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899 · Sep 2018
Sunsets are like People
Ekaterina Vorona Sep 2018
Sunsets are breathtaking
They paint the sky
With pretty flames
Its a beautiful sight

But behind you,
Is the world's shadow
Dark, dull, a sooty blue
The part that goes unnoticed
691 · Aug 2018
False World
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
Why do we seek the truth?
It hurts more than its heals
Lies are soothing, beautiful
The false world is brighter than the real

Darkness blinds, but so does light
Why don't we fear the sun?
Life is pain, death is peace
No one sees the lonely ones

Better to live in false comfort
Than be tortured by reality
"It'll go away if we ignore it
And go back home happily"

Pain breaks through like the dawn
Our world is fill with sorrow
Suffering, and hopelessness
Each day is the same as the tomorrow
406 · Sep 2018
Lonely Beings
Ekaterina Vorona Sep 2018
We are all lonely beings
Lonely souls, a lonely mind
Eternally seeking and searching
For things we can never find

A memory of smiles and laughter
Washed away by the flood of sorrow
And the sense of immortal solitude
There was never a cheery tomorrow

We're all going to fade away
There'll be no one left to mourn us
Our bodies, our lives, our legacies
Will disappear into wind and dust

Yet we still bother to create
To sing, paint, dance and twirl
To turn our cobwebs into gold
All in hopes of a better world
390 · Aug 2018
Shattered Stars
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
We all have scars
We're all broken here
Our hearts are burnt and charred
Torn by ceaseless wind and wear

We are shattered stars
Darkened by the years
Caged within glass jars
And left to drown in despair
343 · Aug 2018
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
I'm burning up
From the inside out
My heart's erupt
My souls in a blackout

A poison festers in me
Leaving ash behind
A corrosive black sea
Crashing through my mind

All I am is a empty shell
Void of all everything
Open for demons to dwell
This bird can no longer sing

I'm withering away
My soul, mind, my heart
So heavily they weigh
Before they shatter apart
325 · Jul 2018
Glass Wall
Ekaterina Vorona Jul 2018
A glass wall surround me
Blocking out foes, friends and family
I know I'm all alone, I know I'm not free
But this is the only way I can be

Its fragile, made of harsh words and cold
To push everyone away from my disastrous world
Even when I wish to be in your soft hold
To keep them away, my happiness I've sold

I'm so lonely, I'm in so much mental pain
But they say, with no pain, there's no gain
So I'll endure the brutal, unending rain
Waiting for the sun, even when I'm no longer sane
293 · Aug 2018
Eternal Sleep
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
Don't think that I want to die
Its just that I don't want to live
A chained life where I can't fly
Some things, I just can't forgive

Head in my hands, I think I'm done
Sleep wont heal an exhausted soul
Why even fight, the demons have won
Where there should be a heart, there's an empty hole

Monsters rampage through my mind
I don't think I'll ever be fine again
Everything good, I've left behind
My resolve to press on is wearing thin

The eternal sleep beckons to me
It seems like such a easy way out
A cut, a swallow, and I'll be free
Me, this world could exist without
292 · Aug 2018
Like Ice
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
Like ice, my feelings are numb
Deadened to all of life
Like ice, my heart is frozen
Frozen by anger and strife

Like ice, my soul shatters
I didn't need it anyway
Like ice, my thoughts cut and hurt
I bleed out silently every day
291 · Aug 2018
Apocalypse For One
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
The light always fades and goes
The darkness comes to chase it away
Bringing the shadows, my old foes
I'm just hoping to last another day

This night has no stars, no moon
This night lasts longer than it should
This night wreaks havoc like a typhoon
This night is often misunderstood

What brought on this eternal eclipse?
Can no one else see its shadow?
I'm all alone in this apocalypse
The casualties of joy overflow

It seems the sun will never rise
It seems the light has been destroyed
It seems hope and joy always flies
It seems like life is an empty void
286 · Aug 2018
Fallen Angels
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
Stiches can't hold my broken heart
Glue can't repiece my shattered soul
After they've both been torn apart
They can never again be whole

Burnt feathers on clipped wings
They'll never heal, I'll never fly
The demons, they're like kings
Turning my life into a sad lie

