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880 · Jul 2017
The balcony
Nadia Jul 2017
I sit here on this messed up balcony that has all essence of home
All i think about is the view right before me
The size of the mountains repel me
But that makes me more drawn to its diabolic beauty
Flashes of every story and legend I've read takes place in those mountains
And my eyes betray me by refusing to look away from this dream catcher
In the distance the rain collapses and it reminds me why i live in this town
Of my love towards the smell of the rain provides
Nothing is more hypnotizing
It gives me a chillingly warm feeling as the chains hold me in this messed up hell of a balcony
870 · Oct 2017
Things that make sense
Nadia Oct 2017
There's a box
It has a lock
The lock needs a key
The key is hidden
Only you can find it
A choice
A riddle
a cliff
Ends in the start
You fall
You break
Music ignites
Music is evil
If you win
You die
If you lose
You get the key
Where's the game
The game is lost
Find it
You win
Destroy it
You lose
A rose
A bush
Some thorns
A storm
No snow
Maybe Ice
Fire for sure
You guess
You lose
A lion
Sings a lullaby
Calls it the heart
The key is inside
Destroy the key
You win
Keep the key
You lose
To live
Open the box
A bullet
No gun
How can you die
Find out
You win
Ignore it
You lose
Define it
You die
726 · Aug 2017
Nadia Aug 2017
Why oh why
Do the trees obey me
Why oh why
Do the skies orbit me
Why oh why
Does my flames shine brighter than many
Why oh why
Is the rain so willing to help me
Why oh why
Do living creates depend on me
Yet my one true love
Sits on the opposite sides of me
And as we unite
Once in 365 days
A day to ourselves is added
We release nothingness
Utter darkness
Our love is a dark whole
557 · Apr 2018
Nadia Apr 2018
When the place
gets too crowded
And the faces start to blend
They form yours
When there’s no one but my thoughts around
You become the devil in my details
450 · Aug 2017
Nadia Aug 2017
Some people live their life suspicious of everyone around them
Of being attacked with no reason
That's paranoia
However some people
They feel at home in the middle of an unknown crowed
Think the best of every stranger
But as soon as a friend missed a call
Or replies to a text too late
Or looks the other way
That unexplainable feeling
Couldn't possibly be paranoia
347 · Oct 2017
Nadia Oct 2017
Today felt like my time to die
The journey home stretched
Beautiful things were put at test
The songs that played wore black
And the light weather was heavy
Everything was ordinary
But my body passed by them as if it was never coming back
The rest of the day waltzed past
And a new day began
I was alive
But yesterday was my time to die
266 · Jul 2017
Black and white
Nadia Jul 2017
Some say the word is black and white
Some say not
I argue it's transparent
We paint it with our stories
Our prints are embroidered in its deep crusts
260 · Jul 2017
Nadia Jul 2017
What evil lays in these woods i see
Luring all innocence to its immortality
Forcing me to possess thoughts of anxiety
Leaving no space for the likes of serenity
Slowly taking over my mentality
239 · Aug 2017
Nadia Aug 2017
Her body was a blank canvas her parents had painted
Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt they had said
His body was a canvas with millions of reds and imperfections
He has thrown himself in the flames and allowed their light to resurrect him
When they touched his canvas faded and hers blushed a brightened flame

— The End —