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She sleeps there in the chambers
The morning light caresses her
She paints a picture of serenity
As if time has stopped to appreciate
A perfect painting of sleeping beauty
Braided tresses lies across her beguile heart
Like a serpent entwined across in slumber
Her lithe body, breathing in perfect harmony
Creating a trance like milieu
Her beauty is mesmerizing, the faint glow captivating
Only covered with a sleep linen
The languid morning doesn't dare to wake her up
Pillows are cajoling her and being indulgent  
Her unfading beauty mesmerizes me
The sleeping beauty rests there in grace
As I quietly trespass into her dreams

 May 2014 Michael Amery

Unlike you

Hovering like a gnat that finds a face irresistible
Swatting frantically does no good as
insects will be insects and annoying is part of their plan

As it seems each day I find a new offering unfolding its wings,
buzzing about with all of its ***** laundry,
as if poetry has become merely a tool to harass

Finding little folders to slide into…highlighting
each word of bin fodder, old but new
hoping for accolades in lemonade fashion

Funny how that works as bitter becomes the norm,
never letting go of that scent that attracts you…
whatever it is about the human aroma you find so pleasing

Perhaps it is that it will never be you…insect,
oh little gnat of warm summer zephyrs failing to flutter by
lost within the deep confines of a posies’ petals

To ruin our summer faire, our picnic in the sun
can not happen for you see we are happy
in our own skin, with its wondrous fragrance…unlike you
 May 2014 Michael Amery
 May 2014 Michael Amery
Lovers are fools.
Words like "forever" and "always"
Dance across their lips
Hidden scribbles on notebook pages.
Lovers are fools.
Candles and rose petals
Cloud a room full
Of expectation and uncertainty.
Lovers are fools.
Blind, deaf, mute
And shrouded in moonbeams,
Unable to face the reality of the world.

Foolish lovers,
Open your eyes
For you will  f a l l  if you do not watch where you leap.
Foolish lovers,
How can you stop the time tables,
Step off the life-carousel -
Racing horses frozen in mid-air
And twinkle-light music driven to utter silence?
Foolish lovers,
Teach me how to use my fragile love
As an indestructible armor
Against the lightening bolts and ice storms,
Apocalypse and crop circle fears.

Lovers are fools.
She loves me all up,
So if being one with her means
Being a **fool

I say,
                      *Bring it on.
LDR life.
 May 2014 Michael Amery
They say time stops.
It's true.
When my lips ease into yours
Like a puzzle piece fit,
Time is not of the essence,
And we float
On a cloud-sea
Of stardust
And a stand-still eternity.
LDR life.
 May 2014 Michael Amery
Luna Lynn
Life is so hard.
Like really hard.
Like so hard if I knew then what I know now
If I could turn back the hands
If I could turn around
It would be different, yes
It just might be
Just slightly
They told me to hold on tightly
That the devil spits his **** like lightening
And even though God is there
It seems He don't care
On my knees begging please please please
In silent prayer
I pinch myself to awake from the dream
I've lost control
No intervene
This **** sure isn't what it seems

When I say life is hard
It's not the bills
The baby daddy the broken toilet
The running water the standing still
It's the battle of our minds
The tugging of our hearts searching
Searching for peace we'll never find
Then we become blind
And leave all sense of reality behind
Still searching for the ****** up fairytale
Buried deep beneath our eyes

Life is hard
Life is hard
Life is hard
There is no easy way out if you think along those lines
Go ahead and **** yourself
Your soul may still decline
Because you didn't leave any of your baggage behind
And then you're left in immortal death
Saying to yourself
Life is hard.
(c) Maxwell 2014
 May 2014 Michael Amery
I remember it
That day , preserved in my memories for all eternity
The day I saw you
The day my heart was stolen
The day my mind became slave to you
And my heart forever your prisoner.

I live now, heartless ...
Listening to the songs only I can hear
The songs you sing ...
My efforts are futile , for I can't resist you
I let the symphonies erode my being.

Unrequited love has become my dark rainbow
I try to see the beauty , but I am ultimately destroyed
I try to move on , but I cannot.

My heart cries when I see you with her
My happiness shatters and I die over and over again
I continue to cry as the sun hits my face
Oh , I wish I could forget
Forget the start

When a boy , stole another boys heart ...
I shook the devil’s hand and looked him dead in the eye the night I put the barrel of a shotgun in between my lips
While I stood on the edge of a chair with a noose around my neck.
Killing two birds with one stone.
The feathers of the bird deep inside me would be ruffled after the bullet raced through them,
Shearing them apart like a combine moves through a field of corn.
The bird on the outside of my body would finally learn to fly after the bullet struck the inside of my mouth like a flashlight lights up a dark cave harboring a family of bats
And right before I fell limp to the floor, no longer able to hear my own heartbeat inside my ears,
The noose caught my fall, tightening around my neck.
The night I stood on a wooden chair, holding my own death within my hands in complete darkness around eleven because I wanted to be an owl instead of a raven,
The chirping inside of me wouldn’t quiet.
I heard the voices of wings outside the window in the tree I’d thought about soaring from; telling me to stop or cheering me on, I don’t know.
But if I would’ve put the single round inside the chamber of the gun or slipped the slightest bit from the chair,
I’d know how it feels to fly.
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