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Jet Rose Jan 2017
Make no mistake I don't like the cold
for it tinkers with the prospect of getting old.

The feel of wood thrills me, it reminds me of the old tree it used to be.

I am perplexed by the ordinary, like how I can move my hands, or touch my toes.

My note book is full of junk, maybe useful for some. Scribblings of the day, so much undone.

This seat is comfy for now until I get an itch, thoughts run wild, feelings fleeting. What exactly am I meant to be teaching?
Jet Rose Jan 2017
A distinguished flourishing of the human heart
is a rare find, but it can be found amongst mankind.

Gentleness and compassion are treasured gifts
they lift us from merky pits.

In the vast sea of space, grows flowers of grace
but to see such beauty one must taste, the bitterness of life, but equally it's sweet taste.

When your thirsts not been quenched and your souls been wrenched do not fall in sorrow, for all is not spent.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
My coffee is luke warm, the pideons are feeding on bread, I merge in the abyss in awe and good stead.

Strangers pass me by, a whilst the day has just begun,  I sit here in silence, under the beaming rays of sun.

No tasks to bare in mind, no challenges to be won, I  indulge in my imagination for both solace and for fun

As I reconcile my mistakes, and peer into the horizons ahead, I enjoy splendid feelings of hopefulness,without a single tear to shred

A friendly relationship with this moment, and a sincere wish to be, an ambassador of this life, to live joyfully and and free.

The universe is hinged in our minds, and our hearts, for life is a unified bond we can never be apart.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
This strong character ingrained by the fierce experiences she's faced
gives her the ability to hold unimaginable grace.

A woman whos heart is so precious so deep
Harmonies the tunes that makes a grown man weep

Her style of pragmatism so stylish and sleek
solving lifes riddles in a flash of a heartbeat.

She carries an attitude of splender and glow
A rare treaure that the world ought to know.

Like an elegant butterfly she travels light
with the fortitude of a warrior endowed with  might

Who is is this lady I care to speak of?
A woman of my heart the one I dream of.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
I wish your camera could capture my inner landscape
for at times It would show rows of lush green meadows, deep still waters and vibrant rainbows.

I wish your camera could capture my heart ache
for at times you would see turbulent winds with violent black holes, jagged nails and deep buried gold.

I wish a your camera could capture my imagination
for you would see a worlds inisde worlds covered in oceans of pink, a dispay of unseen colours one could not possibly think.

I wish your camera could capture my thoughts
for you would see a rusty old machine operating with frozen cogs, attempting to function in a blazing fog.

I wish your camera could capture my mind
for you would finally understand this pain of mine.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Finally the rocks have stopped falling
I can manoeuvre around the rubble
A  sweet scent of serenity with no sign of trouble

The battle has run its corse
The soldiers have returned home
Peace is on its way
My Love has been sown

The crushing storm has ended
The deep rivers run
A blissful state of rest
A joyful game of fun.

The pain has stopped aching
The hate has stopped hating
I can just be myself
Without all the faking.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
The elusive masks strikes again
A faceless man, no end in sight nowhere to begin

Stanger unto himself, a twist of lucicrously lurking around the corner.
Broken records playing to the march of his feet
A down and out shoe nothing left to lose

Shakey hands pressed on his face
He thinks of the void within

Hoping to be captured like a screenshot
but fate slips through his hands as he forgot.
Sad hope old age lonliness thought void empty path destiny pain love
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