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 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
You are beautiful.
You're a man?
Doesn't matter.
You are beautiful.
Life is beautiful.
So you are too.
You wear a dress?
Doesn't matter
I do too.
You're lonely?
Me too.
You like tea?
Life *****, man.
So get the hell up and live.
Ignore the protests.
Ignore the hate.
Lets hold hands and think.
Don't hate please. (:
 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
She doesn't know
But I think I love her
And I think that I want her
To be mine
She doesn't know
But talking to her
Makes me smile like
I've just won the lottery
She doesn't know
But even writing this
I get a pang in my stomach
From a storm of butterflies
She doesn't know
But no one compares to her
She doesn't know
But everyone else does
 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
You call me
We talk for awhile
We laugh and love and smile

We Skype
I see your beautiful face
The person that I adore

We both fall asleep
Like we always do
With sleepy smiles looking at each other
It's amazing how love can travel such distances

I'm half awake
Your cute little snores
And talking to yourself
Woke me from my dreams of you

I'm still barely awake
But in my slumbering state of mind
I love you
I can only think I love you
I could never think anything else
Other than I wish you knew
And I wish you loved me too..
Too bad she has a girlfriend...
 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
My mother warned me about the monsters underneath my bed
And the ones hiding in my closest
She told me about the monsters in the world too
The ones that would take advantage of me
And possibly **** me
She never warned me about the monsters
With a perfect waterfall of hair
And shimmering magenta lips
She never warned me about the monsters with a perfect smile
And eyes that shine as brilliantly as the moon
Or the monsters with freckles that drape like constellations on their cheek bones
And the monsters that look at you with a piercing gaze it hurts to breathe
She forgot to warn me about monsters with soft skin
and devious minds
The monsters who walk so elegantly and taunt me with the swaying of their hips
The monsters that creep under my skin and speak gentle words into my ear
Mommy why didn't you warn me about the monsters that don't look like monsters at all?
The monsters that lure me in with their beauty and eat me alive
Until they've managed to rip open my sternum and take my heart
 Sep 2017 AyJay
Like A Drug
 Sep 2017 AyJay
That girls more like a drug
Not the good kind that cures disease
But the kind that is a disease
That causes the disease
That girl is addictive
And I'm attached
Send me to rehab
Cause I can't stay away
From her nor the blade.
 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
In the yellow light we shared....
....a love dance.
.something we could both achieve
With eyes wide open.

A first for me....
....a heartache for two.
We both collapsed
Achieving everything.
 Sep 2017 AyJay
5:17 PM
 Sep 2017 AyJay
You are not defined by the frail spine that stretches when you reach up to embrace me.
You are not defined by the plump lips that form my name in times of desperation.
You are not defined by the eyes that look at me and make me feel like the heat of a forest fire is on my chest.

You are defined by the loves you’ve lost.
You are defined by the words you’ve screamed at your mother out of pure fury.
You are defined by the quick beating of your heart when you look at another girl, my love.

Most of all, you are defined by the dark past that you are so reluctant to share with me.
Let me in.

(p.h) (j.w.)
we never worked out. no longer relevant.
 Sep 2017 AyJay
 Sep 2017 AyJay
Your kisses used to taste like love,
But now kisses taste a lot like leaving.
When the past calls,
I will not answer.
I cannot let myself be toiled with delusions of grandeur,  
Sighing at a wilted garden once called Eden.
This garden, being the same one we built together,
Belonging to us both,
Has long been abandoned.  
I will let the wilting red roses die,
Just like the memory of the way your kisses taste,
Just like the way you let our love die.
I'm going through a breakup right now. I dont know if this really makes any sense to anyone but me, but it suits my feelings for the moment.
 Sep 2017 AyJay
Bre Woeller
 Sep 2017 AyJay
Bre Woeller
Society scoffs when a man
holds hands with a man. Shakes
their head at a                  woman kissing
another woman.                        For-fidelity to them
is between the                              opposite. When
it's between                                      love and love
Rainbows are                                        for the outcasts
of society. Yet                                                  for innocent
children Where                                                same genders
holds hands with                                                    out a problem
These colors                                                          represent a place
where a ***                                                                  of gold exists

— The End —