Fallen angels can't soar in life
A fallen angel's a living ghost
Balancing on the edge of a knife
It's pain, not life they tire of most
234 · Aug 2018
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
You always blame it all on me
My fault, no matter what it is
You'll never believe, never see
That I'm just not what you wish

So I'll say goodbye, for forever
You've gotta **** the posion to heal
Don't worry. I won't come back. Ever
This living's a lie, I need to see what's real
234 · Aug 2018
Carpe Diem
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
Another minute, another hour
Time passes without a thought
It drains our strength and power
Unaware of the ruin it's wrought

It's falling grain by grain
Our sand slowly drops away
Don't dwell on regret or pain
Seize the **** out of this day
211 · Jul 2018
Ekaterina Vorona Jul 2018
Onto parallel lines, onto ivory sheets
Letters. Words. They pour out of my soul
A torrent of scribbles, words flying with each heartbeat
Bleeding out as if they could patch my holes

There's too much I have to say
Not enough time, not enough room
Messy scrawls, white against gray
My mind and self, the madness consumes
209 · Jul 2018
The Fire of Love
Ekaterina Vorona Jul 2018
Humanity craves a certain fire
Not for heat and light, but for company
To raise you when you fall, rally you when you tire
To brave life when it darkens so suddenly

A fire that can change, build, and create
New worlds, new stories, new lives
But flames burn and scath and raze and hate
They **** good sense, blind mankind, and wound like knives

A fire that can mend a heart, break a heart, steal a heart
When burning bright, souls are joyous
When smothered, souls are torn apart
With no fires burning, it is what destroys us
196 · Sep 2018
Ekaterina Vorona Sep 2018
Dance in the rain
Shatter the silence
Embrace all your pain
Conquer your tyrants

Let your fears go
Set your heart free
Run to a new world
Be who you were meant to be
188 · Aug 2018
The Night
Ekaterina Vorona Aug 2018
The night sky is calm and silent
It doesn't matter what you say or do
The stars and moon listen as you rant
They don't care, they'll shine for you

Everyone sleeps, except for me
The air is cool, peaceful and dark
Peace, calm, tranquility
Each star, a tiny soul, a spark

Constellations glowing up above
All in the deep black sky
What's not to love?
One day I'll touch it and fly
185 · Feb 2020
A Fresh Day
Ekaterina Vorona Feb 2020
The wintry wind bites at my skin,
The crisp cold hanging hungrily in the air
And loitering icily down below.

The sunny sky shines brightly ripe,
Music beats softly with my steps,
Sure and unfaltering on slippery streets.

Face stinging, fingers numb from cold,
I have no set destination.

But my mind is content, my heart warm,
It is a fresh day for a walk-
A blank slate for exploring life's world.
181 · Jul 2018
Ekaterina Vorona Jul 2018
Never hesitate at the blood, the death, the war
Just keep on going, keep on cutting them down
Strike with your fury, scream your battle roar
Fight for your life, for your love, for your crown

Forget about the fall, your fears, the height
Stand up, face up, look the sky in the eye
Do you see it, the sun, its beckoning light?
Go ahead, spread your wings, take off and fly

Don't fear the heat, the sparks, the flames.
Strike the match, light the pyre, watch it dance ever higher
Let it burn, let them all fear our names
We're children of the stars, we'll set the world afire
178 · Jul 2018
You'll Fly
Ekaterina Vorona Jul 2018
When the stars fall
The sky shatters
Monsters raze all
None of it matters

Plummeting down
With chains bound
And a broken crown
Lost but not found

An angel burns
But no one learns
The tide turns
The cosmos churns

We stay the same
Igniting with flames

The world doesn't care
If a once whole, lonely soul
Without joy or cheer
Begins to tear

But there's still light
Its just out of sight
Your future is bright
Continue to fight

We see you agonize
But life is your prize
The sun will soon rise
You'll fly through the skies
148 · Feb 2020
To Our Memories
Ekaterina Vorona Feb 2020
After your spirit's flown, I'm on my knees
A cage of bones hides your still heartbeat
And by an empty throne, for centuries
I'll be dancing alone, to our memories

— The End —