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Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
She’s falling out of control,
Her life line cut,
People calling her a ****,
Just because she ****** up,
And we got a breakup,
Now everyone is calling her up,
To see if they can bump up.
So my ex keeps having these guys asking her to do things and send things (you can probably guess what) but she is saying NO! I'm stuck in a pickle here. I told them to back off... but they won't. Should I take it to the next level and do what I do best at??? Break their noses?????
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Baby don't cut by Bmike
She's only 17, her whole life's ahead of her.
She hates school because the people there discredit her.
Her boyfriend tries to show her that's not how it seems.
But everyday she just gets lowered with her self-esteem.
He lets her know that every night will have a brighter day
She even tried to overdose and take her life away.
She's feeling hopeless there just sitting down beside her bed
Then he takes his hand and places it beside her head.
He tries to hold her but with every touch she still resists
And then he sees the scars that bury deep within her wrists
She's feeling numb, he tries to beg and plead and ask her, "Why?"
She says this way she has control of the pain she feels inside.
He's asking her, "How long it's going since you've felt this?
Way because you got me here, just feeling so **** helpless."
She says, "It's been a while. I guess I needed better luck."
And then he screams at her and tells her, "Baby, never cut!"
Nobody seems to get you, you feel you're on your own
But listen, pretty lady, you don't have to be alone.
So, baby, don't cut, baby, don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end
You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend.
But baby don't cut, baby don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
The next day at school she's feeling better than the day before.
Even cracked a couple smiles as she walked the corridor.
But all that seemed to end: she dropped her books when she walked into class.
And every student in the room just seemed to point and laugh.
She couldn't take it anymore, she sent her boy a text.
She said, "I love you with my body, heart and soul to death."
He thought nothing, typed "I love you", then he sent it.
By "death" he didn't know that she had literally just meant it.
She ducked the next class, ran home into the bathroom.
Thought to herself she wouldn't break her promise that soon.
One cut... two cuts... three cuts... four
The blood just started dripping from the tub to the floor.
Her boyfriend had a feeling in his stomach that he hated.
He followed it right down to her house he never waited.
The front door was open, he heard the water running.
He stormed into the bathroom and his heart just started gunning.
Nobody seems to get you, you feel you're on your own
But listen pretty lady you don't have to be alone.
So baby don't cut, baby don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end
You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend.
But baby don't cut, baby don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
He puts her arm around his shoulder, he's just tryna lean her back up.
Yelling out her name as he lays her beside the bathtub.
Feels his whole world just took a hit from a big avalanche.
Screaming out so heavily, "Somebody call an ambulance!"
Feeling mad angry like somebody's led her onto this.
Her eyeballs are rolling, drifting out of consciousness.
Thinking to himself why the hell did she just stop at will.
The tears just keep on rolling as they head to the hospital.
Paramedics rush her in, the doctor calls emergency.
She's lost a lot of blood the place looks like a ****** scene
An hour later, the doc walks over with a sour face
And says, "Excuse me for the words that I'm about to say.
I'm sorry for your loss, " the boy just starts collapsing.
His own world, his own girl just took a crashing.
Saying to himself that it's his fault and that he let it up.
"Baby, I thought you made a promise you would never cut."
Nobody seems to get you, you feel you're on your own
But listen pretty lady you don't have to be alone.
So baby don't cut, baby don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end
You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend.
But baby don't cut, baby don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut
Orion Lesneski Apr 2020
I'm lost and scared,
I feel like I'm not here,
I've ruined my life,
Thought I had it under control,
But I didn't.

I ******* up,
Sitting at home,
These thoughts going through my head,
I'm fighting them,
But I'm going insane,
I cant stand it anymore,
I wanna go,
And be alone,
But I can't.

Cause I'll just try to **** my self.
Please help me I cant stand it anymore
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
Flooding through my mind,
Telling me I’m running out of time,
If I’m going to commit this crime,
I gotta do it while I’m in my prime,
So could someone please define,
What it means to be divine.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
When you look in the mirror,
What do you see?

I invite all of you,
To look at your reflection,
And look deep into your own eyes...

Tell me,
What do you see?

Or Hate?

You see,
If you look at your reflection long enough,
and study yourself,
You will notice things about your features that you never noticed before.

