a new
S**** to life.
Time begins again &

I'm ready to live
Now come with me &

Peace can live too & the
Earth can live too
And we will take
Care of her for
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
553 · Jan 2011
Love is Dead
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Let us have just
One more night together before this all ends. From the
Very moments when I first looked into your
Eyes, I thought that this would be                              forever.

Isn't that how first loves goes,       *anyways?
Searching for love and longing for that                
true love.*

Down in the valley; I won't stop searching.
Everywhere I go, I'll look; I will find you         someday.
And when that
Day comes, it will be wonderful.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
-For now, it's a dream, but I will never give up on my dreams no matter how silly there are. And maybe that's because I'm a writer, poet, Pisces....
...whatever the reason may be, it's who I am! We should never give up on our dreams, no matter how silly there may be. Dreams are great. Keep on Dreaming. <3
I write a lot of acrostics from bands' song's titles. This one happens to be from Tokio Hotel.
552 · Feb 2019
Lake Effect Kid
Nina McNally Feb 2019
Loving you is
Amazing and you make me better!
Keep me safe
Everyday and you make

Everyday better! My
For you are growing
Together and watch our shows

Keep the love and
I will always love you!
Don't forget that!
Sometimes when you love someone so much its hard to find the words but just want to share the love.
Title by Fall Out Boy
McNally, 2019
550 · Jan 2011
This is for You
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Oh, Romeo!** Here I stand, Counting the Days until I meet you. I can only picture that day for now.
In the Middle of the Night, holding each other, the way I've dream about it, and saying, "Death can not tear us apart!"
Until that day, my love, I will wait here and say How I Feel in my heart felt poems with titles such as, "My letter to you," "True Love," and "Baby."
I will find you and we shall know that this is "Real Life" because there will be a Standing Ovation just for us.
Life is...magical; anything can happen when you believe in your dreams.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
I took the titles of the poems that I wrote so far and made 5 poems.
547 · Jul 2015
Fourth Of July
Nina McNally Jul 2015
For all the broken hearted,
Open your heart again, and to all who think no one
Understands, to all  the outcasts, lost ones, and anyone:
Reach out, there's someone who gets it,
There's someone for everyone and no one is truely alone.
Here in this very messed up world, I still see
HOPE all around me. It's
Out there, and anyone can take it. It's
Free and keeps you Positive.

Just thinking of Hope gives you power and
Understanding. We  need more peace and
Love in this world and it starts with
You. You can help change the future!
Stay Positive! Stay Strong!
McNally, Inc.
title and inspiration from Fall Out Boy.
I feel like this one speaks for itself.
545 · Mar 2017
Nina McNally Mar 2017
So much of what we do or say makes a difference-
Either good or bad- so choose wisely
And you'll see that your voice does
Matter! That no matter who you are, your
Life is important and you're worth it!
Everyone gets an equal chance in life
So make the best of it and
Spread the LOVE**! End the hate!
A quick write.
Title from Sabrina Carpenter.
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
543 · Jul 2010
Oh Romeo!...Oh Peter!
Nina McNally Jul 2010
My dear friend, Patrick
Please understand what I say
About my dear love, Ashlee
Who I’d married one day

She is so lovely and kind
Her eyes are so beautiful, they shine in the moon light
And the best part is, she is so fine
I love her so, she is such a delight

My love for her
Is like a hundred thousands flowers
Which smells so pretty, like her wrapped in fur
This might sound funny, but she holds the power

**Love can be so cruel
So you just can’t be a fool!
copyright; McNally, Inc. 2007
same as my freshman English class sonnet, but
with Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, & Ashlee Simpson
541 · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
pain in Maine for
fame of
copyright; 2006
McNally, Inc.
another little poem from my freshman English class journal.
535 · Mar 2011
Sigh No More
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Screaming just to save myself, as
I** run from my troubles.                 But running's not enough.
Goodbye to everything and everyone I
Have known my whole life.                                 Things have changed.

Now is the moment to                  FIGHT,
Or die trying!                This is my moment to             LIVE!

