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 Mar 2015 Seven
 Mar 2015 Seven
Drifting through this realm
That we dwell
Never did I believe
Or imagine
Our souls would cross
And align, so well
Once a lone ghost
In this cold reality
We call home
I can only hope for your return
But for now, we remain
 Mar 2015 Seven
Do you...? (10w
 Mar 2015 Seven
I dream every night of you,
of us,
*Do you?
I can't escape you
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
There are two possibilities:
either it’s too late
or there’s still a chance for us

Both equally terrify me
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
Tell Me
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
How to cope
when everybody’s screamin’
He doesn’t care,
better stay away

How to know
who to believe
who to trust
who will deceive?

Well what does it matter
if it’s his word or theirs
she knows all are leaving
so why must she care?
 Mar 2015 Seven
Dried Up
 Mar 2015 Seven
How shall I move forward
When I'm neither heartbroken
Nor happy?

*The ink that poured from my soul
Has been stolen by this drought.
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
 Mar 2015 Seven
Wynona C
I never said no, I just said not now
I never said I don’t, though I never told you I did.
But I do
Always have, always will

It’s no longer "Will you wait for me?”
We’re way past that
It’s “Wait for me. Please.” now
I promise it’ll be worth it.
I’ll be worth it.

**We’ll be worth all this
 Mar 2015 Seven
jim moore
I wait

"Time waits for no one"

I watch

I think

I analyze
I calculate


I wait

"Time waits for no one"

These things take time
They don't happen overnight

"Time waits for no one"

*******, some things are worth waiting for
I wait

"Are you happy?"

Things could be worse

"That's not an answer"
"Are you happy"

It could be worse

"Life is short"
"You only get one shot"
"Time is precious"
"You're not getting any younger"

I wait.  
Some things are worth waiting for

"Time waits for no one"
A conglomerate of conversation with an old friend Glenlivet, a real friend the other night, and the voices in my head.  I need to catch up with my dear friend Glenlivet more often.  A little grease for the synapses every now and then.
 Mar 2015 Seven
jim moore
 Mar 2015 Seven
jim moore
We are like two celestial bodies
On different orbits
That keep us apart
In a beautiful elliptical dance
Every now and then
We collide
And return to our orbits
That pull us further and further apart
Only to repeat the cycle all over again
Reposting old favorites.
 Feb 2015 Seven
He Said...
 Feb 2015 Seven
**Crushes or
•••don't last
••••this long.
•They're never
••this intense
this strong.
••I am in
••all day
and all night.
•••••moments of
••••••triumph and
•deepest, darkest fright.
•••I see you in all there is,
•••••I see you in everything.
••••••••Living in the present
••••but for the future I'm hoping
•••You calm and get me all riled up
••••••••••••••••at the same time.
••••••••••••You exist in metaphors,
••••••••••••••••••broken sentences
•••••••••••••and time worn rhymes.
•••••••••••••••••You give me life
••••••••••••••and take my breath
•••••••••••away altogether.
•••••••••You hold the key
to my erratic emotional lever.
•••••••••••You fill me full
••••••••••but empty me out
••••You make me want to be
•••••••••••someone else
••••••••as well as being me.
••••••Paradoxes of the heart
•••they can never be quelled.
••••When hopes and odds
••try to be one and meld.
•••••This is how I know
••••••••that this is real.
•••••••••••••I'm truly,
•••••••••madly, deeply
••••••in love with you
•and it's all that I feel.
Stay tuned for "She Said..."

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