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 Sep 2017 Fireflies
 Sep 2017 Fireflies
Black and White,
That's all I can see,
I am tired of it,
So I paint it with red using my wrist.
 Sep 2017 Fireflies
I wish someone would’ve caught this when I was looking at suicidal poems online,

when i was sitting in my room so stuck in my mind I couldn’t move,

when i stopped eating,

when i started losing interest in my life.

I wish someone would’ve caught this a year and a half ago on the 14th of February

when i was in so much pain that digging a pen into my thigh was a relief

Instead I made friends who were in as much pain as i was

who understood my want to die

who didn’t tell me that i needed help

who didn’t talk me into a therapist.

By the time I asked for help by myself it was august a year and a half after my depression became noticeable

2 years after I stopped eating more than two things at lunch

6 months after i became suicidal

6 months after i spent a night in my room begging to die on my birthday listening to the same song over and over crying  because i didn’t want another year of life

i wanted to die

I wish someone would’ve caught it…

But I catch it now…

Or I try to, others help me catch it, others do whats best for me.

I didn’t get help till 6 months after i was suicidal

It makes sense that 3 months and one year later I’m still struggling

especially when i only decided to live for myself 44 days ago on may 9th

I imagine its always harder to undue something than it is to do  it.

So i imagine its gonna take longer than 6 months to overcome my suicidal thoughts.

especially if it took me a year and 2 months to decide to live after a year and two months of wanting to die

fight my darling and remember,

I love you
I wrote you a letter but never sent it.
I still have the envelope.
I'm burdened by older days
Can't seem to push these thoughts away.

A dark room in a local bar.
We shared secrets we went to far.
I wrote it all down so I wouldnt forget.
Put it in a letter but didn't send it.

Why can't we ever say what we mean.
This life's to short to be discreet.
Why can't we ever say what we mean?
Sometimes this life feels like a dream.

I bought the stamp and everything.
I wrote the address so easily.
But when the time came
I couldnt do the deed.

And when I'm lost in thought it's always with you.
We promised things we couldn't make true.
What's wrong with us?

Why can't we ever say what we mean.
This life's to short to be discreet.
Why can't we ever say what we mean?
Sometimes this life feels like a dream.
Hi, my name is Black Rose
And I'm an addict.

I'm not here for rehabilitation
I have no fancy to cure my obsession.
I yield willingly to this terminal fixation
I brandish it brazenly for all humanity to bear witness.

I voluntarily surrender
To this sweet, seductive habit
I'm hopeless
But need no extrication.

Oh yes,
I'm a freak,
I'm an addict,
I'm a ******.

My mind and
body cannot function
Without my daily fix
I live by having a drag
Every second

Day by day
My need goes stronger
I'm permanently light-headed
From the cloudy ecstacy
Constantly surrounding me
I'm in total delight
I'm in pure luxury

I'm a freak,
I'm an addict,
I'm a ******

I'm addicted to your love.
 Aug 2017 Fireflies
i killed the things i miss the most
my passions
my children
my mind

i opened a box i regret the most
my troubles
my divorce
my addiction

i haven’t remembered the last time i worried
the tears in my children’s eyes
the fire spreading upon their clothing

i haven’t remembered the last time i cried
my husband running away
my house in foreclosure