My moment to fight!
Only time will be able to tell me to              MOVE ON.
Ready for the new day and with
Each breath I breathe,                                           I wouldn't change a thing.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
inspired by LOST
title from the Mumford & Sons
525 · Feb 2010
Time to Dance
Nina McNally Feb 2010
Let's hold hands
Dance till our feet bleed
Can’t hold back the music
Just come with me
And we can get through anything
from 5 years ago, it just came to me
McNally, Inc.
-it just so happens to be a Panic! At The Disco song, but I wrote this before I even heard the song..I'm guessing P!ATD and I wrote ours at about the same time..
525 · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
How can it be that when
I listen to the 4 boys
from Chicago, all my
problems float away?
Just laying there doll-like
with the music "pumping through my
bedroom speakers" I love how
I sing along to the songs.
I love how Patrick's voice
puts me to sleep
and when I get "brain cramps"
and can't write at all, all I
need to do is put in a cd
and within a few weeks
I can write, of course
it's gonna be about
the 4 boys for a while.
copyright; 2007
McNally, Inc.
wrote this to show my love to Fall Out Boy and how they help me throughout my high school career and even to this day. They may be on break but they are still my biggest influence.
P.S. back them "brain cramps" was writer's block. Did not really call myself a writer at this stage.
524 · Jan 2011
Truth, Lies, Secrets
Nina McNally Jan 2011
To tell the truth will
Really hurt me, but it is worth it for you to
Understand where I am coming from. So
To say I love you is not an understatement, never
Has been. I really did

Love you even if you never loved me back
I** still got all the wonderful memories.
Everyday I am happy with the chooses I made, the people I
See, and the friends I made.

So telling the truth may hurt, but so does
Everyday of trying and pretending that it didn't happen.
Caring and loving someone for a long time and then have it be over
Really can hurt and
Each day I thank god
That I am Right Where I Belong!
Speak the truth and good things will come.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
It just came to me.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
520 · Jun 2022
Shit's Gonna Be OK
Nina McNally Jun 2022
"****'s gonna be okay It's gonna be alright No matter
How far down you are tomorrow's on your side"
It's gonna work out even when
The whole world is
Spitting it back in your face and feels like there's no

Guarantee-- it's gonna be just fine!
One day you're gonna get everything you've worked hard for.
Now just breathe and move through this moment
No one can tell you how to live your life
And no one can

Be a better you than you.
Each day is a new chance to try again. It's

Okay to not be okay sometimes! I'm here with
Kindness and love for the both of us!
written back in Jan. 2022
song title and lyrics from I Fight Dragons
514 · Jan 2013
Nina McNally Jan 2013
Welcome world, welcome to the land of
CYY; Where you can be
Yourself; Where you can sing,
Yell, scream, or dance along to your favorite songs!

9* million people who are CYY,
4 ways to listen; Radio, Phone App, Online,
. or on iHeartRadio.
3 ways to request a song; call, text, or
F*illing out on CYY's website. So welcome to our
M*usic family, where each day we grow bigger with more CYY freaks!
Copyright; 2013
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my local radio station for a contest to see Passion Pit.
(2 of 2 poems I wrote; see Passion Pit)
Note: WCYY's website is, you can get their app and iHeartRadio's app in the app store for itunes or andriods, and if you are in Maine you can tune in at 94.3fm.
511 · Oct 2010
Music is Life!
Nina McNally Oct 2010
Music is Life! It really is!
Music is the one topic you can talk to
anyone and no one gets upset#.
Music is universal.
Everyone understands music!
Music makes the world go around,
love is second and money is third!
They help the world spin.

#-I use that word very loosely,
mostly meaning *******.
NinaAbby; response to my "JOSEPH ADAM JONAS" piece.
written because Music is life. Period.
No one can take it away from you.
And it will never leave you, you may leave it,
but I don't know why you would do that.
Hope you enjoy it and understand it, agree with me.
Keep on playing your music! <3
Copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Feb 2010
Into the sea, feel the

Standing still
Underneath the trees
Lying, trying to hide those feelings
In the ground--- its
Very pretty today,
And we will
Never forget you Rev, our brother of MUSIC.
Written Now. for all of those who love The Rev and A7X.
This is dedicated to Jimmy's family and the A7X family
508 · Feb 2019
City In A Garden
Nina McNally Feb 2019
City living
Is amazing, but only when it's on
The outskirts
You live. Living

