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Stop setting yourself on fire for people who will sit back and watch you burn.
 Jan 2018 Marlon Ado Jr
Within my soul I’ve found yours
Are they different?
They are one, they are one with the cosmos,
But our sub souls have a strong gravity acting on them,
A gravity unexplained by science,
A gravity we’ve chosen to name love,
Scientifically oxytocin creates this feeling, but oxytocin is a by product of this very gravity,
What we choose to believe is up to us
The sky is blue
Love is the fifth dimension
A day will come, far far away,
A collective surge of this gravity,
Will pull all creatures together,
There will be no anti love - no hunger no wars,
This dimension we only experienced in parts,
Will save us from our own destruction
Turn your face and look away,
Ignore the hate, embrace the pain.
Find your strength and hold it close,
They don’t see it and never will know.

Find yourself among the trees,
Love your patterns like its leaves.
Know perfection isn’t an option,
But still strive for what you’ve always wanted.

Find your way through life’s windy paths,
Refuse to give into its continuous wrath.
Ignore where you are and don’t look around,
If there’s something to notice there’s always a sound.

Don’t look at your shoes and how ***** they are,
Notice where you’re standing and how far you’ve gone.
Focus on you and nobody else,
Forget all the products, forget all the wealth.

This is your life, so live every moment,
Love every breath and let yourself hold it.
Dith the anxiety and let the world do its work.
Fear will always exist but deny its fierce burn.
Just want the best for you... S.B. <3
 Jan 2018 Marlon Ado Jr

play darts.

i will stand by

that wall; you should

aim and aim for my heart.

paint my white t-shirt red or

wait, white and red make pink.

just throw them, don’t even blink.

cause if you do, you’ll miss my pain;

i’m sorry, but i can’t cry again and again.

i’m sure it will wash off, where is the sink?
Maybe the one talked over and hushed
Grew up to be quiet, reserved
Trying to develop a voice of their own
But it was never heard

Maybe the one seeking attention
Spent their life being ignored
Experiences shape perceptions
And perceptions shape our world

But this is where we start, not end
After all, we're not cement
We change and bend and learn and grow
We can end above and start below
Beliefs can change and so can we
What we were, we don't have to be
Everything in life is so beautifully precious, yet so frighteningly temporary.
i want a silent
night tonight

the radio
creaking out
old songs
of cheer and

down my
arms and legs

a silent

all the static
noises and voices
that never
shut up


the world
while my skin

a silent

eerily quiet

fluffy snow
on the ground
blankets over
my head

over my

peace on
no fear
no hurt


the radio
plays on
through the
twinkle lights
paper bags
golden bows

as loud as
every other
day of
the year

and i can't
just lie here

i need a
silent night

just one
without noise
without a fight
copyright 12/24/17 b. e. mccomb
and i pray
the pain
your eyes

that peace fades
your scars

and your heart
finds hope

dear friend
i pray someday

you learn
to live
without fighting
and the fog

but until then
i pray

here's to hoping
i keep coping
or maybe just sleep
all this away!
seven years since they put me in the mental ward
copyright 1/10/18 b. e. mccomb
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