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Mar 2021 · 830
we all bleed red
Jo Mar 2021
why is racism still a thing?

why is it that some individuals have to experience such pain and trauma?
simply due to their physical appearance.

we all bleed the same color.
we all bleed RED.

we are all the same.
we should all be fighting for equality.
every. single. one. of us

it is so disheartening to know that this is america.
that this is the place that my parents left their home for...

devastating. and exhausting.
Sep 2020 · 230
current thoughts @ 12 am
Jo Sep 2020
wouldn't life be easier if things were just a bit clearer?

he's sweet, this man
he's tender, the way he runs his finger down my face
there's something about the way he speaks, so intelligently

but could it also be that i'm just infatuated with the thought of having somebody to hold
someone to be intimate with
someone to potentially fall in love with

sweet little tender life of mine
can you tell me if this man is meant to be mine?
Jul 2020 · 762
my dearest maxwell
Jo Jul 2020
you are so precious  
your smile and laugh are infectious
you truly are my little sunshine

yet you wish you were dead?
you wish you no longer existed?

don't you know how much it pains me to hear that?

you think you need me?
baby, i need YOU
i can't even imagine a world without you

please don't leave
i promise, it can't rain forever

at the end of the day
you are my little sunshine, remember?
Jun 2020 · 352
racing heart
Jo Jun 2020
one, two, three, breathe
one, two, three, breathe out

it's all in my head
that's what i keep reciting to myself
it's all in my head

but if it's all in my head
why is my heart pounding so loud?
it feels like it might just fall out
May 2020 · 276
you’re forgiven
Jo May 2020
i hope you’re happy
and that it was all worth it  
...for yourself

i hope the girl you’re with now
learns self love  
...for herself  

i had to forgive you
without ever receiving an apology
...for myself
May 2020 · 407
sincerely, me
Jo May 2020
there’s such a hunger for success
and it sits inside of me
i always wonder why this hunger is so **** loud
always growling out of me 

but then it all makes sense
my ancestors didn’t go through all that pain for nothing
they didn’t cry tears of sadness for it to amount to nothing

this is what i’m supposed to be doing
reaching for my dreams
making sure i make all of you proud
this life, this is all for you
May 2020 · 213
Jo May 2020
isn’t it crazy,
that self love isn’t a subject that’s taught in schools?

imagine what a world we’d live in
if more people loved themselves

we’d love each other
what a beautiful thing that’d be
Apr 2020 · 475
Jo Apr 2020
the wind is hitting my face
my heart is beating so fast out of my chest
i’m trying to catch my breath
i have sweat running down my spine all the way down to my legs

the waves are splashing me
more water on my damp body
can’t tell what is sweat and what is salt water

but i’m running and i’m running
by the beach
listening to my favorite music
going along with the beat

tell me,
what else am i supposed to feel except for freeness?
Apr 2020 · 284
act of love
Jo Apr 2020
my parents
the humans who have shaped me
who have cared for me
who have loved me endlessly

they left their homes for me
they left their parents for me
they left the only place they knew for me

oh how it breaks my heart
to even fathom the thought of having to do  that  
to think about all the courage and bravery they had to put on
to have to come to a different country all on their own

for the sake of themselves
for the sake of their families
for the sake of their future family
oh how sad, that they didn’t have a choice
Apr 2020 · 161
to travel again
Jo Apr 2020
i close my eyes
i imagine i’m somewhere - far from home
somewhere warm with a faint breeze
it smells like sunshine

the wind is blowing on my face
i’m smiling
and i feel grateful  

that i made it to this point
that i made it to yet another travel destination
and that i’m enjoying this life of mine all over again
Apr 2020 · 83
Jo Apr 2020
i lay awake thinking
am i being too sensitive
am i being too crazy

it all feels like a dream
how did it go from that to this, so quick
how much longer until everything goes back to normal?

waves of frustration all over me
waves of sadness slowly drowning me

i’m trying to see the light
but the light is becoming smaller and smaller and smaller
please help me focus on that light just a little longer

— The End —