i haven’t remembered the last time i kneeled
to the one who stands above me
to the one seeking my soul
 Aug 2017 Fireflies
Jenna Kay
We’re sitting on your bed listening to your new record player
But your voice is the real music to me
Our laughter creates harmonies that I swear would put a Broadway musical to shame
And the sound of your eyes is a ringing in my ears that I never want to go away
You rest your head on my shoulder as you grow tired, and I’m praying that you can’t hear the feelings that I am breathing out so quickly
My heart is beating so hard against my chest, I’m scared it will break through my ribs
And what may look like a blush to you, feels like a volcano to me
All my blood rushing to the crook of my neck your head seems to fit so perfectly in
Can you feel my skin burning?
Can you see straight through it, because I feel translucent
Can you hear the song of my body rising to full volume?
Because of you.
I’m just a hopeless romantic
A slow indie acoustic and you’re a punk rock head banger, unable to hear anything over the sound of your own screaming
But as you scream for love, hands stretched out, looking for someone to wrap their arms around you, I’ll stay sitting next to you, humming my affection
And as your friend, I’ll help you search, even though I know it won’t be my arms to embrace you in the end
But, ****, if only I could get into those headphones of yours
My tears would turn into musical notes between the lines of my notebook paper
And I would sing
I’d breathe the lyrics of “loved” against your fair cheeks
I’d make sure that “cared for” was stained in lipstick on the palms of your reaching hands
So that you always have something to hold onto
So that you always have someone to hold onto
And I don’t even expect you to sing along
I just hope that you’ll listen
Because I just keep thinking
How beautiful you would look dressed in a classical symphony
So I’ll play you on the ivory
I’ll harmonize to your melody
And I’ll be sitting right here next to you, in case you ever need me to sing
 Jun 2017 Fireflies
Shelby Lynn
 Jun 2017 Fireflies
Shelby Lynn
Four, nearly five years ago, he was 4 years and 11 months my senior. We would stay up most of the night. Together. Then I would wake up and he would be gone. And after a few months it became a normal thing to wake up alone. Undisturbed and a little cold. Make the bed. Put away dishes. Gather my things. Go home. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Until one day he was gone for 8 months. No goodbye. No farewell. Just a break up text and disappointment. I would wake up and he would be gone. But this time he would be thousands of miles away. And all I could think about was water. And where the heck he could possibly be. But not wanting to write, because I didn't want to bother him. But I drank and caved in. I was tired of drowning. It was hot there. Over 100 degrees. He sent pictures and wrote back quickly. He came back. He showed me things he bought from other countries. I smiled again. He showed me more pictures. He got a dog. Fast forward another year. I would wake up and he would be gone. It was a normal thing by now. We had a routine. Make the bed. Put away dishes. Play with the dog. Gather my things. Go home. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Drown. Tell him how I felt. Radio silence. 10ft down. Explain how long I felt that way. No explanation from him. 20ft. No apology. 30ft. Direct questioning on how he felt. Dodged and avoided. 40ft. Go to bed. Wake up. And he's gone again. 50ft. 60ft. And it's cold. I can't feel my toes anymore. And it's getting dark. Play with the dog. 70ft. Make the bed and put away dishes. 80ft. Gather my things. Go home. 90ft. Silence. 100ft. And I'm done. I can no longer breathe. And I can no longer swim. I am sinking. And the pressure of the water is crushing my lungs. For two years I choked on sea water. I lived and I died. I waited. But I didn't cry. At 100ft under the waves tears are pretty pointless. After two years of wanting this thing, this person, I no longer want it. Because it doesn't want me. But I'm still afraid when I wake up. And the bed is empty. And I still panic when someone walks out the door. Because I never know which time will be the last. Or which ocean they're about to cross. And my childlike awe and innocence were thrown overboard and forgotten. It created an obsession for that lifestyle. So I became it. I woke up early. I pushed myself farther than I thought possible. And after years of watching him put his on, I earned my own uniform. And I went back to him. But I felt nothing. I surfaced. I can swim again. I have no feelings. I don't even have ill will anymore. He's only a friend. And there will come a day, quite soon, actually, when he will go home. Halfway across the country. And he won't be back. And I won't see him again. Ever. And that's ok. Because people leave. And sometimes they don't come back. And you're cold and a little disturbed. But you make the bed. Gather your things. And leave. Now the one who has panic attacks, the light sleeper, the one who holds a pillow at night to take the place of a body, and the one who begs you not to go, becomes the one who can't be tied down. She leaves. She drifts. Floating on the waves alone in peace and absolute terror. But not love. Not hate. Because she lost all feeling about 100ft down.

The best part is, 5 years later you're begging for me to enter your life again. Once or twice a week, you're inviting me out with you and your friends. You're asking me what I've been up to, where have I been and why haven't I seen you lately. But I'm here. I have always been here. You were the one who left. Every morning. Your time has passed. I was young and dumb. Which is why you probably never cared much. Understandable. I grew up. And now you see my worth. But so do I. And I will never allow myself to be disrespected like that again. Lesson learned. Now it's your turn to wake up alone. Make your bed. Put away your dishes. Gather your things and go home.
My world,
was overcast in
many ways, dark
cloudy gloomy days,
scary moonless starless nights,
The heart was sinking with pain.
One day with lightning it poured as
rain of words themes, i wrote, wrote and wrote, in the  dream space i float, now my grey world is painted with the colorful themes, highlighted with my deepest feelings and in the bright sky the words are dancing with syllables,
The seeds of hope buried in the dark, when watered with the raining words, sprouted. The plant, when nourished by divine grace, fertilised by new ideas and creativity, came out of doom, about to bloom. one day
it will offer the shadow
of solace and the
fruits of love to
 Jun 2017 Fireflies
 Jun 2017 Fireflies
There was a girl who became her dreams,

but her dreams were just nightmares in disguise.
 Jun 2017 Fireflies
Blood drips down the blade.
Time flies by; memories fade.
Pain has been erased.
Time can heal almost all wounds.
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