That's all
Orion Lesneski Apr 2020
stuffy nose,
clip them toes,
**** those hoes,
make a show
Orion Lesneski Sep 2019
Darkness isn't a great place,
Light never shines, it never appears,
Light doesn't exist in my world,
Darkness has taken over my mind and I love it.
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
Never felt alive,
Till I meet the word goodbye,
Feeling like I’m worth it,
Making sure I’m not broken,
Ever again,
Till I’m dead.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I said never again,
you hurt me so many times.

But we started talking,
and you stole my heart again...
This poem is about the same girl that I wrote my very first poem "Unforgivable Love" about.
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
Neve before,
Have I felt this way,
Never before,
Have I wanted nothing,
Never before,
Have I hated you!
Never before have I fallen for such a ****** girl in my life. You are nothing to me! Baylee Gentry! I’m done with you!!
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
There is no light here,
At least not to my knowledge,
I've never been allowed to experience it,
The life I've lived for 17 years,
The people who adopted me 16 1/2 years ago,
It was never a part of my life and they never let it be,
I always went behind their back,
But I still have never experienced it.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I ******* hate this school,
All our parents think it's so cool,
But they don't know the **** I've been through,
They think it's all home brew.

But most of it started when I was not cool,
Now I'm nobody's fool,
See what they say when I go away?

I came back a change man,
They still treat me like I'm trash,
They don't trust my word,
Because my past actions rule out my word.
They know I went to a military school to better myself and change my horrible ways,
But they still think I'm that punk,
That would throw them in my trunk,
Just to get a high,

You know what *******!!
I've changed my ******* ways,
So what gives you the right to treat me like I'm still that ******* "druggie"
As you would all say,
I don't care what you think,
y'all can go shove it.

I'm doing great in life,
My girlfriend loves me for who I am,
My friends think I'm a changed man,
It's just my parents and this ******* SCHOOL!!
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I hate it,
When someone looks at me,
and tells me that since i dont know alot of trucks,
that I'm not a man.
You know what *******!

Just because I don't know as much about trucks than you,
doesn't mean I'm not a man,
You just proved to me that you are not a man.

I worked my *** off to better myself as a human being,
I learned from my mistakes,
I been in this world longer than you,
and I have seen **** that you probably won't even see in your life.

So you might want to learn that from me,
Next time you say that to someone,
They might lose their temper like I almost did,
and they just might hurt you.

So you are very lucky today,
I'm not going to let this weigh me down today,
Or anyday.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
We went to Albion Idaho,
to the Haunted Mansion,
you were so clingy to me,
And I loved it.

A clown jumped out,
you screamed,
and you buried your head in the crook of my arm.

A guy came up and showed you a big glass box,
he said look at my spider,
I said **** that **** I'm out,
and when I moved you kept looking.

Then he moved and the glass box split in two,
it happened so fast,
a face shot out and you screamed.

You turned around thinking I was there,
But I wasn't,
You turned around looking wildly,
I shouted your name,
You saw me and ran to me.

You ran into me and we both went down,
I was holding you and we started laughing,
We got up and left.

The ride home was amazing,
laughing about what happened in every house,

Jezz I missed you Ashilee,
We took a long break from each other,
And the time frame made us love each other more.
I am so happy that you are with me right now,
I'm ready to make more memories.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
Oh sleep,
Your an amazing thing,
I dream about you sleep,
Night and day,
Like a creep.
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
Orion Lesneski May 2019
I had a hard time to do.

I never thought could be so hard.

I was a bad teen to my parents,
Getting in trouble,
Not caring what happened to them.

Hanging with the wrong crowd,
Smoking and taking bad things.

But then I changed my life around,
I went from being on the dark path,
To going to a military school and graduating with the second highest rank.

But then I came back to the same **** I was trying to avoid,
Sister doing drugs,
Mother verbally abusive,
And father that just don’t give a ****.