In the city is too busy,
Noisy, and packed

And when you live in the next town over and

Go in the city or work there, it's much better!
And you can enjoy the beautiful city without all the
Rushing around.
Downtown is nice, but not when you live there.
Everyday you can go into the city and
Now it's peaceful in the country!
It's nice to enjoy the city but living in Maine I also love the the quiet. It's nice when you find a place that has the best of both worlds. Maine is that and this is my love to my state. Also the title is Fall Out Boy's love song to to their city.
McNally, 2019
Title again by Fall Out Boy
498 · Jan 2011
Don't Jump
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Down with the world.
Only the strong minds will survive.
No one can pay their way out of
This one. Forget your money you don't need it where you're going.

Just love, peace, music, and memories
Underneath the cork tree, playing. So
Many memories, so many
P**eople--just gonna live my life and enjoy it.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
Written: to say I'm here to just enjoy my life.
-title from a Tokio Hotel song-- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
486 · Jan 2011
Nina McNally Jan 2011
life can be fun.
life can be boring,
but life, like the weather,
can be unpredictable.
copyright; 2006
McNally, Inc.
another little poem from my freshman English class journal.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
484 · Jan 2013
Nina McNally Jan 2013
poetry, what is poetry?
it is just writings of
people's thoughts in poem,
for others to read.
dear, dear that is poetry.
copyright; 2006
McNally, Inc.
One of my first ever poems. I wrote it in my freshman English class journal.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
482 · Feb 2011
Music is...
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Music is...
                   Energy for my soul.
                   Peacefulness when I need to calm down.
                   And medicine when I can't take it anymore.

So you see I need music, like normal people need friends and family.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
as I recall I wrote this off the top of my head.
478 · Jan 2011
Richard Castle
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Run for comfort,
In the rain or snow
Come here, come
Home. Show the world
All you can do. So let's stop
Running because we
Don't know what we're running from.

Come home
And we will be at peace.
Show us peace and show
The world a lot of
Love and maybe
E**ternity won't be far along.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-One of those poems that just came to me.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
475 · Jan 2018
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)
Nina McNally Jan 2018
Everyone has a story to tell; An-
Xiety is a "fickle *****," but one that --
Possibly- tell you when something bad might happen.
Each day that goes by
Never stop dreaming, never
Stop saying "you can't,"
Instead say "you can" and make your dreams come true.
Victory can be your's and
Everyone's, you just gotta believe!

I* became such a strange shape,
Such a strange shape From
Trying to fit it."*
Kindness will win all!
Everyone has a story to tell,
So please listen to them. (Just listen.)
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Quotes (italics) from LOST and Fall Out Boy-- my biggest inspirations.
Everyone needs someone to listen to them,so just keep an open ear and be their friend they can lean on when their in need and maybe they will return the favor for you when you need someone to listen.
464 · Feb 2011
Take a Breath
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Always a new day,
Keep remembering
Everyday is a new chance to live.

Always remember that someone loves you.

Breathe---just breathe, take it all in.
Enjoy life for what it is,
And don't have fun just
To make something of yourself
H**ave fun because you can ---
                                                               and don't work to much ---
                                               just work because you can get money.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
title and inspiration from the Jonas Brothers.
462 · Oct 2010
Nina McNally Oct 2010
Underneath the cork tree. Are you
Ready to fight
In the middle of the night?
Everyday I
Deal with being buried

Alive by all the money I owe. I just
Live each day for what
It's worth and take it with a grain of salt.
Very much so and with
E**verything else going on it's very tiring, but that's life!

Enjoy this wild and crazy roller coaster ride.
Just Enjoy Life!
Love. Peace. Music.
NinaAbby; written because I wanted to say enjoy life!
Copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-title and inspiration from Avenged Sevenfold-- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
460 · Feb 2011
My Weary Pain
Nina McNally Feb 2011
My eyes are weary,
my time is pain.
How can I stop these tears,
that fall down like rain?
Only time knows when the road is bright again.
Only faith knows when we'll talk again.
So let's dance tonight and live like there's no tomorrow.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
this just came to me at the time..didn't mean anything until now...maybe it was a glimpse into my "relationship future..."
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