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 Jan 2018 Skye Marshmallow
Within the room she sat, lined of wood and paint,
Did the sun highlight her emerald eyes and her pursed lips.
Whispering her lies
Of I and her, dates long over, kisses lasting forever.
once this energy has been shared, it will last.
Of future words striking light upon times past,
So let me lay, listen and love, this angel carried by heavens
 Jan 2018 Skye Marshmallow
The sound of snow is a beautiful thing
Catch every snowflake, you could not
But the earth can
Like the marching ants in the fruitful spring
Snowflakes need not tiptoe through the house of winter
Instead, they patter a song to sing on the frozen ground
And we, as humans are helpless to stop it from falling down
With tiny little pinprick sounds
The reign of winter falls all around*

End of storm
Beginning of season
This one... I really like
Senseless, ******, visceral, vile
Creature of strange wordless spite
Your animosity is black as treacle
As though a mist of insolence
Lies thick within the torrid southern air
And tasting sour on my tender tongue

You are a king
Though not the only one
I am queen of the Nile

I am not she who slinks down spiral steps
Or sinks into your asphalt grip
Not she who twines herself around your marble chest
My name is not the one you ache to call

You carve out my skull
To decorate the walls with my soul
Man of granite, turn me hollow
**** me softly if you must
Two lines of cold grey cottages stand,
like decaying teeth in the mouth of Hades.
Grim acknowledgement to a long dead past,
monuments to the what if's and maybes.

A dark stain on the undergrowth of Nature,
the mud filled pond reeks of sick disease.
Brick and concrete tumble down slowly,
as She reclaims land in shallow degrees.

But peace and tranquility live here now,
under the pall of a decomposing host.
Trees grow, birds sing and flowers bloom,
perhaps to entertain the departing ghosts.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
When the feelings run and hide
and when there is nothing left inside.
I cannot even begin to disguise
the fact that I have cemetery eyes.

An empty shell, a carcass, a husk,
autonomic movement from dawn to dusk.
I will not allow my emotions to rise
and bring back life to my cemetery eyes.

There are words I just cannot repeat,
questions and probing, an enforced retreat.
The shutters fall, there is no compromise,
nobody sees behind my cemetery eyes.

© Pagan Paul (2018)
 Jan 2018 Skye Marshmallow
We danced together in the starlight
Crickets serenading our sidewalk performance
The blocks began to run together
With each move, you grew more distant from my arms
Then, to my dismay, the darkness swept you away
I found myself alone under a flickering street light
The curtain finally fell on you and I
Leaving me to misery
A concrete angel
runs her fingers through
silver strings.

Lose yourself
in the depth of her
sad blue eyes.

She glides over
streams of restless arms,
an empyrean light
flying through umbran

She is neither
deaf nor numb to
their pain as her harp
sings with sweet sadness.
As she wonders...

How strange and sad it is
that death gives peace
more than life ever did.
Things have been so hectic I haven't had time to post on here as much as I want to. Today is a grey day for me, literally and emotionally. Its raining and I passed a hospital and a graveyard on my walk around my local area
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