But I don’t let that bring me down,
I got new friends,
Ones that care about me.
Don't let people change who you are, strive on and keep being yourself!
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
With every touch she still resists
because of that one last kiss
she prays for the pain to go away
but others think it should stay
people say she's not grateful
but the truth is she's thankful
she puts a mask on her face
for she thinks is would be a ****** case
she doesn't know what to think
cause with every thought she'll sink
the negative thoughts flood through her head
so all she wants to do is stay in bed
they say she looks like a ****
but she still doesn't cut
she doesn't wanna deal with it anymore
but it got deep into her core
she always gets teased
and all she wants is peace
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
I was a bad kid,
never realized it,
until I did,
only wanted to get a hit,
so I treated everyone like ****,
thought I could handle it,
started out with little bits,
but it evolved into chunks,
so I became a punk,
one day I woke up,
I was locked in a trunk,
looking back I should've been shook up,
instead I thought about hitting up,
my "friends" let me out,
told me I fell asleep,
and couldn't get me in the back seat,
apparently I got in a fight,
can't remember what happened,
wait maybe I might...
he hit me with his left,
I came back with my right,
I broke his nose,
suddenly there were his bros,
surrounding him to make sure he was ok,
but I didn't stay,
this was just one of many,
but I'm not gonna get into any,
people who didn't know me thought I was an angel,
but I was the devil,
I stole and lied to the ones I loved,
my parents called the cops,
and took me to the top,
told me I could go to jail,
not post bail.
gave me a warning,
and called them in the morning,
talked for a little bit,
I felt like ****,
this went on for four years,
now it brings me to tears,
every time I see the ones I hurt,
I wish I could take away their pain,
put it on a train,
tell them its ok,
But the past is the past,
I cant focus on that,
I set my eyes ahead,
thanking God I'm not dead.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
Never felt so good,
Till I made it to third,
Had a great time,
Because you were mine.

Thought we were in love,
Because you were a dove,
And I was a glove,
But you took me off,
And threw me in the pig trough.
doesn't make sense but oh well
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Promise you love me,
I Promise I love you,
Promise you care,
I Promise I care,
Promise you will always be there,
I Promise I will always be there,
Orion Lesneski May 2019
Yesterday it started raining,
It didn't stop,
Went to work,
It made me quirk.

Today it's misty,
And I love it.
Rain brings the best out of some people.
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
Never been dead,
But I did get head,
When did I get fed?
Just at work and was bored 😑 ig
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Mom, Dad,
Why'd you choose drugs?
You chose that over us,
But in the end you got bust,

You know what?
I feel like trash,
Just writing this down,
But I have to get this out...

I love you,
I honestly do,
But sometimes you make me wanna puke,
Part of me wanna say "OD"
Nobody will even care,
To find your names in the obituare...

But it will make another tear,
You said you'd get better,
So we can all live a life together,
But here I am 17,
I had to teach myself everything.

Dad, you could've taught me how to use the D,
But I guess it came naturally,
Mom, through all the heart breaks,
You coulda taught me to be better,
Instead I went Bitter.

Somewhere along I took a wrong turn,
All I wanted was to smoke a burn,
Never thought I would turn,
And be part of your urn.

That was disgusting,
Who I was becoming,
I fought back,
To get on track,
But I can't change the past.

Not a day goes by when I don't think of you,
And all this **** you put me through,
I Hate You!
Everything you do,
You always think about you,
I'm through...
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Yo, Ashilee she brings the heat,
Sometimes she makes eat her sweets,
Even though she did retreat,
I don't wanna repeat,
I love her so dearly,
I whisper in her ear,
We're going to be together for years,
I hope she can hear,
The pounding of my heart,
Cuz she's my lost part,
I don't want another broken heart,
You promised me you wont leave,
Because our love is already weaved,
We're dope,
But not doped out,
I ain't no boy,
Who treats girls like they're a toy,
I'm a man,
The man for you.
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
I see you sitting there,
Out of reach,
By a hair.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
That’s all they want,
But it’s for a good reason.

They ask for blood,
So they can save others,
I’ve let them draw mine 12 times,
They said I saved lives.
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
You talk to me like there’s still a we,
You ended it and said I’m a pesky bee,
So why are you still ******* at me,
Your being a sand flea,
Hopping around me at the sea,
So please just let me be,
Before you make it a dead sea.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Why can’t you see,
The pain I’m in,
I’m a complete wreck,
Just think about it.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
It seems like no one is out there,
It seems like no one will care,
It seems like no one loves me,
It seems like I agree.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
What should I do if I witnessed my best friend get punched by his father? HMU for the details and I will let you decide.... I need help
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
Never gonna sleep,
Till I’m beat,
Working hard,
Ten hours a day,
Seven days a week,
I think I’m in deep,
Won’t ask for a day off,
Cause I’ll just *******,
Making more mistakes,
When I’m on day breaks.
So im pretty shot. Been working ten hour shifts seven days a week this past month. Gotta day I’m hating it but hey at least my pay check is bigger than before. But not as big as I want it to be.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
Can’t see anything,
Don’t want to.

Can’t feel anything,
Don’t want to.

Both are a part of my soul.
Having one of those days
Orion Lesneski Aug 2021
Stressed out so I gotta dab out,

Lifes been **** since she got out.

