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 May 2018 Haley
Ciel Noir
 May 2018 Haley
Ciel Noir
I may seem open
like a flower
petals upon petals
shroud a tight furled core
deep within
sheltered, snowed in, slumbering
I have yet to bloom
 May 2018 Haley
Ismail Nasution
I can't remember
Whether it's love or leave
That hurts the most
 Apr 2018 Haley
Alice Lovey
I want to write of nature.
I want to write of mountains.
I want the white waters of the rivers
To engulf me,
Coldly calming my swollen heart.
But I am only in an office park devoid of green.
These towers are like trees,
But lifeless and alone am I
Even in the crowd around me.
I want the smell of the soil.
I want the fractals of sun through the leaves.
Take my hand tightly and guide me
'Cross the slippery stones along this path.
My favorite things are those photogenic flowers...
The ones here don't grow quite the same,
Trapped in a small patch of dying dirt.
I look at that concrete cage and think of me.
I want to write of nature, but there are only mirrors
Of the glass miles high that show me exactly where I was never meant to be.
The city slowly becomes less of my favorite thing... I wish I had a travel partner.
 Apr 2018 Haley
Get lost with me
Let's disappear together
Let's stray so far that we are all we see
Let's forget how to get home
And let's let ourselves be free
Get lost in my eyes
Give yourself to the earth
Give yourself to me
For this moment nothing else exists
For this moment the past and the future don't matter
Let's live in the moment
Let's live by the touch of our hands
Let's live by the gentle breeze
And let's let it carry us away
Get lost with me
 Apr 2018 Haley
Jasleen kalra
And if you are to love,
Love as the moon loves.
It doesn't steal the night,
It only unveils the beauty of the dark.

And if you are to love,
Love as the rain loves.
It doesn't wet the bodies,
It only washes the sad dirt of the souls.

And if you are to love,
Love as the wind loves.
It doesn't drift away,
It only cleanse you to the core by invading through each pore.

And if you are to love,
Love as the sun loves.
It doesn't radiates heat,
It only pours its warmth on you to enlighten your way.

And if you are to love,
Love as the star loves.
It doesn't delightfully twinkles,
It only reminds you that not even death can separate two hearts.

And so forth,
if you are to love
Love as the whole universe
& not just a part of it.
 Apr 2018 Haley
One and Only
 Apr 2018 Haley
One and Only
I've seen the lies,
the problem,
I've dealt my cards,
I want a difference,
all talk.
I don't do anything,
Just walk.

We have to do it,
We have to change.
Stand your ground,
Hope has to remain.
 Apr 2018 Haley
 Apr 2018 Haley
I'm in so deep
It's getting hard to tell
What is up and what is down
 Apr 2018 Haley
 Apr 2018 Haley

I just think alot
I'm not weak
I just feel alot
I'm not probing
I just see alot

they whisper
oohh "she so deep"
I ain't loud
I just make words
echo when I speak

I am not
simply because
I utilize
my mind
to think!

Nothing more
far from less
than just another
poetry freak
He's thinking about other women
You're not the ocean he's swimming
But you're brimming
With perfection for me
I want to move like the tides
For you in the pitch black
Just stay on your back
And let the insecurities wash ashore
Let peace as I touch be your main focus
It's never been about my desires
But oh lord how do you sleep at night letting yourself be deprived of such a great feeling?
You'd give me that tight
Instense feeling
And I want to release it
On you and nobody else
He's browsing through the app to see what he can find
I just want to be the person who can get behind
You and make you feel at home
I want to dream and live it
Not just dream
We're apart of the same team
So let me give you effort to win a dynasty
Your highnessty

— The End —