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 Mar 2017 Kyle
María José
Yesterday I was de sun
All light and warmth
came from within.
Today I´m but a ghost
people walk through me
both of us barely conscious
of the touch.
How I´ve changed...
 Mar 2017 Kyle
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Don't be ashamed
to put yourself first
Rule #3 in my list of
elements for a happy life
That's what you did
I guess I should do the same.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
hello again
I'm drowning in my own thoughts.
Every time I lay in bed
My thoughts are only of you
I want to be of something else
But, once I start to think of you, I can't stop
I think of how many times you've made me laugh
How many times you've made me cry
And I think of many times you're going to make me want to scream.
But the words I scream are "I hate you!"
When all I want to scream is "I love you."
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Nicole Bataclan
I will **** you with a metaphor
My feelings censored
Behind beautiful words.

I dare not say it to your face
The euphemism
When I am burning with anger.

Toying with the void
Here I concoct
The right expression;

My sweet weapon
Retort with an oxymoron.

Then nothing; no paradox or pun
I am even at a loss for a rhyme.

For when our eyes meet
It is poetry I read,
Without a word
We say it all.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Alice R-P
The Game
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Alice R-P
There is only one rule
In the game-
What you think,
You will gain.
Want to live in fear-
Be afraid.
Want Your dreams to become true-
Dream every day.
An innocent pure-white heart
does not see manipulation coming
from a distance,

It does not imagine such hurtful things
in its gentle empathetic existence.

It does not see the dark evil monsters
behind their masks--in disguise,

It does not recognise the difference
between genuine truth and shifty ***** lies.

By Lady R.F (c) 2017
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Hannah Marze
Lost in the desert; who knew that I would find
a place to take shelter, the most beautiful waste of time
to put me back together, to free me from an inescapable past.

Now I know better; I've learned the hard way
that perfect weather can disappear within a day,
and added pressure can make anything secure crack.

But these little lessons never seem to compare
to the sudden emptiness that comes out of no where,
to the shifts in solid ground, to the shadows that are left behind.

These distant memories never intend to replace
the deep conversations and laughs that we had face to face,
our interlaced fingers, your leg pressed next to mine,

and time.

 Mar 2017 Kyle
Blurred Lines
 Mar 2017 Kyle
When someone says you look good
Their are lying
When they like your new hair color
Their lying
When they ask you out they are just using you
When they are done being friends with you they leave
And after that you sit in your bathroom makeup spread all around you from your makeup session with your "friends" you sit in the midst of it eyeliner
Dripping down your face ******* splotches of dark mascara dripping down trailing black lines down your face in noticeable lines
Lipstick smeared and eyeshadow I smeared you still think they are your friends tho sitting in the midst of this a designer pair of heels broke in half one of your
Favorite dresses with holes in it and nail polish on it
You gather it up wipe it off and square your shoulders And walk off to study
11pm they text you hey wanna do the makeup again you say sure the next time more stuff in ruins perfume bottles spilled everywhere
I try to read the fine print that  comes with these friends but it's blurred because of the pain and tears that block me
Have been made to be Fragile
#shattered #crying #sad #maleup##blurred
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