Hit a bowl so thoughts won't become ghouls,

Got kicked to the streets at seventeen,

Did hard drugs,

Had to let my demons take control of me,

No I just stick to ****,

Then I found a new family,

Thought I found my self a queen,

Found out she cheated on me,

Now I'm making money with no goal in mind,

Because everytime I try Its like I hit rewind.
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
So my Homeroom teacher, Mr. Barnes, just spent $150 on Carhartt beanies, Very big surprise!! We are going Christmas caroling, and after he is going to give us hot coco!!!
Orion Lesneski Sep 2019
I look in the mirror,
darkness swirls around my head,
It's like a swarm of flies,
I wish I could just die...
Orion Lesneski Dec 2019
I swear,
I will tear,
All his hair,
From his scalp,
If he doesn’t care,
And is not fair,
To you.
Orion Lesneski Feb 2020
I look in the mirror,
All I see is fear,
And tears,
Rolling down my face.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
They said never lie,
But they do,

They said don’t cry,
But they do,

They said don’t ask why,
But they do,

They said don't yell,
But they do,

They said don't use profanity,
But they do.
Guess Who
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
Just take a moment today,
And think about who fought and served for your country,
Honor them
My adoptive father served in the United States Navy for 22 years, he was a MCPO (Master Chief Petty Officer), he served in the Vietnam War.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
This morning I was at the store,
I heard a guy say this to a cute girl.
"If you were a squirrel, would you help me bust a nut?"
Seriesly, that guy is trying too hard.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
You see,
You and me,
We made a tree,
Just you and me,
But it wasn’t free,
You got rid of me,
And cut down our tree.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
I never thought that I would be there by your side,
You took my heart and made me fall out of the sky.
You told me you loved me and I thought you were right,
You gave me your heart and then you were mine,
But you took it back and gave it to some other guy.

I found about this, and found out it was my friend,
You told me you never wanted to hurt me,
But didn’t realize that you broke my beat.
My heart was fine, till you shot it, then it died,
Then I found someone who truly wanted to be mine.

You never were mine, because you told me fat lies,
It hurt me, I hope you do realize,
That if it wasn’t for me, you would never be with that guy,
I hope you realize my parents really liked you,
Because we’ve been through so much till it died.

I used to see a spark in your eye,
Everyday when you saw me,
It would light up like the night sky,
Until you saw that Atrocious guy.

I hope you realize that I noticed this,
The way you would pull him to the side,
You tried to be sneaky, but I am that guy,
Who notices when his girl turns sly.
Orion Lesneski Nov 2019
You put me to the test,
Think I won't rest?
I'm gonna hit that reset,
You better not sweat.
Your unfit,
Just a Hypocrite.
Orion Lesneski Jun 2020
My life.......

Is a mess......😒😓😭
Orion Lesneski Sep 2019
There is nothing to see,
Pitch Black,
Only darkness surrounds me.

There is nothing to keep me warm,
Really cold,
Coldness surrounds me like a swarm.

No Cure,
There is nothing to help me,
It's a disease I can't get rid of,
And it's killing me.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
The life of a poet is hard,
People think that they love your work,
But it's not just work,
Its our life.
Orion Lesneski Oct 2019
I see nothing,
Not even my feet,

So dark,
Yet so cold,
Wondering where I am,
I stand.

I immediately hit my head on something solid,
I raise my hands to see what it was,

What is this place…

Bigger question,
Where is this place…
Orion Lesneski May 2019
Hurt me,
I’ll recover.

Call me a ****,
That works.

Call my phone,
You hear a dial tone.

Won’t answer,
You treat me like a taxi driver.
Orion Lesneski May 2019
You came at me,
I said “Do it I ******* dare you, you *******.¨

You said something that didn’t make sense,
Everything that comes out of your mouth doesn’t make sense.

You try to be intimidating and fight me,
But you forget I’m stronger and have more strategy.

I’ve survived more things than you,
You haven’t even lived life yet.

I was addicted to Acid,
Do you even know how it feels to have something control you?

Have you ever felt like you could leave this world,
And leave all your problems here?

But always come back,
And have to deal with the same ****?

Acid became a part of me,
And I loved it!

But I changed my life around,
And now I’m bigger and stronger than I ever was.

So tell me,
Do you really want to test my patience?

I’ll knock you on your ***,
Just to show you I’m not playing around.

So do it,
I dare you.

Come at me and find out what will happen,
But you can’t blame me for what will happen to you.

Because you asked for it,
It’s your fault that your on your ***.
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